Slew of new departments/schools/centers at NIT Rourkela

March 5th, 2007

NIT Rourkela has decided to start the following departments/schools/centers.

      • Department of Biotechnology and Medical Engineering
        • B. Tech. (Biotechnology), B. Tech (Biomedical Engg), M. Tech. (Biotechnology), M. Tech (Biomedical Engg), M. Tech.(R ), Ph.D.
      • Department of Life Sciences
        • M.Sc., M.Tech. ( R) , Ph.D.
      • Department of Industrial Design
        • B. Des, M. Des., M. Des.(R ), Ph.D.
      • School of Management
        • MBA/MBM/MMS, PGDMS, PH D, Executive Development Programmes
      • Centre of Tribal Development
        • M.Tech.(R), Ph.D.

Admission to all programmes of the department of Biotechnology and Medical Engineering will start in the Academic Year 2007-08 and to the other Departments by Academic Year 2008-09.

This is a great move. I hope they will team up with RSP hospital and/or Rourkela General hospital to start a medical school.

(Thanks to Sandip babu for this news.)

Entry Filed under: NIT, Rourkela

5 Writeup

  • 1. pradeep k tandon  |  March 12th, 2007 at 8:40 am

    I glad to see your nit rourkela is going to start biotechnology , because it is a very good emerging subjects . and i would like to take admission in M tech biotechnology . will u please give me information about admission process in nit rourkela.


  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  March 13th, 2007 at 1:16 pm

    The best place to get information would be the NIT Rourkela home page.


  • 3. kousik das  |  April 12th, 2007 at 12:00 am

    good news 4 all students seeing admission to a good mba school. one star in this feild is on rise i hope..

  • 4. sudhin  |  June 18th, 2007 at 3:30 pm

    I `m glad to see your nit rourkela is going to start biotechnology , because it is a very good emerging field. and i would like to take admission in M tech biomedical . will u please give me information about admission process in nit rourkela.


  • 5. akash kumar bhoi  |  July 16th, 2007 at 8:59 pm

    i am a btech 3rd yr biomedical student of TAT i am a bio medical student,i’m very much interested to take admission in Mtech biomedical in NITrkl.if you will give me information about admission process,i ‘ll thankful to you.


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