Sambalpur University to have a IIIT like IT institute; State to give 10 crores.

February 11th, 2010

Update: Following is from Samaja.

Following is from a report in Pioneer.

The State Government has decided to set up a technical university in Sambalpur. This university would be christened as Sambalpur University Institute of Information Technology. The State Government has provided Rs 10 crore for this institute.

The Pioneer news above is a bit inaccurate. As far as I know it will be a part of Sambalpur University. The idea was mooted by Sambalpur University VC (who was earlier a Computer Science professor at University of Hyderabad) Prof. Arun Pujari. I have seen part of the proposal. Prof. Pujari had a very good proposal. His proposal and persistent efforts to get it approved finally got enthusiastic support from the IT Secretary Mr. Pradipta Mahaptra, the RDC and the Additional Chief Secretary Mr. S. P. Nanda and higher education officials (HE Secretary Mr. M. Padhi and others) and ministry. Kudos to all of them.

With the establishment of this Odisha will soon have three IIIT type institutes in Bhubaneswar, Berhampur and Sambalpur.

Special thanks to Prof. Arun Pujari. He has several other innovative plans for Sambalpur University. He has also made some very good hires in the Science disciplines at Sambalpur University.  If he continues at the current rate he will be remembered as one of the best VCs of Sambalpur University. Lets support his innovative initiatives with all our heart.

Entry Filed under: Berhampur-Gopalpur-Hinjilicut area (3),Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),NITs, IIITs,Sambalpur University,Sambaplpur-Burla-Jharsuguda-Baragarh area (4)

17 Writeup

  • 1. situn  |  February 11th, 2010 at 2:13 am

    yes its a very goodnews for all of us
    but again we ve to demand for an another iiit @ rourkela…

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  February 11th, 2010 at 3:37 am

    I think if the BPUT Rourkela VC goes to the CM and asks for a similar deal for a IIIT in Rourkela under BPUT, he will get it. But he has to do that. That is the easiest way to do it.

    Also, my understanding is that BPUT has been sanctioned to have 5 research centers with at lesat 5 faculty each. BPUT VC can use part of that in building a BPUT-IIIT in Rourkela.

  • 3. Dillip Kumar Mohanty  |  February 11th, 2010 at 6:08 am

    yes IIIT type institute shuld come up at Rourkela

    it shuld hve been pressed earlier

  • 4. alok  |  February 11th, 2010 at 7:59 am

    I hope the the new VC will definetly do something and i am sure he has plans to make BPUT best at par and bring back its lost glory.

  • 5. Saumya Ranjan Mohapatra  |  February 11th, 2010 at 8:03 am

    This is really a good news. Similar center of excellence like in Energy research and Biotech should be perused at Utkal and Berhampur Universities.

  • 6. Preeti  |  February 11th, 2010 at 10:45 am

    I again repeated same thing here. State govt. is feeling shame for set up any new Institute at Rourkela. If Rourkela peoples really want any development at Rourkela then they just follow up the foot path of sambapur’s peoples . go against state govt….slogans for new stat…. . every week make strike. rail rok ,

  • 7. situn  |  February 11th, 2010 at 11:15 am

    after the new building innaguration in the bput chhend ,they can run iiit in that old ugie campus building rourkela….

  • 8. situn  |  February 11th, 2010 at 11:21 am

    our new vice chancellor is a very good person….

    i hope that he will not do any kind of cheap things as of our old vice chancellor o.n.mohanty, who has shifted all the departments from rkl to bbsr by misusing his power.

    so lets hope 4 d best…

  • 9. situn  |  February 11th, 2010 at 1:54 pm

    U can mail him at

  • 10. mihir  |  February 11th, 2010 at 2:36 pm

    Dear Preeti
    Big example is esic medical college in Rourkela. now no body opened their mouth in favour of esic medical college in Rourkela.
    In spite of every body has know the big truth behind this. It is in cold storage. There is no Reply from 2nd RTI report from odisha govt. which is filled up on 22 oct’ 2010. As seen the activities of Odisha govt. it is feeling that Rourkela or sundergarh is not in Odisha govt. map.

  • 11. bijoy  |  February 11th, 2010 at 8:03 pm

    Why Roukela always loses the race?
    Genuinely it does not have a single voice….reasons are quite obvious. Observe the so called leadership provided by our leaders. Secondly the type of agitations or hue and cry we make. It is never focussed to achieve something.

    I think heterogenity in population is attributed to it. Though it is a big plus in many situations. I sadly say very few people own Rourkela. I am speaking the unpleasant truth. Even now people confuse whether Rourkela is in Orissa or Bihar/Jharkhand. Why blame X, Y and Z. To settle personal score

  • 12. Chitta Baral  |  February 11th, 2010 at 9:41 pm

    Guys and Gals:

    This is not the thread to complain about Rourkela. Please congratulate the Sambalpur VC for his success.

    At best, please learn from his effort and pursue with BPUT VC and NIT Director for anything that you want in Rourkela. Instead of being in the complaining mode, be in the learning mode. As I said if BPUT VC makes similar effort for a IIIT under BPUT he has a high chance of succeeding. Similarly, if NIT Director pursues a medical college he can be successful. Then there is SAIL Rourkela which can be pursued for a medical college. Contact XIM with a free land offer. You will get a campus of XIM.

    Are you guys trying any of this angles?

    STOP whining and take positive steps.

    Yes, ESIC has not been fully successful yet! It has been partially successful though. You can move on or even keep trying more on that. But don’t put all your effort and hopes on that. If you want more good things happen to Rourkela take proactive steps. Above I have listed some angles.

  • 13. Preeti  |  February 12th, 2010 at 9:58 am

    Dear Bijoy

    You are cent% right. now Rourkela peoples are confused either they are belong from Odisha or other states. This situation also made by our Odisha Govt. now our central govt is understand how to handle the border areas . so they are giving more focus on arunachal pradesh . here Iam giving same suggestion to our Odisha govt .

  • 14. mihir  |  February 12th, 2010 at 1:26 pm

    Mr. Bijay

    We don’t blame any body. we don’t agitations to any body . we are feeling very happy if any new development is happen in west Odisha,south odisha,nourth odisha,east odisha. This is the discussion or suggestion forum. You don’t think that only here we are giving our suggestion favour of Rourkela ? . we Rourkela or sundergarh peoples were send lakh of letter to cm office for new development at Rourkela. But nothing effect to CM office.we unable to daunt our state govt on name of new ……. We are Odiya and we love our Odisha. We don’t want to give such type of slogans which hit the unite of Odisha.Next point is that you should known Rourkela peoples are very peaceful minded. They only demand for new development but don’t do any strike and such type of activities which is affect general peoples. This the main weak point of Rourkela peoples.

  • 15. Prashant K Sahoo  |  February 13th, 2010 at 12:33 pm

    Dear Bijay Mahasaya,

    Do you know how many outside of Odisha, know Odias and Odisha in general ? When the Odias have failed entirely in establishing their identity both at national level and international level comparitively to other states, why to talk about Rourkela ? Rourkela is just a history of 45 years. It is the youngest and is so vibrant city of Odisha . Before that it was just a Jungle. Its the only example which is setup by our leaders ( for which I really commend their efforts and vision ) , where it is learnt that a Jungle can be turned into a great city. I wish similar setup is done in other places of Odisha.

    It is the youngest city of Odisha yet dynamic and perhaps most famous in Odisha and outside of Odisha and more productive for entire Odisha. I do remember 20 years back , when I went outside of Odisha, other state people could immediately remember the capital of Odisha , Bhubaneswar but they could easily point out Rourkela as a steel city and because of REC. However, you are correct Rourkela is loosing the race after 1990 due to many reasons not just people. The leaders of Odisha including that of local Rourkela has overlooked odisha. Do you think we have visionary leaders like Nabakrushna Choudhury or Biju Patnaik ?

    At the same time, this is the city which is called UPANTA ANCHALA . It means boarder to many neighboring state. So definitely who doesn’t know much about Odisha will be confused with its location. Some people with fun call Rourkela as USA ( Uttara Sundargarh Area ) .

    I would rather recommend Rourkela make its position unique with a perfectly balaned ambiance and not copy and pasting from others. Of course its citizens now needs to take things into hand for its development when we don’t have good leaders both from Rourkela and the capital who can think of the potential of Rourkela as a city.

  • 16. b k mahapatro  |  February 14th, 2010 at 11:10 pm

    (1)Congrats, Mr V C (Pujari Babu), Shape it in line or better than IIIT -HYD. That is your challange.

    (2)business people of the region ( and persons who matter must press for an Air port in the vicinity (sam’ur; jhasu’da; or rkl)


    The above two proposals would greatly facilitate in ‘positioning’ as well as ‘promoting’ Technical education with a focus towards business as well as placing Odisha in the it-education map of India..
    Perhaps, we discussed this when we met last
    Best wishes once again.- ijay k mahapatro

  • 17. amlan anurag  |  March 14th, 2010 at 9:27 pm

    i myself is a student of iiit ……….nd dnt you people think establishing so many iiit’s will result in degrading the importance of the iiit brand ….we should be proud that we have such institution nd we should take every possible step to make it a real international institution…


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