Institute of Mathematics and Applications (Bhubaneswar) comes of age; has 9 regular faculty now

The Institute of Mathematics and Applications Bhubaneswar now has 9 regular faculty and several guest faculty. Its 9 regular faculty are:

Sl No

Name of the Faculty


Email id


Professor S. Pattanayak, Ph.D

Director and Professor of Mathematics.


Professor M. N. Mishra, Ph.D

Professor of Statistics


Dr. S. K. Sahoo, Ph.D

Registrar and Reader in Mathematics


Dr. Seshadev Pradhan, Ph.D (IIT Kharagpur)

Lecturer in Mathematics


Dr. Sasmita Barik, Ph.D (IIT Guwahati)

Lecturer in Mathematics


Dr. Jugal Mohapatra, Ph.D (IIT Guwahati)

Lecturer in Mathematics


Miss Sumitra Pradhan

Lecturer in Computer Science


  Dr. Sudhakar Sahoo (Utkal University) (DBLP)

Lecturer in Computer Science


Dr. Abhijnan Rej, Ph.D (Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn)

Lecturer in Mathematics

In comparison, the more established Institute of Phyiscs (IOP), Bhubaneswar currently has 18 regular faculty and 4 open positions and the Institute of Life Sciences (ILS), Bhubaneswar has 13 regular faculty and is recruiting.

In terms of academic programs, IMA offers a B.Sc(Hons) in Mathematics and Computing and an M.A/M.Sc in Computational Finance. It also supervises Ph.D and post-doctoral students. It has plans to introduce a 5 yr integrated Computer Science program and a 5 yr integrated B.Math/M.Math program. The National Board for Higher Mathematics, Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India has agreed to fund the B.Math/M.Math programme. It is also involved in Math olympiads, RMTS (Rural Math Talen Search) and mathematics training camps for school students to prepare them for olympiads.

In contrast IOP offers predoc (M.Phil), doctoral (Ph.D) and post-doctoral programs and ILS offers only Ph.D and post-doctoral programs.

2 comments January 31st, 2011

Mathematics faculty in institutes and universities in the Bhubaneswar area

Earlier we reported on the shortage of Math Ph.D’s in India. Slowly the Bhubaneswar area is emerging as a center for Mathematics starting from mentoring at the high school level (at IMA) to pursuing Ph.D at NISER, IIT, Utkal and Ravenshaw. There is also a good chance that one of the proposed 10 science magnet high schools will be established in this area. (The top Math center in India is Chennai which has IIT Madras, Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Chennai Mathematical Institute.) Below we list Math faculty (mostly with Ph.Ds) in institutes and universities in the Bhubaneswar area.

NISER Bhubaneswar   IIT Bhubaneswar IMA Bhubaneswar
Varadharajan Muruganandam, Associate Professor, Ph.D IIT Kanpur
1 Sabyasachi Pani, Assistant Professor, Ph.D IIT Kharagpur Swadhinananda Pattanayak, Ph.D, Director and Professor
Binod Kumar Sahoo, Assistant Professor, Ph.D ISI
2 Akshay Kumar Ojha, Assistant Professor, Ph.D Utkal
Mahendra Nath Mishra, Ph.D, Professor in Statistics
Brundaban Sahu, Assistant Professor, Ph.D Harish-Chandra Research Institute
3 Abhijit Datta Banik, Assistant Professor, Ph.D IIT Kharagpur
Shishir Kumar Sahoo, Ph.D, Registrar and Reader
Deepak K. Dalai, Assistant Professor, Ph.D ISI
4 Tarakanth Nayak, Assistant Professor, Ph.D IIT Guwahati
Seshadev Pradhan, Lecturer, Ph.D IIT Kharagpur
Kamal Lochan Patra, Assistant Professor, Ph.D IIT Kanpur
5   Sasmita Barik, Lecturer, Ph.D IIT Guwahati
Sanjay Parui, Asssitant Professor, Ph.D ISI
6   Jugal Mohapatra, Lecturer, Ph.D IIT Guwahati
Narahari Parhi, Ph.D, Visiting Professor
7   G. Das, Ph.D, Guest Faculty, formerly from Utkal University
P. C. Das, Ph.D, Visiting Professor, Formerly at IIT Kanpur
8   J. Sarangi, Ph.D, Guest Faculty
  9   A. N. Mohapatra ??, Ph.D Sambalpur
  10   Sraban Mohanty ??, Ph.D IIT Guwahati
Utkal University, Mathematics Dept.   Utkal University, Statistics Dept. Ravenshaw University, Mathematics and Statistics Departments
Salila Dutta, Ph.D, Reader & HOD 1 G. Mishra, Ph.D, Professor & HOD Swapan kumar Ghosh, Ph.D.  Reader
S. Padhy, Ph.D, Professor 2 L. N. Sahoo, Ph.D, Professor Nityananda Senapati, Ph.D. Reader
B. K. Nayak, Ph.D, Professor 3 P. K. Tripathy, Ph.D, Reader Rajani Ballav Dash, Ph.D. Reader
J. Patel, Ph.D, Professor 4 K. B. Panda, Ph.D, Reader Hadibandhu Pattanayak, Ph.D. Reader
Mrs. N. Das, Ph.D, Reader 5 R. K. Sahoo, Ph.D, Lecturer Mrs. Minakshi Dash, M.Sc. Reader
  6   Mrs. Minati Samal, M.Sc. Reader
  7   Sarat Ch. Senapati, M.Phil. Sr. Lecturer, Statistics
  8   Mrs. Swarnalata Mishra, M.Phil, Sr. Lecturer, Statistics
Others   Others Others
Rupaj K Nayak, Ph.D Utkal, Senior Lecturer at IIIT, Bhubaneswar 1 S. P. Mohanty, Ph.D. Utkal, HOD at CET Bhubaneswar.  

Related pointers from the past:

August 4th, 2010

Institute of Mathematics Bhubaneswar students doing very well

Following is an excerpt from a report in

Meet Kamalakshya Mahatab, the genius and product of the IMA has B.Sc(Hons) in Mathematics & Computing programme which is designed to orient students to pursue mathematics as a research career. 

He completed the B.SC.(Hons) in 2010 at IMA and see the results of his.

Appeared in IIT JAM and stood first to qualify for Indian Statistical Institute. 

Faced the All India Examination for Integrated Ph.D program at TIFR Centre Bangalore and stood first. 

He qualified join the integrated Ph.D Program of Indian Institute of Science, Banglore. 

Again he has qualified for the integrated Ph.D programme of Institute Mathematical Sciences Chennai. 

He also qualified to join the integrated Ph.D programme TIFR, Mumbai. 

Out of these six options he is opting join the TIFR, Mumbai.

From the first batch in the year 2009, eight students took admission in this batch. 

02 qualified in the IIT JAM, 02 qualified for Central University Hyderabad, 03 joined Utkal University . 

One of the boys who qualified in the IIT JAM joined as integrated Ph.D Programme.

The Student who was second in 2003, RMTS, Himalaya N. Senapati, went on to represent India in Astronomy Olympiad at Semiz, Crimea, Ukraine and earned a silver medal. 

Professor Pattanayak has mentored nearly 60 plus scholars of various background, who are doing Ph.Ds in various IITs, Math institutes of India at this time. 

… Interestingly nearly 15 of Ph.D students are SC/ST students – who are supposed to be weak in Math. 

… One of his mentored student, Abhilash Mishra of Sambalpur is now a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, who has come back to support the program both financially and physically, by teaching students. 

The other of the 08 students of 2009 batch is Deepak Kumar Sahu, who is from Nuapada district, is actually in a job in Pune which pays him 9.5 lakhs per annum. 

He has personally mentored many math Olympiad students since 1988 and Somani Pattnayak last year was selected directly by MIT, USA.

Interestingly she spents most of her winter vacation last year in Math Camps in IMA … 

Related pointers from the past:

3 comments August 4th, 2010

Institute of Mathematics & Applications at Bhubaneswar may be the only place in India offering a Masters in Computational Finance

Expressbuzz has a report on the success of this program. A yahoo answers posting on this did not lead to any definitive answer. One of the answers there said:

The available course in IIT & IGNOU are not extensive and only covers macro level that to for few hours . This is a combination of Computing,Maths,Physics & Finance (Derivatives & Risk Management) . Let us wait for some more info.

Following is an excerpt from the expressbuzz report about the success of IMA Bhubaneswar’s program.

… With a student of the Institute of Mathematics and Application (IMA) at Andharua getting a job of financial analyst with SunGard Technology, Pune with a package of Rs 9 lakh per annum, the institute is hoping that more students will replicate the success in future with its PG course in computational finance.

In fact, IMA’s computational finance is the only such course offered by any institution in India. With risk and return constituting the major concern for every investor, mathematicians can try to capture patterns vis-a-vis predictability, which may help the former to decide on his/her plan.

Computational finance, otherwise called financial engineering, deals with portfolio selection, options and features, asset pricing, managing derivative markets and hedging uncertainty.

… While another student got a research offer from University of Antwerp, Belgium, another has received an offer from a leading insurance service provider as a risk assessment consultant, he added.

IMA’s bachelor-level course attracts applications from Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar besides Orissa. It is encouraging to see applications by some students this year, who had participated in the Rural Mathematics Talent Search examination by the institute way back in 2003, he informed.

With 30 seats in each course, IMA has also got a research exchange programme with University of Western Ontario, Canada and has produced 50 researchers so far in the field.

2 comments March 20th, 2010

Ad for admission to Institute of Mathematics & Applications Bhubaneswar

February 11th, 2010

Shortage of Math Ph.ds in India; current faculty situation at the IISERS and NISER

I was discussing with several people associated with NISER Bhubaneswar. I was told that the NISERs and IISER are having difficulty finding good faculty in mathematics, especially in pure mathematics. (On the other hand they can find very good people in Physics, Chemistry and Biology.) I did a quick survey of the IISERs and NISER and indeed they have much more faculty in Physics, Chemistry and Biology than in Mathematics. Following is a rough count made on Jan 30, 2010.



Chemistry Mathematics Biology Others Total
IISER Kolkata 20 19 3 7 7 56


(some have joint appointments)


(includes 3 joint)



(includes 2 joint)


(includes 3 joint)

0 46

NISER, Bhubaneswar    

(permanent + visiting)

12 (7 + 5) 15 (10 +5) 9 (5 +4) 15 (7+8) 4 (0+4) 55

IISER, Mohali

(permanent + visiting)

8 + 2 9.5 4 + 1 8.5 0+1 34

IISER, Bhopal

(Current + to join in June 2010)

6 + 1 (includes 1 visiting) 13+1 4 (includes 1 visiting) 5+2 2 (includes 1 visiting) 34

IISER, Thiruvantapuram

(Current + to join in June 2010)

4+5 5 2 2+1   19

As evident from the above, all of the above institutes are struggling in hiring faculty in Mathematics. Also, while the young faculty in the other fields (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) mostly have post-doc experiences, most of the younger Math faculty do not have that experience.

One of the reasons behind the shortage of Math Ph.ds is that most people who love Mathematics in high school go on to pursue engineering and perhaps there is a mistaken impression that the career prospects in mathematics is not good. Thus there is a big need for institutions like

The Institute of Mathematics and applications, Bhubaneswar

which is making great efforts to popularize Math among youngsters.

I hope some of the people who loved Math in high school, and now are in other (say IT) jobs would consider pursuing Math. Some of the top places to pursue Ph.D in Mathematics in India are:

India could also consider hiring foreigners. At least in the USA many Math Ph.Ds from top schools do not get a tenure track faculty position and end up teaching in community colleges. Some of them may jump at an opportunity to be a faculty in IISERs, NISER and other institutions.

3 comments January 30th, 2010

Institute of Mathematics & Applications (Bhubaneswar) advertises for 5 faculty positions

June 21st, 2009

Great job being done by the Institute of Mathematics & Applications

Following is an excerpt from a report in Times of India.

About 124 students of rural schools were felicitated by chief minister Naveen Patnaik on Saturday for their brilliant performance at the National Math Olympiad.

Shradha Ranjan Grahacharya, a Class IX student at Kanakpur in Jagatsighpur district, wants to be a scientist and do research in her favourite subject, algebra. Although mathematics as always been her favourite, she began to take greater interest in the field after she was selected for the Rural Mathematics Olympiad (RMO) in 2006 when she was in Class VI.

"After I was picked for the RMO camp, I started liking the subject even more. At the camp, teachers taught us some easy methods to solving difficult mathematical problems," said Shradha, who stood first in the Junior Mathematics Olympiad, 2008.

According to IMA director Swadhinananda Pattanaik, there is a lack of interest in mathematics among parents and teachers, especially in government schools in villages. Hence, the IMA has decided to make teaching of mathematics an interesting and fun-filled activity.

"In most classrooms, there is little opportunity to understand maths beyond the level of solving equations. Typically, students just memorize mathematical facts without actually understanding the subject," he said.

Encouraging the young mathematicians, chief minister Naveen Patnaik said, "The IMA’s efforts are commendable, especially the special programmes to prepare students for premier institutes like IIT and NISER. This is the only institute of its kind in the country. I hope it will spread its wings globally very soon".

Besides the 124 young students, 33 senior students who performed well in the Regional and National Mathematics Olympiad were also felicitated. IMA is also conducting summer camps for undergraduate and post-graduate students.

1 comment June 15th, 2009

M.SC Computational Finance and B.Sc (Hons) in Math and Computing at Institute of Mathematics & Applications Bhubaneswar

May 15th, 2009

New campus for Institute of Mathematics & Applications (IMA) inaugurated in Bhubaneswar

Following is an excerpt from a report in Statesman.

The new campus of Institute of Mathematics and Applications inaugurated here today was, in many ways, an idea conceptualised by chief minister Mr Naveen Patnaik and a reflection of the fact that ‘Tata Steel was as much a state of mind as a corporate house’.

It is spread over 23 acre and laid out from spiral lines of the golden equation. Mathematical equations apart, the institute’s golden formula is not only to become a world class centre of excellence but also to train and teach rural tribal students. From conceptualisation to construction, it had taken just three years.

Inaugurating the institute campus, the CM praised Tata Steel for having contributed to the development of the institute and architect Mr Karan Grover. "We are committed to make this a world class institute," he asserted.
"Bhubaneswar has become a hub for education be it engineering colleges, management institutes, the IIIT, NISER or the IIT," he said. "Very soon I will hold a meeting with mathematicians and others to get a proper feedback on the problems and lacunae as well as to get ideas on developing this institute, from international quarters," he informed.

An Odisha Today report has some more information.

The institute will also have facilities like computer labs, class rooms, library rooms as well as residential accommodations for the faculty and researchers.

The campus of this institute has been built in 7000 sq metre complex, with an investment of Rs.140 million.

As many as 96 students can undertake higher research in mathematics.

Note: 7000 sq metre = 75600 sq feet.

See to compare IMA with the size of NISER.

10 comments July 24th, 2008

Mathematics Institute to come up as a world class institution

The Pioneer reported the following.

Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Wednesday said the Institute of Mathematics and Application would be made a world class institute. "The new buildings of the institute and other infrastructure would be ready within one month," he said.
Patnaik said this while distributing prizes to the winners of the regional mathematic Olympiads in a glittering function at Jaydev Bhawan. "Mathematics plays an immense role in development of science and technology," he said, adding that the Mathematics Institute should play a pro-active role in spreading the knowledge of mathematics in the tribal dominated areas. "More tribals would come up to take up mathematics as a subject," he said.
The meeting was held under the chairmanship of the eminent mathematician Professor Gokulananda Das. Science and Technology Minister Duryodhana Majhi, Professor Venkata Chela of Indian Science and Technology, Bangalore also delivered their speeches. Director of the Institute Professor Swadhin Patnaik delivered the welcome speech.
The Chief Minister gave away first prizes to Debakanta Mallick (1st) Anup Biswanth Dixit (2nd) of Bhubaneswar, Siddharth Satpahty ( 3rd) and Abinash Das (4th)

3 comments June 12th, 2008

Science magnet school as part of IMA? Not yet, but a precursor.

Following is from Samaja.

April 21st, 2008

IMA plans five year integrated M.Sc in Computer Science

Following is an excerpt from a news report in New Indian Express.

Institute of Mathematics and Application (IMA) here is contemplating to introduce a five-year integrated M Sc programme in computer science.

The course would seek to churn out computer scientists who would use their expertise in providing solutions to a number of fields.

All in all, its scope would go far beyond what is taught at the MCA level today. This should lead to a research programme in computer science in the areas of cryptography, digital image processing and bio-informatics.

Institute director Prof. Swadhin Pattnaik said the integrated programme will help students save one year. Students have to put in additional two years after graduation for pursuing such a programme from other institutes.

The success of the programme would immensely help several sectors recruit highly skilled computer professionals as the country is currently facing crisis for such hands.

Even though a number of technical institutes offer similar programmes today, the product they churn out fail to meet employers’ expectations. IMA, with its level of academic standards, promises to solve this problem.

… The Tata Group is supporting in the development of the infrastructure. However, he ruled out any knowledge of naming the institute after the Tata Group.


4 comments April 11th, 2008

Tatas to take over IMA and call it Tata Institute of Mathematics?

Following is an excerpt from a report in Telegraph. (Thanks to Sanjoy Das for the pointer.)

After Tata Institute of Social Sciences and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai, it is now the turn of a national-level mathematics institute from the house of Tatas.

The steel major has decided to come up with an advanced institute in mathematical studies in Bhubaneswar. To be called Tata Institute of Mathematics, the project is being launched in association with Utkal University in Orissa.

“The decision behind coming up with the institute was development of pure mathematics as a research subject and also to arouse interest among youngsters for the subject,” said H.M. Nerurkar, the chief operating officer of Tata Steel at Jamshedpur today.

Scheduled to be opened in two months, the centre is based on the lines of institutes of mathematics located in Pune and Chennai. Once functional, it would work in areas like fundamental research in frontier disciplines of the mathematical and physical sciences: mathematics, theoretical physics among others.

“The institute has been envisaged with the vision of promoting advance studies in different mathematical faculties and practices. It will offer postgraduate and post-doctoral research programme in different mathematics disciplines,” said Nerurkar, adding the place would be an architectural delight with the design by Vadodara-based Karan Grover and Associates.

… The centre will also conduct special courses for schoolchildren to help them develop interest in mathematical studies.

April 8th, 2008

Entrance exam for admission to Institute of Mathematics & Applications (IMA) Bhubaneswar

7 comments March 16th, 2008

RMTS2007 Test on 11th Nov.; Last date of application extended to 25th October

Institute of Mathematics and Applications in Bhubaneswar has extended the last date of application for RMTS 2007 to 25th of October. The test date is not changed and stays on Nov 11.

Update: The application form is available at

3 comments October 10th, 2007

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