IIT in Orissa, a world class central university and another central university (hopefully in KBK) announced by the center : PIB

March 28th, 2008

Following is from a PIB press release http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=36955.


11:55 IST

The 11th Five Year Plan, endorsed by the National Development Council in December, 2007, envisages, inter-alia, establishment of the following new higher education institutions in the Central sector:

A          Technical Education Institutions

·         8 Indian Institutes of Technology

·         7 Indian Institutes of Management

B          Central Universities

·         14  Universities aiming at world class standards

·         16  Universities in States which do not have a Central University at present


2.         Out of the above new institutions, location decisions had already been taken in the case of 4 IITs and one IIM. Hon’ble Prime Minister has since approved the proposals made by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, for the location of the remaining institutions as per the details given below.

Location of new IITs/ IIMs.

3.         Location of 4 IITs  (in Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar and Himachal Pradesh),  and one IIM (at Shillong) have already been announced. The Central Government has now decided to locate the remaining 4 IITs and 6 IIMs in the following States :

IITs   Orissa, Madhya Pradesh (Indore), Gujarat and  Punjab

 IIMs    Tamil Nadu, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh (Raipur), Uttarakhand and Haryana In addition, it is also proposed to convert the Institute of Technology of the Banaras Hindu University   into an IIT.  Admission to this Institute is already based on the  IIT – Joint Entrance Examination.

Location of 14 World Class Universities

4.         As regards 14 Central Universities aiming at  world class standards, it has been considered necessary that these are located in or near selected large cities which would automatically have the kind of connectivity and infrastructure  which such universities would need.  Accordingly, it has been decided  to locate one such University in each of the 14 States/Region  as shown  in the  enclosed List, and to request concerned State Governments to identify adequate land in or near the  selected  cities.

Location of 16 Central Universities in Uncovered States        

5.         16 States which do not have a  Central University at present, and which will get one  Central University each  in the  11th Plan are  Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Goa.   Of these, in three States, existing State Universities will be taken over by the Central Government and converted into Central Universities. These   three Universities are   Dr. Hari Singh Gaur University, Sagar (in Madhya Pradesh), Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur (in Chhattisgarh), and Goa University.

6.         Establishment of IITs, IIMs and Central Universities in the above States is subject to State Governments offering adequate   land at suitable locations, free of cost, for the purpose.  Each of the concerned State Government is being requested to offer land accordingly.  Actual establishment of these institutions would however depend, among other things, on how quickly the concerned State Governments respond  by allotting adequate land at suitable locations.

State-wise List of Cities Identified for locating 14 Central Universities during the  XIth Plan  which would aim to achieve  world class  standards

State                                        City

1.         Maharashtra                            Pune

2.         West Bengal                            Kolkata

3.         Tamil Nadu                               Coimbatore

4.         Karnataka                                Mysore

5.         Andhra Pradesh                        Vishakapatanam

6.         Gujarat                                     Gandhinagar

7.         Rajasthan                                 Jaipur

8.         Bihar                                        Patna

9.         Madhya Pradesh                       Bhopal

10.        Kerala                                      Kochi

11.        Punjab                                     Amritsar

12.        Orissa                                      Bhubaneshwar

13.        Uttar Padesh                            Greater NOIDA

14.        North Eastern Region    Guwahati


Department of Higher Education, Ministry of HRD

PIB, New Delhi; Chatra 08, 1930,March 28, 2008


Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Central University of Orissa, Koraput,IIT, oDishA,New Universities,Universities of Innovation,University of Innovation Bhubaneswar

5 Writeup

  • 1. Hari Om  |  March 28th, 2008 at 8:54 pm

    It’s a great shy of relief for all, who could see the success after their sincere efforts through various ways to achieve the end. We must congratulate everyone involved in the whole process thinking alike to do something for Orissa. Special thanks must go to Govt. of India and the state Govt. Let’s hope to see things happening in the state. Orissalinks.com must get the credit for mobilising peoples voice.I congratulate Prof. Baral and his team for the initiatives.Should n’t we keep it up?

  • 2. saumya r  |  March 28th, 2008 at 11:44 pm

    Congratulations sir. Now we have to push our state Gov. to response fast. IIT hyderabad and IIt patna are planing to start from the comming session and they will be under nearest IITs as their care taker. so, in that case now IIT kharagpur will take care of new IIT for Orissa and I am sure director Prof acharya of IIT kahargpur can be very much intrumental. Lets hope for the best.

  • 3. TRILOCHAN PATRA  |  March 29th, 2008 at 12:06 am

    Now we are actually waiting for the ground work and proper locations of these institute.I congratulate Prof. Baral and his team for a continuous support and encouragement to the young mass of orissa to wards higher education regarding world class institute.

  • 4. Biswanath  |  March 29th, 2008 at 3:16 pm

    Now it is time for the Government of Orissa to walk the talk and show its concern for underdeveloped regions by proposing the name of Berhampur for locating the IIT sanctioned to Orissa. IIT-Berhampur will fulfill the agony and anguish of the people of South Orissa and KBK region, for having been denied of the fruits of social and educational development. Hope the state governent doesn’t belie the hopes of a crore people.

  • 5. Shankar N Bagh  |  December 13th, 2008 at 9:37 am

    Congrats to people of odisha.i am very sad and anguished about the leadership of our skeletonless polticians.But the need of the our is that it should be established in the KBK region.Do not politicise about the location. Do not deprieve this. area any more,already it has suffered more.


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