Mass movement in Malkangiri for a central tribal university in KBK

August 11th, 2007 reports on this. Following is a picture from Kalinga Times.

Following is Lalit Patnaik’s report and pictures on it.

Dear Friends,
                       On behalf of Agami Odisha, me and Dillip Sabat has been deputed to participate in the mass rally for demand of KBK university. Our President sri Dhiren Ray wished us good luck in the departing moment.
                       We have to travel 700 KM to reach Malkangiri from Bhubaneswar. 350 KM by Train up to Vizaynagaram,  and subsequently by Bus another 225 Km through Ghat up to Jeypore and rest 125 Km through deep jungle to Malkangiri. We reached their in the early morning hours to be received by Malkangiri MLA Mr Nimai Sarkar and his associates. We proceeded to Dandakaranya Guest House and found Police in the nook and corner of Malkangiri town, the last one of Orissa before Chattishgarah. The town is Naxal infected and it needs courage to live there, for Police as well as for People.
                       Mr Sadan naik, MLA of Kodinga came along with his associate by 11 am and our rally started at 11.30 am from bus stand arena. I was really surprised to see the large gathering of students( Young men and women ) of not less than 1250 in number. There were around 250 Intellectuals, business men and retired old persons. The rally was led at three places, front one by Intellectuals, the middle one by the women students and the last one by Men students. the slogan of KBK University is our demand reverberated the high walls of Malkangiri Mountain and almost entire town was by the side road watching the marathon rally of nearly 1 Km long. The rally moved for 2 hours and culminated at Collector’s Office. Collector rushed to his office from a meeting some where else so as to receive our Memorandum to the President of India. Even after handing over of memorandum, the students were in no mood to disperse but went on giving slogans for their right to have a University around KBK. The people were aghast since long, because the nearest University of Berhampur is 500 Km away from their place.
                          Sincerity of their demand was well visible from the eyes of those boys as well as girl students. After wards, the president of their college walked close to me and expressed his thanks to Agamee odisha for taking up their cause. In return I assured him to carry their message to the Swabhimani odiya all over the world, to support in their endeavor to get an Central funded University at KBK.
                          They are struggling for their right to higher education, amidst the chaos of Naxalisim. They are not demanding their land to be annexed to Chattisgarah, a very close by State, nor are they demanding for more food or money but are only asking for a Central University, which we all should fight and get it for them, is not it. Are they not real swabhimani Odiya’s ?.

While staying 700 Km away from the capital, they are reciting the song of Mother Odiya, day in and day out.

I salute them.

Lalit Pattnaik


Entry Filed under: Central University of Orissa, Koraput,Colleges,HRD of Tribals and/or Tribal areas,KBK education

1 Writeup

  • 1. Dipti Prakash Palai  |  May 1st, 2009 at 8:31 pm

    This movement is really appriciable.First of all reading the article I got it sad that to reach Malkanagiri from Bhubaneswar we never had direct route.Its the basic thing.How it has not been suprise to our people and How our Rulers are acceptable with this fact that we can not access our own place in our own state .its really shameful.It has been long since we got indipendence and had a separate state then our Govt should have been indulge to develpo all basic things.How long they will take for that.It must not be that Govt did not have money.How we have been bearing this unfair thing to us.we all have fault.what could not make our Govt. to do such basic things.And so till now we have been demanding for KBK University.Untill we did not get in one way something that is unacceptable mentality we can not do something.Atleast if we could have found people such mentality in our Govt.Or in our people who with this could change the world, our world where we counted the day to see sun rise in our Horizon for a better future.


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