An incomplete list of Orissa origin professors outside India

August 6th, 2007

(Please don’t read anything from the categorization. It was initially based on my familiarity with people. I started off with the CS faculty list as I knew a lot of them. …)

Following is an initial list of professors of Orissa origin in the areas of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, and related disciplines that are in universities outside India:

Following is an initial list of faculty in other areas in science and engineering.

  • Sumanta Acharya, Mechanical engineering, Louisiana State University, USA
  • Kailash Bhol, Dental Medicine, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, USA
  • Bhaskar Das, Nuclear medicine; Developmental and Molecular Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva university
  • Deben Das, Mechanical Engineering, University of Alaska at Fairbanks, USA
  • Alekha Dash, School of Pharmacy, Creighton University, USA
  • Ashok Das, Physics & Astronomy, University of Rochester, USA
  • Bhanu Jena, Physiology, Wayne state university, USA
  • Puru Jena, Physics, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Lalu Mansinha, Earth Physics, University of Western Ontario, Canada
  • S D Mahanti, Physics, Michigan State University
  • Ajit Mahapatra, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Fort Valley State University, GA, USA
  • Rabindra Mahapatra, Physics, University of Maryland, USA
  • Debasmita Mishra, Mining & Geological Engineering, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA
  • Manoranjan Misra, Materials Science, University of Nevada Reno, USA
  • Ranjita Misra, Health and Kinesiology, Texas A & M University
  • Sri Gopal Mohanty, Mathematics and Statistics, McMaster University, Canada
  • Kishore Mohanty, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Houston, USA
  • Binayak Mohanty, Biological and Agricultural engineering, Texas A & M University, USA
  • Manoj Mohanty, Mining and Mineral resources engineering, Southern Illinois University, USA
  • Pritiraj Mohanty, Physics, Boston University
  • Udayan Mohanty, Chemistry, Boston College
  • Nihar Nayak, School of Medicine, Stanford University, USA
  • Pinaki Panigrahi, Pediatrics, University of Maryland School of Medicine, USA
  • Suranjan Panigrahi, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, North Dakota State University, USA
  • Jogesh Pati, Physics, University of Maryland, USA
  • Asit Patnaik, Veterinary and Biomedical sciences, Univ. of Nebraska Lincoln, USA
  • Abani Patra, State University of New York at Bufalo, USA
  • Digambara Patra, Chemistry, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
  • Chittaranjan Ray, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Hawaii, USA.
  • Prasanna Sahoo, Mathematics, University of Louisvilee, Kentucky, USA
  • Sashi Satpathy, Physics, University of Missouri, Columbia

Following is an initial list of faculty in non-science and engineering areas.

  • Sid Das, Operations Management, George Mason University
  • Raju Das, Dept. of Geography, York University
  • Pabitra Dash, Business and CIS, Mayville State University, North Dakota, USA
  • Kishore Dash, International Business, Thunderbird School of Management, USA
  • Shivraj Kanungo, Information & Decision Sciences, George Washinton University, USA
  • Suchi Mishra, Finance & Real Estate, Florida International University
  • Madhu Mohanty, Economics, California State University, Los Angeles, USA
  • Satya Mohanty, English, Cornell University, USA
  • Sunil Mohanty, Business, University of St. Thomas, USA
  • Digambar Mishra, Political Science, Miles College, USA
  • Josna Mishra, Social Science, Miles College, USA
  • Sanjog Mishra, Marketing and Applied Statistics, University of Rochester, USA
  • Santosh Mishra, Economics, Oregon State University, USA
  • Sukanta Misra, Agricultural Economics, Texas Tech University
  • Radha Mohapatra, Information Systems, University of Texas at Arlington
  • Prashant Pattanaik, Economics, University of California Riverside, USA
  • Himanshu Shee, Business, Victoria University, Australia
  • Niranjan Tripathy, Business, University of North Texas, USA

(Thanks to Deba Nayak, Saumya Mohapatra, Sashi Satpathy, Debasmita Mishra and some of the commentators below  for pointers to some of the above names.)

Entry Filed under: NRI professors,Odisha origin academicians

12 Writeup

  • 1. Bhaskar C.Das  |  August 31st, 2007 at 8:54 am

    Dear Orissalink Users:
    Thanks to the all who have contributed your valuable time and energy for maintaining this website very lively to browse.
    Last year when I joined in Albert Einstein College of Medicine as Faculty, was looking for some oriya origin professors in USA, I found 2-3 names. May be I didn’t try hard to invest more to find this website,otherwsie it would have more useful for me.
    Thanks again to all.
    Dr. Bhaskar Das
    Department of Nuclear Medicine and Developmental and Molecular Biology
    Room 305 Gruss MMRC
    Tel: 718-430-2422

    Bhaskar Das’ Laboratory personnel

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  August 31st, 2007 at 11:03 am

    Thanks. I have included your name in the list. If you know of anyone else whose name is not in the list, please let me know.

  • 3. Kiran Mahsuar  |  November 16th, 2007 at 9:23 pm

    Dear Moderators,
    Thanks for maintaining such a wonderful website.
    I would like to add two more names to the aforementioned list.

    Dr.Sanjog MIshra
    Simon School of Business,
    University of Rochester.

    Dr.Julie Acharya Ray
    Department of Pharmacy,
    University of Maryland

  • 4. svaha  |  January 10th, 2008 at 6:01 am

    … Professor Prasanta Pattanaik (note spelling) …

    Editor: Rest of the comment edited out for drawing silly conclusions and lecturing based on that.

  • 5. Chitta Baral  |  January 12th, 2008 at 12:37 pm

    svaha: Thanks for the spelling correction.

  • 6. dr nrkreddy  |  November 26th, 2009 at 9:04 pm

    excellent service u r rendering

  • 7. chandrakanta panda  |  January 10th, 2010 at 6:23 pm

    Thanks for giving valuable information

  • 8. pramod kumar sahoo  |  March 25th, 2010 at 9:13 pm

    Thanks for every own to making this type of website of all details.

  • 9. Bighnaraj  |  September 5th, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    You havent added Umesh Mishra, Probably the most qualified Oriya Prof working in USA and Most awad winning prof.

  • 10. barun parichha  |  July 17th, 2011 at 9:40 am

    These information may be useful for ODIYA students who opt for higher education in US. I am a post graduate in computer science from IIT chennai and looking for some good prof and college to carry out my Phd.

    Thanks for this useful link.

  • 11. LT COL 9Dr0 JYOTIRMAYA SATPATHY  |  June 20th, 2012 at 7:40 am

    Please include Jyotirmaya Satpathy, Indian Army, from the field of MAnagement of human Resources and Industrial Relations.


  • 12. Satabhisha  |  August 23rd, 2012 at 1:58 pm

    I want to congratulate for such great job..
    but i think it need some more effort..

    This list is not complete ..
    I think some of the people are missing like
    Prof. Om Agrawal.
    who is not an odia by birth but by culture.

    Also the people should be included whi are in
    the premier all india institutes inside odisha.

    thanking u……


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