153 Faculty poistions at Ravenshaw University, Cuttack

September 7th, 2008

The details are at http://ravenshawuniversity.com/common/recruitment-for-faculty-positions.htm.

Following is from http://ravenshawuniversity.com/File/Recruitment%20for%20Faculty%20Positions.pdf.


Recruitment for faculty positions

Ravenshaw, one of the premier educational institutions in the country was established in 1868 in the town of Cuttack in Orissa. After one hundred and forty years of eventful existence, it was converted into Ravenshaw University by an Act of the State Legislature on November 15, 2006. Thus, as one of the heritage educational institutions, and as a young university, Ravenshaw is a veritable blend of the old and the new.

The old Ravenshaw campus with its majestic structures was set up in the year 1919 over about a hundred acres of land on the eastern side of Cuttack. After becoming a university, Ravenshaw has acquired another one hundred and forty acres of land on the bank of river Mahanadi to build its second campus for the new disciplines of management and applied sciences.

The old Ravenshaw campus is located very close to Cuttack Railway Station, and is about 45 minutes drive from Bhubaneswar Airport.

As a young university, the old Ravenshaw is now in the throes of preservation and change. Its infrastructure, both academic and physical, is being strengthened and expanded to meet the needs to make it more contemporary, and raise the level of its excellence. For instance, Ravenshaw University is soon going to recruit a brand new faculty for its various disciplines. As a part of the endeavour the university invites applications for the following faculty positions.

Applications in prescribed format are therefore invited for the following faculty positions latest by the 22nd of September 2008.

1.      Professor (17). Scale of pay : Rs.16400 – 450 – 20900 – 500 – 22400 + admissible allowances.

1) Applied Geography, 2) Botany, 3) Commerce and Business Management, 4) Chemistry, 5) Economics, 6) Education, 7) English, 8) Geology, 9) Hindi, 10) History, 11)Mathematics, 12) Oriya, 13) Physics, 14) Political Science, 15) Psychology, 16) Sociology and 17) Zoology

Essential Qualification :

An eminent scholar with published work of high quality engaged in research with 10 years experience in post graduate teaching and / or research at the University / National Level Institutions, including experience of guiding research at doctoral level.


An outstanding scholar with established reputation who has made significant contribution to knowledge.


In addition to the above, for the post of Professor of Commerce and Management, a fellow of nationally reputed Institutions of Management and allied disciplines, with specialization in Management, Business Management, Business Administration, other relevant Management related areas can qualify.

2.      Reader (45). Scale of pay : Rs.12000 – 400 – 18300 + admissible allowances


Areas of Specialisation indicated below will be preferred


Microbiology / Biophysics / Biochemistry / Molecular and Cellular Biology / Biotechnology / Ecology


Physical Chemistry / Bio-physical Chemistry Molecular Chemistry / Nuclear Chemistry Electrochemistry and Corrosion Chemistry Industrial Chemistry / Forensic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis Organic Chemistry and Polymer Sciences Inorganic Chemistry and Bio-inorganics Environmental Chemistry / Surface Chemistry and Coatings


Marketing Management / Financial Management / International Business / E-commerce / Management Control and Information System / Business Communication / Project Management

Commerce and Business Management


Management, Business Management, Business Administration, other relevant Management related disciplines


Mathematical Economics and Econometrics / International Economics / Agricultural Economics / Banking and Finance / Environmental Economics / Statistics / Resource Economics (2 posts are reserved for specialization in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics)


Education as International Business / Economics of Education / Education and Society / Education Reform


History of English Language / Classical Literature / American Literature / Indian Literature in English Linguistics / Creative Writing / Translation Studies / Drama Comparative Literature / Contemporary Literature


GIS and Remote Sensing / Advanced Cartography / Geo Political Information System / Economic Geography / Environmental Geography / Urban and Regional Planning / Regional Studies / Population Studies


Environmental Geology/ Geo­hydrology/ Climatology / Global warming and climate change / Geomorphology

Any areas of Specialisation

Regional History / History of Orissa Temple Construction and Art History Post Independence History of India / Current History


Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer (including Computational Fluid Dynamics) Actuarial Studies Numerical Methods, Modeling and Simulation Optimization Theory and Decision Making Operations Research


Linguistics / Grammar / Digitalization of Oriya Language/ Drama


Phenomenology / Epistemology and Metaphysics / Ethics and Moral Philosophy / Indian Philosophy


Plasma and Laser Physics / Electronics Physics of Thin Films including Super and Semi-conductivity Material Science / Astrophysics / Bio-Physics

Political Science

Public Administration / International Relations / Comparative Politics / Geopolitics and Terrorism / Defence and Strategic Studies


Testing and Counselling / Cognition / Developmental Psychology Industrial and Organizational Psychology Educational Psychology / Comparative Psychology / Health Psychology

Any areas of Specialisation

Human Resource Management / Gender Relations / social Movements / Sociology of Terrorism

Any areas of Specialisation

Bioinformatics / Cytogenetics / Immunology / Genetic Engineering/ Environmental Biology


Essential Qualification :

                (1)        Good academic record with a doctoral degree or equivalent published work. Candidates shall possess at least 55% marks or equivalent grade of B in the seven point scale with letter grades, O, A, B, C, D, E and F at the Master’s Degree level.

                (2)        Five years experience of teaching and/or research excluding the period spent for obtaining research degree and have made some mark in the areas of scholarship as evidenced by quality of publications, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curricula.


In addition to the above, for the post of Reader in Commerce and Business
Management, a fellow of nationally reputed Institutions of Management and
allied disciplines, with specialization in Management, Business Management,
Business Administration, other relevant Management related areas can

3.    Lecturer (91). Scale of pay: Rs. 8000– 275– 13400 + admissible allowances

Required Specialisation
Lecturer in Bengali
Any areas of Specialisation
Lecturer in Botany

Microbiology / Molecular and Cellular Biology / Plant Physiology / Ecology / Bio-Physics/ Evolutionary Biology / Ecotoxicology/ Community Ecology / Physiological Ecology

Lecturer in Biotechnology
Any areas of Specialisation
Lecturer in Chemistry

Biochemistry / Biophysical Chemistry / Thermodynamics / Statistical Mechanics (1 post) Environmental Chemistry / Chemical Kinetics / Molecular Dynamics (Experimental) / Electro Chemistry / Pharmaceutical Chemistry (1 post) Organic Chemistry (1 post) Bio-inorganics / Surface Chemistry /Polymer Science / Material Sciences (1 posts) Physical Chemistry (2 posts) Inorganic Chemistry (2 posts)

Lecturer in Business Management 1


Marketing Management (1 post) Finance and Accounts (1 post)

Lecturer in Commerce

Finance / Quantitative Techniques / Computer Application in Business (1 post) Marketing (1 post) Production and Operation Management (1 post)

Lecturer in Managerial Economics


Managerial Economics and International Business Environment

Lecturer in Computer and Information System 2


Computer Science / Information Technology

Lecturer in Computer Science

Information Security / Algorithms / Database / Data mining / Artificial Intelligence / Networking

Lecturer in Economics 3

Actuarial Economics / Environmental Economics/ International Economics / Rural Economics / Industrial Economics / Mathematical Economics / Econometrics (2 posts are reserved for specialization in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics)

Lecturer in Education

Educational Technology / Methodology of Teaching / Philosophy of Education/ Economic of Education

Lecturer in English

English Language Studies / Linguistics (2 posts) Comparative Literature /American Literature / Indian Literature in English (5 posts)

Lecturer in Geography

GIS and Remote Sensing / Regional Planning / Advanced Cartography / Computer Mapping / Population Studies

Lecturer in Environmental Geology


Environmental Geology / Palaeo Climate / Engineering Geology

Lecturer in Geology

Remote sensing and GIS Application / Oceanography and Marine Geology / Ground water Geology / Metallic Minerals / Industrial Mineral / Geo-statistics / Structural Geology

Lecturer in Hindi

Language Studies / Linguistics

Lecturer in History

Indian History / Archeology / Epigraphy / Orissan History

Lecturer in Industrial Mathematics


Industrial Mathematics / Wavelet Analysis

Lecturer in Operations Management and Decision Sciences 4


Industrial Engineering / Operation Research

Lecturer in Mathematics

Computational Fluid Dynamics / Modeling and Simulation / Industrial Mathematics / Cryptography / Operational Research

Lecturer in Oriya

Drama / Computer Application / Linguistics / Modern Poetry

Lecturer in Philosophy
Any areas of Specialisation
Lecturer in Physics

Plasma Physics / Computational Physics / Complex System Physics / Spectroscopy / Astrophysics / Nuclear Physics / Quantum Optics and Photonics / Material Sciences / Electronics / Superconductivity

Lecturer in Public Administration

Public Administration

Lecturer in Political Science


Comparative Politics / Modern Indian Political Thought / International Relations

Lecturer in Psychology

Cognitive Psychology / Applied Social Psychology / Developmental Psychology / Health Psychology / Counselling

Lecturer in Human Resource Management 5


Organisation Behaviour / Human Resource Management

Lecturer in Sanskrit
Any areas of Specialisation
Lecturer in Sociology
Any areas of Specialisation
Lecturer in Social Work

Integrated Social Work Method / Social Welfare Administration / Ecology and Social Work / Social Work with Special Groups / Women Development

Lecturer in Statistics

Biostatistics / Multivariate Analysis / Stochastic Processes

Lecturer in Urdu
Any areas of Specialisation
Lecturer in Zoology

Fish Biology / Reproductive Physiology / Bioinformatics / Cell and Molecular Biology / Cytogenetics / Environmental Biology / Entomology / Genetic Engineering / Immunology


Essential Qualification:

Good academic record with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade of B in the seven point scale with letter grades, O, A, B, C, D, E and F at the Master’s degree level in the relevant subject from an Indian University or an equivalent degree from a foreign University.

Besides fulfilling the above qualifications applicants should have cleared the eligibility tests for lecturers conducted by UGC, CSIR or similar tests accredited by the UGC. However, candidates who have doctoral degrees in the subject are exempted from appearing the eligibility test for lecturers.


1 Lecturer in Business Management : Master’s degree in Business Management/ Administration/ other relevant management related disciplines/ PGDBM/ PGDM programmes (minimum 2 years duration) recognized by AICTE/ MHRD/ UGC and declared equivalent to MBA by AICTE/ AIU.

2 Lecturer in Computer and Information System : For the post of lecturer in Computer and Information System the minimum qualification is M.Tech./M.E. in Industrial Engineering with at least 55% of marks or B grade in the seven point scale.


Lecturer in Economics : For lecturer in Economics, candidates having good academic record with the required percentage of marks / grade as stated above at Master’s Degree level in Economics / Applied Economics and having Mathematics as a subject at graduate level shall be given preference.

4 Lecturer in Operations Management and Decision Sciences :

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering/ Mathematics/ Statistics for Operations Management and Decision Sciences

5 Lecturer in Human Resource Management : Master’s Degree in Psychology having specialization in Organizational Psychology/Personnel Management and Industrial Relations for OB and HRM

The Reservation Policy of Government of Orissa shall be scrupulously followed while making recruitment to the posts of Lecturer.

4. How to apply :

Applications shall be made in the specified format given in the website at ‘Recruitment for Faculty Position’. Please click on it to go to the format. After the application is completed in the specified format, it should be sent to the following email id : ravjobs@ximb.ac.in. The last date of application is 22 September 2008.

Short listed candidates shall be intimated later on to submit required documents for verification of qualifications, experience, etc.

5. Other Conditions :

a) It will be open to the university to consider names of suitable candidates who might not have applied. b) Merely fulfilling the minimum qualification does not entitle a candidate to be necessarily considered or called for interview. c) Applications received after the last date may be considered. d) University reserves the right not to fill up any of the vacancies advertised if the circumstances so warrant. e) Relaxation of any of the qualification may be made in exceptional cases on the recommendation of the selection committee. f) Separate application is required for each post. g) No deputation allowances shall be paid h) No TA / DA will be paid to attend the selection committee or to join the first appointment. i) Canvassing in any form by or on behalf of the candidates will be considered as disqualification.

Registrar Ravenshaw University, Cuttack



Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Ravenshaw University, Cuttack

5 Writeup

  • 1. Ashok Muduli  |  September 10th, 2008 at 9:47 am

    pl give one applicatoin form,

  • 2. Zubair Shadab Khan  |  September 17th, 2008 at 2:36 pm

    I have seen your web site regarding the vacancy of Lecterar in Urdu but there is no specification of fee charge.Kindly inform

  • 3. Ms.Anuja  |  May 13th, 2009 at 12:30 pm

    Sir i have applied for the p[osition of Lecturer in OB and HRM but not received any reply till date .Sir i want to know the status of my application.

  • 4. Rama Chandra Hota  |  November 2nd, 2009 at 9:07 pm

    I wish to know my recurrent status regarding Sanskrit lecturer…………..!
    Please sir I request you to send the fresh status to my mail id…….!
    Jai Jagannath……………!

  • 5. pritiprava sarangi.  |  May 9th, 2011 at 9:44 pm

    i am pritiprava sarangi passed out your historical college ravenshaw university in 2010.pls sir give me opertunity in 1year.


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