Agami Odisha’s plan of action (two rallies) on IIT and other issues

March 13th, 2008

(The following is from

Dear Friends,

Yesterday, we at Agami Odisha decided that we will no longer remain silent on all such step-motherly attitude of Center. All who are around Bhubaneswar may join in our Rally to Raj Bhawan for our demand of IIT/ making UCE, Burla an IIEST and asking MLA for bringing out comprehensive solution for eradication of Poverty in Orissa Assembly. We must make people aware by going to the street. Let us feel responsible and perform it as a duty to our motherland Odisha.


16th March’08: Time 9AM: Place AG Square, Bhubaneswar; 1/2 an hour Rally to Raj Bhawan
19th March’08: Time 5.30PM: Place Lower PMG/ Master canteen Square: 1/2 an hour Mashal Rally
Subsequent action plan for Delhi will be decided.

Lalit Pattnaik,
Working President AGAMI ODISHA

Entry Filed under: IIT, oDishA,MHRD bias against Odisha (past?)

1 Writeup

  • 1. subhakanta  |  March 14th, 2008 at 10:05 am

    I think our congress representive are not feet for orissa. Due there negligency
    we are suffering a lot. They want that orissa should go down words to last GARIBA state in India.
    In other way if we want we can show something, for that we have to very honest and dedicate, we orissa people start a new IIT, more than a good IIT instutue by donating each oriya who really love to orissa by what ever way, from a dina majura can donate atleast 10ruppees. But we need to explain our hinesty and dedication for this work to the orissa public. On the other side we can little help from state government. Better we should start a rally for explaining about it in all area, even if in the villages. If any other way to stop giving tax that will be one time positive acction to the center. I am sorry, may got exicieted to give my thought. If it is wrong forgive me.
    We are proud be a oriya…………………………..and always


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