Women only IIT in Amravati, Vidarbha (Maharashtra)?

March 12th, 2008

Following is an excerpt from a report in Telegraph.

President Pratibha Patil has asked the government to set up an Indian Institute of Technology exclusively for girls.

She has also insisted that it be built in Amravati, her former Lok Sabha constituency. Amravati is in Maharashtra’s Vidarbha, which has seen a spate of suicides by debt-ridden farmers.

None of the country’s top institutes of higher education like the IITs or the Indian Institutes of Management caters only to women. Nor is there any central university meant only for women.

In a letter to the human resource development ministry dated March 7, Rashtrapati Bhavan has said the IIT in Amravati should be set up as soon as possible. A project proposal was attached with the request.

Pratibha’s husband Devisingh Shekhawat hails from Amravati and was once mayor there. She herself represented it in the Lok Sabha between 1991 and 1996.

… The IIT proposal has been prepared by Kamal Singh, vice-chancellor of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University.

… The proposal suggests that the new IIT offer only “integrated” courses, where students fresh out of school can get postgraduate degrees after five years.

The existing seven IITs have some five-year integrated courses, but Singh said she was in favour of making them mandatory across all streams.

Statistics on IIT recruitment have shown that a larger section of postgraduate students choose work in India over foreign jobs, unlike undergraduate students.

Entry Filed under: IIT, oDishA,Odisha, others and the center

2 Writeup

  • 1. Hari Om  |  March 12th, 2008 at 3:12 pm

    It’s in fact a great idea since independance by the first citizen of the country to think of an IIT exclusively for girls in her own constituency.
    It certainly opens up avenues for great parliamentarians of the country to put forth proposals to have IITs exclusively for SC/ST/OBC/Physically handicapped students in their own constituencies.
    Great ideas only float in great Nations.

  • 2. saroj patnaik  |  March 13th, 2008 at 11:33 pm

    i m a student of iit kgp , baral sir please guide us for making and bringing some revolution in orissa . u r great sir


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