National Research Institute of Ayurveda Drug Development (NRIADD) to establish its complex in Bhubaneswar

March 27th, 2008

Following is an excerpt from a news report in New Indian Express.

The National Research Institute of Ayurveda Drug Development (NRIADD) would establish its own complex over three acres of land in the city.

… The institute was earlier functioning as the Central Research Institute (Ayurveda). Das, speaking on the occasion, stressed the importance of standardisation of medical research. She said that ayurvedic research should be upgraded by application of latest knowledge and should be linked to modern medical sciences for advancement.

On the goals of the institute, she said, it should develop into a centre of excellence in ayurveda where integrated team approach by the staff is important.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Homeopathy, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy,NRIADD, Bhubaneswar

3 Writeup

  • 1. Dr. Akshay Kumar Khilar  |  March 29th, 2008 at 10:50 am

    this would be an amzing project.we are very much crazy for that.

  • 2. Dr Manoranjan Bhol  |  March 31st, 2008 at 12:18 pm

    This is the most needed project which had been delayed for years.
    Had it hapenned little before, now India would have been on the top list of ayurvedic drug exporters surpassing China long back adding more revenue to the country.because of the lack ayurvedic drug standarization we missed lot of scope.

    Anyway,better to have late than never.

    Thanks to the UPA govt.

    A source of inspiration for the Ayurveda fraternity…

  • 3. Sambamurti Venkatraman  |  December 28th, 2010 at 7:21 pm

    This message is for Dr.Bhaswati Bhattacharya,


    I read with keen interest the article in Times of India, Kolkata, Sat, Dec.25, 2010. I would like to suggest that you add more alternative medicines like Sujok Accupressure, Reiki etc., I have had the benefit of both. The best example is my wife who had a lump in her breast which the doctors wanted to syringe etc., but she went through Reiki & accupressure and the large lump has now totally disappeared.
    I used to suffer a lot from spondilitis. One treat with Sujok Accupressure made a lot of difference to me.
    In case you wish you can be in touch with us both at our email. We live in Calcutta.
    Incidentally, I am in-charge of some charitable organisations which include a charitable OPD. Finding the cost of medicines unaffordable I engineered a Homeo Clinic and today the patients get the best treatment and no-cost medicines (All genuine German drugs only).
    We were impressed with your efforts and are sharing our thoughts with you.
    Best wishes at your efforts.

    Bhanumathi & Venkatraman


March 2025

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