144 faculty positions available in Ravenshaw University, Cuttack

March 5th, 2008

For more information on this historic university, originally established as a college in 1868, please see http://www.ravenshawuniversity.com/. The university has a total of 144 faculty positions available in all departments and at all levels. For all the positions, Ph.D is a requirement. If you are interested, please send your bio-data to:

Devdas Chhotray,

Ravenshaw University
Cuttack 753003



Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Ravenshaw University, Cuttack

9 Writeup

  • 1. DR. GOURI SANKAR BANDYOPADHYAY  |  May 9th, 2008 at 8:30 pm

    The Vice-Chancellor,
    I have applied for the post of Professor of History in your University. I am eagerly waiting for positive response from your end.
    Thanking you,
    Yours sincerely,

  • 2. DR. GOURI SANKAR BANDYOPADHYAY  |  May 9th, 2008 at 8:34 pm

    Ravenshaw University is unique in heritage and unquestionably prestigious in nature… Dr. Gouri Sankar Bandyopadhyay

  • 3. AVARANI BAL  |  July 2nd, 2008 at 11:46 am

    sir.. i have completed Ph.D in oriya..and have work experince mof more than seven years and now working in a residential college in Bhubaneswar.. sir plz reply me if i am eligible for any vacancy in Ravenmshaw college… or plz reply me the tentative date any recruitment so that i can apply…

  • 4. snehanshu sekhar sahoo  |  July 11th, 2008 at 6:47 pm

    sir, presently I m working as an nmr operator in delhi university. I m interested in working in orissa. Please reply me if i m eligible for any technical positions in chem deptt

  • 5. IPSA MOHANTY  |  July 29th, 2008 at 1:27 am

    I am currently pursuing my MBA in Regional College Of Management.I am interested for the job of lecture in commerce how can i apply.I have also completed my B-COM with Accounting HONOURS from Ravenshaw University

  • 6. Swagat Mohapatra  |  September 21st, 2008 at 3:42 am

    Dear Dr. Chhotray,

    Myself Swagat K. Mohapatra, I have just finished my PhD in Chemistry and pursuing my postdoc in Germany. I really appreciate the step taken by you and the authorities involved in putting up this ad asking for applications for the faculty positions. I would take the opportunity and would like to ask what is the minimum work-experience you are looking for from the applicants.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    WIth best regards,
    Swagat Mohapatra

  • 7. Chitta Baral  |  September 21st, 2008 at 6:46 am

    Dr. Chhotray does not read this page regularly. Please write to him directly at devdas_chhotray at hotmail dot com

  • 8. Dr. DURGA PRASAD BARIK  |  February 5th, 2009 at 1:31 pm

    Respected Dr. Chhotray Sir,

    Myself Dr. Durga Prasad Barik, presently working as SERC Fast Track Young Scientist DST Govt. of India in P.G. Dept. of Botany, Utkal University, just before I was working as Lab. Curricular Staff in M.Sc. Biotechnology, RAVENSHAW UNIVERSITY from 2003-2007. I have applied for the post of Lecture of Botany & Biotechnology in your University. I am eagerly waiting for the date of interview.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    WIth best regards,
    Dr. Barik

  • 9. PRAKASH KUMAR ACHARYA  |  October 23rd, 2012 at 11:33 pm

    I am interested for the MBA faculty in Banking & Insurance Mgmt.
    I am having 22 yrs experience in Life Insurance industry.
    Qalfn: MBA(Mktg & Insurance),MA,LL.B.,PGDM, LIII,Associate(Part)
    Member: All India Mgmt. Association (MIMA)
    Research: Research scholar -MBA-Utkal University
    Visiting Prof: Banking & Insurance Mgmt-
    Utkal University(DDCE)-BBSR
    Chennai Business School/-BBSR
    Madhusudan Institute of Co-operative Mgmt,BBSR
    Management Dev. Centre- Mumbai
    Name: Prakash Kumar Achara
    Position: Asst. Divisional Manager (SBM)
    Organisation: LIC of India, Chennai Division-I (CBO-14)
    Training: Natonal Insurance Academy-Pune
    Management Development Centre-Mumbai
    Xaviers’ Institute of management-BBSR
    Zonal Training Centre- Kolkata/ Mumbai/Hyderabad
    National Law School of India Univ.-Bangalore


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