Latest status of WODC related private medical college in Rourkela

June 4th, 2007

Today’s Statesman has a report on the latest status of the WODC related private medical college in Rourkela. Following is a quote from that article:

In December 2006, the government of Orissa invited Expression of Interest (EoI) from various parties for setting up of the medical college in Rourkela and 14 organisations applied. Subsequently, a high power committee, which met on 15 January this year, shortlisted six applicants.

The shortlisted applicants are BHD Charitable Trust, VELS Institute for Advanced Studies, Chennai, Jasar Dental Medical Education Health Foundation, UP, HI-Tech Hospital Bhubaneswar, BV Charitable Trust Bhubaneswar, PET, Rourkela and Cambridge Trust of India, Ranchi.

The applicants deposited a draft of Rs 1 crore with the government to set up a medical college with 150 seats and a multi specialty hospital with 750 beds. The government of Orissa will provide 25 acres of land and Rs 10 crore to whoever get the offer.

However, it is reported, after the initial scrutiny, that there is no further progress in it. In fact, during the invitation of EoI in November, Mr Sarada Nayak, MLA of Rourkela, had said that very soon, the work would begin as all the bottlenecks have been removed. When contacted, Mr Nayak said: “The case is in the court after the displaced persons’ association moved to court for which we are unable to do anything. But, soon there will be some development in this matter.”

Entry Filed under: Medical, nursing and pharmacy colleges,WODC private medical colleges

7 Writeup

  • 1. sambit nayak  |  October 25th, 2007 at 12:14 am

    Is there any progress in this front from 4th June? I am out of Rourkela for past couple of years and completely unaware of the developments happening there if any. What is the latest news on Medical college or any other new Educational institute coming to Rourkela?

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  October 25th, 2007 at 12:24 am

    not that i know of. Rourkela people need to get together and put pressure on the state govt. for a regular university and a medical college.

  • 3. sanjay  |  May 8th, 2008 at 1:38 pm

    I think it is delayed purposefully. The govt dont want any developement in Rourkela. Otherwise why all the proposed things are held in court. Same case in BPUT building Construction and same thing in Medical College also. Wt is happening actually. Wt the govt wants….? All medical..technical premier institutions to be in Bhubaneswar….. I want to request Mr Sarada Nayak to do something for this Rourkela constituency. Having population over 5 lakhs..rourkela has only two Hospitals IGH & RGH…But there are good no of premier hospitals in bhubaneswar for population of 8/10 lakhs..kalinga medical..hitech hospital.oltapur hospital..rajdhani hospital and many more… Why this bias of our govt… Develope the capital city and please please and please develope the steel city also.

  • 4. Sushanta Kumar Sahu  |  November 2nd, 2008 at 6:40 pm

    It seems as if Naveen Patnaik govt is maintaining absolutely double standard favouring the conspirers as it was best way of him to move the whole construction of BPUT into the uncertain spell of time and divert all rourkelaites their attention and vigilance out of focus .i belive He & Mr.Sarada Nayak must be crowned oscars for their briliant performance of acting before 5 lakhs+ people of Rkl and still have been succeeding over the past Yrs.
    Soft Developer,

  • 5. alok  |  November 18th, 2008 at 1:40 am

    This is no new to Rourkela..The fate of rourkela always lies with the goverment of orissa wat i believe..I dont know why people from outside feel that this city has got lot of potential..but the naveen patnaik goverment seems to be ignoring this idea for long..We the people of rourkela need to take some real major steps to make the goverment consider wat we want.let them know we dont live here on mercy of those netas who are not even considerd as human beings.When Naveen patnaik was choosen as the CM i was expecting atleast he would somehow change the face of rourkela.But its shocking when a Oxford passout is taking things like this.Rather than making roukela just famous for steel plant we should try to get it into the top IT destinations of Eastern india as well as the IT capital of orissa.I feel pity when i see the present scenario of rourkela.Its got the one of the best engineering colleges in india and but we lack the best of companies.Its got the highest litracy,the highest per capita income.Mr patnaik if you somehow come across this..just assume how seriously we take rourkela.Some years bak a Technical unversity was decided to be formed.But can you explain why part of its admin is functioning from bhubneswar.Why the medical college has not been setup yet.Well answer to all these questions is common.All of them are located in Rourkela.If thats the reason just separate the city of rourkela from rest of orissa.Please STOP NEGLECTING ROURKELA….

  • 6. mihir kumar swain  |  July 2nd, 2009 at 4:16 pm

    rourkela peoples shoud come out to road and give the slogan give all the facilities to rourklea like bbsr

  • 7. Trilochan Ojha  |  September 16th, 2009 at 12:34 pm

    I request our state administraition to be very much carefull and cautious enough to keep the much valuable city under their own custody,otherwise as far as the city nonodia population is concerned the city will no more remain in Odisha.So it is time for our state govt. to perform developement activity to make people fell the effect of the Odia Govt. over the city of Rourkela.
    In this context I would like to request our state govt and sarda nayak govt. at Rourkela to be very tough to start the construction of the WODC medical college inspite of any huddle situation and try the best to bring the ESIC Medical to be shifted to Rourkela


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