Rejoinder to “Vedanta University: a flawed pipe dream”

August 29th, 2007

Following is a rejoinder to a recent Hindu article titled "Vedanta University: a flawed pipe dream,"  written by Philip G. Altbach.

While it is possible that Vedanta University, may not turn out as envisioned, it is definitely not a flawed pipe dream. We now show why some of the
arguments given in the above article is flawed.

1. This article talks about $1 billion (the number $3 billion is thrown as an afterthought towards the end of the article) and how it is not a lot money. First, Vedanta University folks have talked about $3 billion, not $1 billion. The $1 billion number is the number that Mr. Agrawal has pledged to contribute; not the number he thinks the university needs. He thinks the later number to be $3 billion. If one wonders where the rest of the $2 billion is supposed to come, then there are two likely sources: (i) the tuition paid by the students and (ii) the use of the real estate in the planned city around the Vedanta University.

Next, lets look at the budget of some of the existing Indian institutions:

What Vedanta University folks have said is that they will spend $1 billion in the initial phase (i.e. Rs 4000 crores) and $3 billion (Rs 12,000 crores) over the next 10-15 years.

Based on the estimates about Rs 4000 crores can be used to build two new IITs (1000 crore*2) + two new IISERs (500 crores*2) + two new central universities (300 crores*2) + two new IIMs (150 crores estimate) + a new National Institute of Design (100 crores estimate). The recurring cost of these would be at 2006-07 estimates would be 2 IITs (200 crores total), two IISERs (200 crores total), two central universities (200 crores), two IIMs (30 crores), an NID (12 crores) = 650 crores. That is about 650/(8000) = 8.125% of the remaining $2 billion of the Vedanta University estimate which is a fairly small percentage of interest. (The Indian market has been making much more in recent years.)

2. The article says: "No research university in the world has 100,000 students or even anything close."

As per, following are some large research universities in the US

Arizona State University, Main Campus 51,612
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities 51,175
The Ohio State University 50,504
University of Texas, Austin 49,696
University of Florida 49,693
Michigan State University 45,166
Texas A&M University, College Station 44,910
University of Illinois, Urbana 41,862
University of Wisconsin, Madison 41,447
Pennsylvania State University, University Park 40,709

As per ASU will have 90,000 students in its campuses by 2020. (Note that all its campuses are in the Phoenix metro area. It is not like the multi-campus UC system or U of Texas system.)

So Vedanta’s goal of 100,000 students around the same time is not that different.

3. Location: It seems the author does not have much idea about the location. The Vedanta University location is about 30 miles from the outer periphery (read Khurda) of Bhubaneswar metropolitan area (the capital of Orissa) . Bhubaneswar is very well connected with the rest of the country both by train ( BBSR , Khurda Rd Schedules, Puri Schedules) and by plane and it is expected to have international flights within a year or two . The Bhubaneswar metropolitan area has a current population of 1.6 million and at the rate it is growing (both in area and population) it is likely that by 2020 it will be more than 3 million and its periphery would be close to (if not completely engulfing) Vedanta University.

4. India is hungry for good higher education and people are willing to pay for it. May be the example of KIIT, Bhubaneswar (Orissa) will open the eyes of the author. KIIT was started in 1992 by three young people with an initial investment of few thousand rupees. In 15 years it has programs in multiple fields (engineering, management, medical science, Rural management, biotechnology, Social Sciences, Dentistry, Diploma, ITI, international high schoo l) and is a deemed university. The growth and revenue of ICFAI and Amity also illustrates the revenue potential. Although none of the above are research universities, Vedanta University can collect similar revenues and spend a big part of it in research.

So it is not unreasonable that Vedanta University will have enough students paying enough in tuition to sustain it. Moreover, one should not take the real estate aspect of Vedanta University lightly. With 6000 acres, there will be enough land left beyond the core university, to earn a handsome income, which can then be ploughed into Vedanta University’s research programs. Currently, Bhubaneswar is a destination for many IT companies for their development centers. It has the big 4 of India (Wipro, Infosys, TCS and Satyam), IBM and many small and medium sized IT companies. With a top-notch environment the research park around Vedanta university should be able to attract research divisions of international companies.

Bhubaneswar metropolitan area has 26 engineering colleges (at least 5 more will start operating in the coming year) , 7 existing universities, several more in the making, etc. etc. Please see the right column of  to get an idea of the existing and expected educational infrastructure of greater Bhubaneswar.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Colleges,Rebuttals to opposition arguments and unsubstantiated rumours,Vedanta University, Puri

7 Writeup

  • 1. Arun Dash  |  August 29th, 2007 at 2:48 pm

    Since the time I came across the write-up by Philip G Altbach, I was having a scary feeling. That is because, as a sincere native of Orissa, every move that adds to the development of Orissa makes me proud. And Altbach guesses we are on the wrong track. Now after going through the informative analyses here, I am feeling increasingly expectant of the good days to come. But we should thank Mr Altbach for making us weigh the things on the way to our final destination.

  • 2. SUbrat  |  August 29th, 2007 at 10:55 pm

    There could be no better defense for the cause..
    Prof Baral needs applause for the same..

  • 3. PM  |  August 30th, 2007 at 8:46 pm

    Prof. Baral, great write up. Perhaps you should try sending it to the editor of Hindu.

  • 4. Achintya Nath Sexena  |  August 29th, 2009 at 1:09 pm

    Will Vedanta University offer full scholarships to economically underprivileged students irrespective of marks ? Will Vedanta University focus on the potential of a student along with his/her demonstrated achievements in academics ? Will Vedanta University have a students union, staff union and faculty union ? Will Vedanta university be administered by academicians/professors ? Will Vedanta University allow professors to own their intellectual property created through research ? Will Vedanta University contribute to research in theoretical sciences apart from the commercially viable technologies ? If the answer to even any one of these questions is no, then Vedanta University is nothing but a 6000 acre land grabbing exercise by a big corporation to open a giant education shop by expoliting the people of Orissa’s sentiments about the greatness of their culture and state. How simple it is to exploit and fool people in our country in the name of region and religion.

  • 5. Indian  |  August 29th, 2009 at 1:15 pm

    A profit hungry baniya is taking you people for a ride by exploiting your sense of pride in your culture and very gladly all of you fools are not only giving him free publicity but also 6000 acres of land that could have been put to better use. Regionalism is the biggest curse and hurdle in the way of the development of India as a whole and as one nation. Think like Indians and not Oriyas, and then you people will see how you are being fooled and taken for a ride by Vedanta group and your corrupt politicians.

  • 6. chitta (Not the author of the original posting)  |  August 7th, 2010 at 8:17 pm

    It is mentioned that the additonal 2billion $ is supposed to come from
    (ii) the use of the real estate in the planned city around the Vedanta University.

    This is the exact reason why many people oppose this university setup.Waht if 5000 acres of land is developed and sold to make 1 billion. and the so-called university comes up only at 1000 acre or 1 acre.
    There is no such clause to prevetn this in the Vedanat university act to prevent the whole of 6000 acre being developed as a real estate project and sold off. Hence this project should be vehemently opposed and closed.

  • 7. Chitta Baral  |  August 7th, 2010 at 9:09 pm

    The plan is that parts of the remaining 5000 acres will indeed be developed. This is not a secret. It is mentioned in the Vedanta University website.

    See for my analysis on their land and some pictures from their draft master plan.

    Although they don’t say it, to me the real estate development of these 5000 acres is what will provide funds for this university to be world class.

    Page 5 of the act (see ) says:

    “(2) The land, building and other properties acquired for the university, shall not be used for any purpose, other than that for which the same is acquired.”

    So it can not be sold and the real estate development there will be geared towards the university and the profits will go to the university fund.


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