National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management in Maharashtra

February 1st, 2009

Following is from PIB

The Union Cabinet has approved the establishment of a new institute “National Institute ofAbiotic Stress Management” costing Rs. 73.50 crores in the 11th Plan.

            Abiotic stresses like drought, temperature extremes, flood, salinity, mineral toxicity and nutritive deficiency are threatening agriculture production globally.  India being a tropical country faces such abiotic stresses to a significant degree which has implications for maintaining national food security.

            The National Institute of Abiotic Stress Management shall have a comprehensive mandate of characterization of the occurrence of various abiotic stresses    in the country impacting agriculture on a continuous basis and carry  out basic and strategic research that will lead to development of technologies for mitigation and adoptation of crops, livestock, horticulture, fisheries  and micro organisms to such stresses.  The important research programs would be  in a matrix mode.  Organizationally  it is proposed that the institute shall conduct its research programmes through four schools viz; schools of drought stress management, atmospheric stress management, edaphic stress management and policy support research.

            The institute, which will be located at Malegaon ( Baramati) in Maharashtra will have a deemed to be university status.

Entry Filed under: Learning from others

5 Writeup

  • 1. Atin Jaiswal  |  March 3rd, 2009 at 12:47 pm

    Effect of temperature and plant hormone on the rate of germination of dormant seeds of Chenopodium album L.

    Atin Jaiswal , Moin Akhtar, J.P.Jaiswal, Anil Kumar, G. S. Shekhawat1 N.K.Singh

    Department of Biosciences & Biotechnology, 1 Banasthali Vidyapith, Raj.-304022,
    Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering,Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, G.B.Pant University of Ag. & Tech., Pantnagar, UK-263145


    Chenopodium album tolerate fairly high level of dehydration, low temperature and excessive salt concentration and expected to have efficient mechanisms to enable plants thrive well under harsh climatic conditions. This underutilized species may be a putative crop for biotechnological treatment for identification of gene and genetic mechanism involved in Abiotic stress tolerance and further its exploitation in enhancing inbuilt abiotic stress tolerant ability of cultivated crop plants. Freshly harvested Chenopodium seeds remain dormant for prolonged time and it is very difficult to germinate and conduct experiments in the laboratory condition using whole plant or parts of its. An effort with variety Pusa Bathua 1 was made to ensure smooth availability of seedlings as well as plant parts in the laboratory throughout the year. Seeds of chenopodium variety Pusa Bathua 1 was experimented with different environmental and chemical manipulations such as exposure to chilling temperature, 35% HCl treatment and gibberelic acid in different concentration (25ppm to 150 ppm). Seeds were sown in pots filled with vermiculite and peat moss (1:1 ratio). Maximum germination of 100% were observed when seeds treated with 100ppm GA3+35% HCl and incubated at cold temperature for of 24 hrs. Chilling treatment of 5 day had a maximum of 80% germination while it was 50% in control plants.

  • 2. mayur  |  March 20th, 2009 at 7:53 pm

    good institute for research .

  • 3. Sanjay Patel  |  August 28th, 2009 at 10:05 am

    Dear sirs,

    I would like to know secutiry measures that should be taken in order to increase performance of a cotton plant during summer against extreme temperature stress.

  • 4. neha  |  December 28th, 2009 at 3:14 pm

    good news
    when it be ok for research purpose
    do they advertised any post for this

  • 5. Mr. Dnyaneshwar Taur  |  June 29th, 2010 at 3:51 pm

    This institute give plat form for plant based reasearch related to transefer of genetic material and manupulation of gene in plant to reduce abiotic stress of plant


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