Telgraph writes about progress and obstacles in making the Capital Hospital a medical college

June 2nd, 2007

Telegraph reports on the progress and the obstacles faced in making Capital Hospital a medical college. Following are some excerpts:

The proposed Rs 100 crore medical college at Capital Hospital in Bhubaneswar could start anytime, but for five more acres of land.

The hospital that currently owns 20 acre of land needs another five acre to fulfil the Medical Council of India (MCI) norms for a medical college set up. As per the MCI the qualifying a criterion for any medical college is to “own a suitable single plot of land measuring not less than 25 acres.”

“We have earmarked a few locations close by. However, the properties are already encroached and there are likely chances of protests by unauthorised occupants,” said the CMO of Capital Hospital, Loknath Acharya, refusing to reveal the exact location. …

Meanwhile, the location for the academic building has also been decided. “A seven-storied building would be constructed close to the paediatric and regional diagnostic centre,” said Acharya. This would house the major departments and staff chambers. …

Ever since the government decided to set up a medical college at a meeting presided over by the chief minister on April 8, the panel constituting senior bureaucrats led by director of medical education and technology S.C. Mohapatra has sat thrice discussing lacunas in the project.

Entry Filed under: Capital Medical College, Bhubaneswar,Medical, nursing and pharmacy colleges


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