Key sentences in the CM’s letter to the PM on IIT

October 17th, 2007

I am told by someone who has seen the letter first hand that the letter has the following two key sentences:

  • At the end of the second paragraph where the CM talks about Orissa’s industrialization the sentence  is: "At this juncture, it is essential to catalyse our efforts by grounding of prestigeous central institutes like IIT, IIM, IIIT, etc. in Orissa."
  • The last two sentences of the letter are: "A new IIT in Orissa shall be the flagship project of the State and hence is accorded the top priority by the State Government. I look forward to receiving your support in the above matter."

Entry Filed under: IIT, oDishA,Odisha, others and the center

4 Writeup

  • 1. Kanhu  |  October 18th, 2007 at 12:55 pm

    This move was expected but this is not enough. We have many instances in the past where our CM has written multiple letters to PM and other central ministers on issues related to orissa particularly on establishment of institutes of higher learning. But these letters have been ignored by centre. We need to lobby hard for this with central govt. We should get the list of orissa cadre central govt IAS officers who are at important positions at central govt and persuade them to lobby for this. CM should meet all these well wishers of orissa in Delhi to get maximum benefit for orissa not only on higher education but also on all other departments. we must realize this is the golden chance and probably last one for getting these premier institutes..we can not fail this time. We have to get a greenfield IIT at any cost.

  • 2. R. K. Ghosh  |  October 18th, 2007 at 4:36 pm

    I think there is a distinct lack of political will to do much in this direction. I remember that IOPB came up as physics institute by the state govt. Perhaps Institute of Mathematics was also created around the same time. But IOPB soon came to the level of a national institute and taken over by DAE whereas Institute of Mathematics is still struggling to find a place in national level. I doubt if the institute of mathematics will be able to get such a place even in next 10 years. In my opinion the efforts and dynamism of the founding director of IOPB made the difference. There is nothing that prevents state govt from initially building a PG only technical institute and get a really outstanding director who can steer the institute to a clear goal of achieving IIT status in next 10 years, assuming political arithmetic remains unchanged during this time. The talk for IITs going on for last 6 years, so much time is lost in between. There is really no effort from state . I don’t think CM’s letter can undo the political arithmetic.

  • 3. Debu  |  October 18th, 2007 at 5:03 pm

    Reply to Mr. R. K. Ghosh :

    1) IOPB was created in the year 1975.

    Where as Math-Institute is a baby !!! It is established during 1999.

    2) One cannot compare both atall due to its time frame. With time everything becomes difficult.

    3) Both the founding directors of respective institutes are well politician rather than scientist. No one knows nationally who are they !! IOPB being a DAE institute lies at the bottom among the DAE facility. Infact IOPB is a very small institute by numbers and out put wise also.

    4) Getting outstanding person is not possible as one has to be a good political player to become a successful director. Atleast in orissa its not possible.

  • 4. R. K. Ghosh  |  October 19th, 2007 at 1:22 pm

    Thanks to Mr. Debu, I am not a regular Orissa watcher hence the mistake in dates of establishment of the two institutes. But I think IOPB became a DAE institute in 1985. I don’t think Maths institute will become a national institute by 2009! I disagree that with time things will get difficult. If so we are in a regressive world. In fact it should become easier with changing times. But I do agree that some amount of political acumen needed by (founding) directors or heads of an institution. It is wrong to say that all directors should be more politicians than scientists. Without a good academic standing of its head of an acadenuc institute can never be aspire to reach some standing. The wheel-dealers have brought the higher education to such a level that most of us believe that a politician should be fit for directors position of high-profile institutes. Having said that I tend to agree with Mr. Debu that it is perhaps the ground zero situation not alone in Orissa but in India as a whole!!


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