Letter to the PM: Please donot take away an announced for IIT from Orissa

February 4th, 2007

To: Dr. Manmohan Singh,
Prime Minister of India
Tel: 91-11-2301-2312, 2301-8939
E-mail: pmosb@pmo.nic.in

cc: Mrs. Sonia Gandhi,
President of Indian National Congress and UPA
10, Janpath, New Delhi 110011 India
PH: 91-11-23014161, 23014481
E-Mail: soniagandhi@sansad.nic.in, aicc@congress.org.in

cc: cmo@ori.nic.in

Dear Esteemed Prime minister of India:

The Times of India national edition [1] reported on 29th of August 2006 that the day before, in Patna, Union minister of state for Human resource development Mr. Fatmi had said: “The proposal for one IIT for Bihar and two for Orissa and one Western Indian state besides one IIIT to Bihar will be included in 11th Five Year Plan.”

This news was very positively received by the people of Orissa, as having an IIT has been a long standing demand of the people of Orissa. Its importance has dramatically increased in the current context as many industries of various kinds (Steel, Aluminium, Ports, Power, refineries, IT etc.) have recently come to Orissa or are in the process of coming to Orissa; Orissa is among the bottom 3 with respect to per capita MHRD funding of higher education institutions [8,9] and has no IITs, IIMs,IISc, IISERs, central universities, or any institutions of national importance; and Orissa desperately needs an IIT type engineering college granting post graduate degrees so that its 40+ engineering colleges [10] can improve their faculty quality by sending these faculty to pursue part-time M.Tech and Ph.D degrees at a nearby IIT. Moreover, Orissa is one of the most backward states of the country with respect to various indices.

However, recently it has been reported [2] that the three new IITs to be included in the 11th plan [3], at a cost of Rs 4000 crore each [3], will be in Bihar, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh. Comparing this news with the news of 28th August 2006 [1] it seems that your MHRD has replaced Orissa by Andhra Pradesh and has thus taken away the earlier announced IIT from Orissa and given it to Andhra Pradesh.

This is shocking news and yet again suggests that the UPA government in general and the MHRD in particular has something against Orissa.

We do not know if MHRD’s removal of Orissa and addition of Andhra Pradesh to the list of IITs has anything to do with your visit to Orissa and announcement (on Aug 28 2006) [5] of the establishment of the NISER (National Institute of Science Education and Research) – with a budget of Rs 750 crores – in Bhubaneswar. If they are connected then your visit has cost Orissa 3250 crores; which is Rs 4000 crores (for an IIT) – Rs 750 crores (cost of NISER).

Moreover, logically thinking, Orissa should not lose a new IIT because of the NISER. The reason being NISER is funded by DAE and not MHRD and hence with or without NISER, Orissa will still be at the bottom of MHRD funding, and if one were to take into account institutes that are announced in 2006 and that are not funded by MHRD then NIPER (National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research) like institutes, funded by the ministry of Chemical and Fertilizers, were also announced [7] for both Bihar and Andhra Pradesh. Similarly, in 2006 an IIPH (Indian Institute of Public Health) has also been announced for Andhra Pradesh and two institutes of Andhra Pradesh (Osmania University College of engineering and Andhra University College of Engineering) and three others (IT-BHU, CUSAT, BESU) were shortlisted for upgradation to IIT cousin status and were designated to be called IIEST (Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology) [11]. These IIESTs are to be funded by MHRD. Thus it does not make logical sense to take away IIT from Orissa because of an NISER announcement and yet treat Bihar and Andhra Pradesh differently.

Finally, Orissans were the first to raise the voice nationally in 2005 and 2006 and argue for equitable distribution of HRD money across various states [8,9,12-15]. Two Orissa researchers came up with the notion of per capita MHRD funding on higher education of various states and showed that Rajasthan, Bihar, and Orissa were at the bottom.

Its ironical that after MHRD seems to have bought into the index of per capita spending on higher education HRD developed by the Orissa researchers, they have punished Orissa. I.e., they picked Bihar and Rajasthan which are also at the bottom of MHRD funding but yet skipped Orissa.

In their protest (http://iiser.blogspot.com/) last year Orissans did not use any of the disruptive mechanisms like Rasta Roko, Bundhs etc. and rather used modern methods such as letter writing, candle light rallies, writing in news media, talking to their representatives (MPs) and convincing them to talk to you. But instead of being rewarded we are now being punished. In this time of strife and terrorism in many parts of India is this the message you want to send to the people of India? That be violent then we will negotiate with you and give you an IIT or similar institution (example: IIT in Assam, Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar, Assam as a deal with the Bodos, Sant Longowal Inst. in Punjab, etc.) and protest peacefully we will punish you, i.e., take away an announced for IIT.

We Orissans still believe in peaceful, non-violent, and non-disruptive protests and hence we are writing to you. We sincerely hope that you will annul the punishment of taking away an IIT from Orissa and allocate a new greenfield IIT for Orissa in the 11th plan, and remove any roadblocks from IIT Kharagpur’s plan for a branch campus in Bhubaneswar and thus have the IITs in Orissa (during the 11th plan) as was announced by your union minister of state for HRD Mr. Fatmi on August 28th in Patna.


[1] http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/1933613.cms


[3] http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/459579.cms


[5] http://pmindia.nic.in/lspeech.asp?id=379

[6] http://iits-11thplan.blogspot.com/

[7] http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=19376

[8] http://www.baral.us/hrd-nh.htm

[9] http://equitableindia.org

[10] http://orissalinks.googlepages.com/engineeringcollegesinorissa

[11] http://www.becollege.org/IIT/IIEST.pdf

[12] Hindu:

[13] Indian Express:

[14] Hindustan Times:

[15] Indian Express: http://www.indianexpress.com/story/18992.html

Entry Filed under: IIT, oDishA,India

2 Writeup

  • 1. Sidharth Das  |  February 7th, 2007 at 1:32 pm

    I beleive the state is suffering due to petty politics and because Orissa does not have a Congress goverment. I sincerely think we should organise a protest rally in the state which should culminate in the Congress head quarters at Bhubaneswar.

  • 2. Ravouf  |  November 18th, 2008 at 2:13 pm

    Honourable Sir,
    I am S/o(Late), R.Nawab Syedullah, who Worked as UDC in Central PWD, he expired on 22.09.1998,I received a Approved letter from Directorate General Of Works, that am in waiting list, but still now i didnt get job since from 10 yrs. I Send Lots of Letters & mails by asking Current Waiting List to Central PWD, but no Response. On 3rd April 2008, Letter No:1(2)2008 – Admn I received a letter from O/of the Central PWD, by informing that Am in 7th place in Combined waiting list of Compassionate appointment & 2nd place in Civil Dept. I Request you Kindly Send me the Current Status of Waiting list.
    Now Ten yrs Completely over by my fathers death till now I am not getting job, whether it will take this much long time to give me appointment order? My family is in Critical Situation & very Poor it is highly impossible to Run our family by this growing Budget. Is it Possible to lead a family with Pension? What this Govt is doing from this 10 years, I Am not alone like me there are Many Employees Stuggling with their life without getting job,& many of thems life has gone in wrong way its only because of this careless Govt. Aleast, You be a Good hearted of this Indian Citizen. If you grant me a job within this year ending sure all of our suport will be only to this Congress govt hope it will Get Continue for years of years. Please Save Our Life. Hoping for Reply as soon as possible.
    Thanking You,
    Yours truly,
    S. Sayed Abdul Ravouf


April 2025

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