Revised tender by NISER for barbed wire fencing and MS gate at Jatni

April 19th, 2008

The earlier tender mentioned at is at reached via The revised tender is at and its content is as follows:

Government of India

Department of Atomic Energy

Directorate of Construction, Services & Estate Management


NOTICE FOR PREQUALIFICATION CUM TENDER (TWO BID) Tender No DCSE/Head (PCD)/NISER-/Fencing /204/2008       dt 08 April 2008


Chief Engineer ,DCSEM, DAE, 3rd floor, Vikram Sarabhai Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400 094, on behalf of President of India, invites sealed tenders (in TWO BID) from eligible Contractors for “PROVIDING BARBED WIRE FENCING AND MS GATE FOR NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND RESEARCH (NISER) AT PROPOSED LAND AT Teshil: JATNI, District:KHURDA, ORISSA.. Estimated cost          Rs.55 Lakhs.:  E.M.D. Rs.1.10 Lakhs    Security Deposit      @ 10% of tendered amount (as per Clause 1 & 1A of General Conditions of Contract.    Completion Period  3 (Three months). Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 12-05-2008 at 14.30 Hrs. in the Office of the Engineer-in-charge, DCSEM, D.A.E , Institute of Physics, Sachivalya Marg,  Bhubaneswar 751 006. Tenders shall be received in the Office of the Engineer-in-charge, DCSEM, D.A.E , Institute of Physics, Sachivalya Marg,  Bhubaneswar         751 006 on 20-05-2008 up to 15.00 Hrs and only Technical bid shall be opened on 20-05-2008 at15.30 Hrs. Financial Bids shall be opened at a later date, which will be notified separately. Opening of Financial Bids shall be subject to short listing of the bidders on verification of their credentials and inspection of works carried out by them, through a Technical Committee of experts formed by DCSEM. EMD in a separate sealed cover shall be received at the time of opening of Financial Bids. Tender documents can be had from 15-04-2008  to         05-05-2008 on any working day between 11-00 Hrs. and 16-00 Hrs. from Office of the Project Engineer (EW), DCSEM, DAE, 1/AF, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700 064  & Office of the Engineer-in-charge, DCSEM, D.A.E , Institute of Physics, Sachivalya Marg,  Bhubaneswar 751 006 on application with the following credentials : 1.  Proof of registration with Government/Semi Government organizations like CPWD, MES, Railways, and State PWD’s in appropriate class or having experience in carrying out similar type of works.2.  List of construction plants, machinery and infrastructure facilities to complete the work in time. 3.  List of technical staff possessed etc. 4.  List of similar works in hand and works carried out by them for the last five years indicating annual turnover, the agency for whom executed, value of work, completion time, stipulated and actual or present position of the work. 5.  Performance certificates. 6. Latest Solvency Certificate of minimum Rs.22 Lakhs from any scheduled banks. Parties fulfilling following criteria shall only be considered for issue of tender documents and pre-qualification :  i)  Average Annual Turnover not less than Rs.66 Lakhs during last three years   ending 31.03.2008 indicated in ITCC or Profit & Loss Statement.  ii)  Should not have incurred any loss in more than two years during last 5 (five) years ending 31.03.2008.  iii) Experience of having successfully completed works as follows during the last five years ending on 31-03-08:  1.  Three similar completed works costing not less than Rs. 22Lakhs each     OR  2.  Two similar completed works each not less than Rs. 33 Lakhs each OR   3. One similar completed work costing not less than Rs. 44 Lakhs.           iv) Similar works shall mean experience in construction of fencing / civil  works.  In the absence of any documents listed above, the requisition for issue of tender forms will not be considered.  Cost of tender documents Rs. 1000/- (non-refundable) payable in Cash to Pay & Accounts Officer, VECC, DAE, Kolkata.  Chief Engineer, DCSEM,, Mumbai reserves the right to accept or reject the tender in full or in part without assigning any reason thereof.  Tender with any condition including conditional rebate shall be rejected forthwith.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),NISER, Bhubaneswar


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