IMA plans five year integrated M.Sc in Computer Science

April 11th, 2008

Following is an excerpt from a news report in New Indian Express.

Institute of Mathematics and Application (IMA) here is contemplating to introduce a five-year integrated M Sc programme in computer science.

The course would seek to churn out computer scientists who would use their expertise in providing solutions to a number of fields.

All in all, its scope would go far beyond what is taught at the MCA level today. This should lead to a research programme in computer science in the areas of cryptography, digital image processing and bio-informatics.

Institute director Prof. Swadhin Pattnaik said the integrated programme will help students save one year. Students have to put in additional two years after graduation for pursuing such a programme from other institutes.

The success of the programme would immensely help several sectors recruit highly skilled computer professionals as the country is currently facing crisis for such hands.

Even though a number of technical institutes offer similar programmes today, the product they churn out fail to meet employers’ expectations. IMA, with its level of academic standards, promises to solve this problem.

… The Tata Group is supporting in the development of the infrastructure. However, he ruled out any knowledge of naming the institute after the Tata Group.


Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Institute of Mathematics & App., Bhubaneswar

4 Writeup

  • 1. chandan  |  April 15th, 2008 at 6:11 pm

    It is very important to plan very carefully before starting such institutes and atmost care should be taken so that these institutions do not get infected by those problems which existing ones are facing.For example mismanagement ,not conducting the exams at proper time not publishing results at time,unnecessary delay in processing administrative works.general public should keep inquiring about functioning of institutes like IMA and others.Also starting institutions and naming them with other great one like IITs .IIMs is not going to solve our problems but we should try to make it a habbit to start and run great places where students can learn and produce knowledge.

  • 2. S. Routray  |  July 11th, 2008 at 10:17 pm

    Yes, I am answering to the mismanagement….Who is the culprit ??
    Prof. G. Das Ex VC of Utkal University. He is the Chairman of internal council board of IMA. He has been neglecting the classes of B.Sc IInd year students for last two years. It is difficult to understand his teaching. He comes to class without seeing Syllabus and teaches in his wishes. The entire courses have not completed properly. Also, other retired persons are coming to the institute for the shake of Rs 500 per class. We have no idea about our future at IMA, bhubaneswar after 1 years. The exmas of 3rd Semester is yet to be completed. But we should be in 5th semester in Aug, 2008.But our 4th Semester has been started in this month. No good faculties are appointed by institute. Anyway, we expect that Prof. G. Das should not select his bogus Ph.D students or relatives or daughter Ellipse (Faculty was in Maharshi college, Bhubaneswar) for IMA…..
    Lord Jagannath save IMA from G. Das.

  • 3. santoshkumarpatra  |  January 9th, 2009 at 1:02 pm

    i am intrested in our college.

  • 4. santoshkumarpatra  |  January 9th, 2009 at 1:03 pm

    i want course fee.


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