UCE becomes Vir Surendra Sai University of Technology

December 18th, 2008

Following from a report in Pioneer.

The Burla Engineering College has been accorded with a Unitary University status. A Bill to this effect on Wednesday got the nod of the State Assembly. After passing of the Bill, the university is now known as Vir Surendra Sai University of Technology.

As per the provision of the bill, a Management Committee, Academic Council of Studies, Finance Committee and other necessary committee, which is deemed to be necessary for the functioning of the university, would be set up.

One Vice-Chancellor, Registrar, Controller of Finance, Controller of Examination, Students’ Welfare Dean would be appointed. However, the Vice-Chancellor would be appointed on the recommendation of the Chancellor.

Entry Filed under: Sambaplpur-Burla-Jharsuguda-Baragarh area (4),UCE Burla (became a university),VSS University of Technology (formerly UCE Burla)

6 Writeup

  • 1. Digambara Patra  |  December 18th, 2008 at 3:45 pm

    I think it is a good renaming over “Oriss University of Technology” becasue of the reason that technical colleges of whole Orissa are affiliated under BPUT. “Orissa University of Technology” would have been confused with BPUT. Next step by the state Govt. should be to make BPUT in the line of Anna University by establishing its own campus at Rourkela and at least ONE fully state Govt. funded engineering college/university in each undivided districts of Kalahandi, Balangir, Koraput and Kandhamal-Boud, only those undivided districts that do not have any fully state Govt. funded higher educational institution. Even ignoring national institutions, rest of the 9 out of 13 districts has at least one higher educational institution fulled funded by Orissa state Government. This unequal distribution should be equalized before establsihing more higher educational institutions in other regions of Orissa or in divided districts.

  • 2. Guru Panigrahy  |  December 19th, 2008 at 1:49 pm

    Orissa government must grant unitary university status to Khallikote College and transfer the land adjacent to the college instead of selling it to establish its shopping mall which can come at a different location.

  • 3. Digambara Patra  |  December 19th, 2008 at 7:52 pm

    Sometime back my proposal to Orissa Govt was to convert Khallokote College, GM College, Govt. college Bhawanipatna, Rajndra College Balangir and BD College Jeypore to state universitites and RD Women’s college to a Women University.

    In my opinion each undivided dist should have a state university on their own and major cities in Orissa, Berhampur (Khalikote), Sambalpur (VVSUM), Cuttack (Law Univ), Bhubaneswar (RD Women/Culture Univ) and Rourkela (BPUT) should have each one additonal universities due to the cities/population.

    However, I am not in favor of any new state university in Orissa unless undivided district of Koraput, Balangir, Kalahandi and Kandhamal-Boud each has at least one fully state Govt. funded engg college or medical college or state Univ.

    All 9 other undivded districts has one or more higher educational institution fully funded by state Govt. except KBKK, this clearly shows ignorance of state Govt towards KBKK region

  • 4. varsha naik  |  August 14th, 2009 at 7:09 pm

    sir, i have done admission in your college in the branch mechanical .kindly give me the required details of joining and any other details available.
    thank you

  • 5. satya prakash pradhan(2008_2012)  |  March 16th, 2011 at 10:04 am

    uce is the collage where totaly a diffrnt culture is adopted which we cant get in any other clg..so its a totaly difrnt experience to spend tym in uce..no one can gain dis until nt spnd tym in uce..

  • 6. Rajeev gupta  |  October 12th, 2011 at 2:13 am

    I wnt to know the best things about vssut…


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