Letter to the Chief Minister of Orissa about pursuing an IIT in Orissa and central university in KBK

December 1st, 2006

To: Shri Naveen Patnaik,

Chief Minister Government of Orissa

Dear Chief Minister of Orissa:

In the past you have championed the cause of the backward districts of Orissa and fought for the approval of the Vijaywada-Ranchi highway. You have also augmented the KBK BRGF with the Biju KBK program and have written an editorial in Indian Express on tribal welfare.

We have written the attached letter to the prime minister, the HRD minister, the minister of tribal affairs, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi and the planning commission requesting the establishment of one of the new IITs in Orissa, establishment of a multi-campus central university in KBK and enhancement of  the road and railway network in the KBK region.

We would like to request you to take these issues further with them and with the people of India (through possible editorial writings) so that they all agree that raising KBK and Southern Orissa out of its current backwardness should be a national priority. In addition, we would like to request you to immediately work on upgrading UCE Burla (the oldest engineering college of Orissa) and making it an Engineering and Science University. This would further Orissa’s demand of making it an IIEST. Please note that the West Bengal government recently upgraded the Bengal Engineering College in Shibpur to the Bengal Engineering and Science University (BESU).




Phone number:

Entry Filed under: Central University of Orissa, Koraput,IIT, oDishA

12 Writeup

  • 1. Chintamani Padhi  |  August 28th, 2008 at 1:31 pm


    Chief Minister of Orissa, Mr.Navin Pattnaik

    Dear Sir,

    I, Chitnamani Padhi, a resident of Orissa (Now residing in Bangalore for a Job). Sir my concern is when our orissa will become rich and when the situation of orissa will be better? I feel shame when I read somewhere that orissa is one of the most backward state in India. I have confidence on you and l believe in your leadership that you can make orissa a very developed state in India both economically and politically. We should invite more indusrialities to establish their industries in orissa by which our youth will get employment directly and indirectly.

    A time will come when we will read and will hear that orissa is the most developed state in India. There are certain things which we should give more attention. 1) Implementation of modern education system. 2) Utilisation of natural resources. 3) Proper utilisation of water resources (99.99% water gets wasted because there are a few dams) to make our land irrigated and to produce hydro electricity. 4) There is no place for any body in the politics having criminal background and not having the minimum educational qualification. 5) Communication (Road) system should be good. There are certain villages in orissa which are not connected with roads and have no school to get basic education even after 61 years of independence. 6) Proper utilisation of funds sanctioned for the public work.(More than 70% of the fund are going into the pocket of politicians and contractors. 7) Strong adherance of afore said points.

    Thanks & regards

    Chintamani Padhi (A well wisher of Orissa)

    Bande Utkal Janani

  • 2. MIR AKBAR ALI  |  October 4th, 2008 at 9:54 am


    Chief Minister of Orissa, Mr.Navin Pattnaik

    Dear Sir,

    I shree MIR AKBAR ALI like to bring your kind attention that I was working in Bhushan Power & Steel limited, Sambalpur, ORISSA since 18.08.05 to 07.05.08 and my provident fund account no. was OR / 8593 / 0621 in Bhushan Power & Steel Limited. Now I join in Jindal Stainless limited, Kalinga Nagar, Jajpur, ORISSA Since 08.05.08 to till date where my PF account No. is OR / 6276 / 1076.

    I have applied for transfer of my PF account through form-XIII in the month of june-08. But till date I do not get any satisfactory action from PF department for transfer my PF account.

    Therefore, requested you to take necessary action to transfer my PF account for which I will be thank full to you for ever.

    Beside that I have already complain to PF department of BBSR & Roukela Through E-mail ID which are ‘accez@vsnl.net’, ‘srorkl@rediffmail.com’, ‘epfobbsr@rediffmail.com’ & does not get any satisfactory action from them. At last I send a request to you.

    With Bestregards


  • 3. modiseth  |  October 21st, 2008 at 1:50 pm

    MR Mukurjee when will orisaa be a state of literate.. when will our tribals stop war among each other..what have you done for the state ?
    Why dont you please resign ?
    When will you stopyour ego and stop ruining this state.

    You have only taken picture with fanatics and shown to be a looser
    you cant do anything for the country why the hell dont you resign
    atleast educate the people..
    why dont you fool more tribals in some other country.. dont do anything for the country or state and just fool illetrate and just keep on sticking to your chair.
    your chair is more important than the people..
    best of luck..
    by your best friend.

  • 4. BIBHUTI BHUSAN SATAPATHY  |  December 8th, 2008 at 11:41 am

    Chief Minister of Odisha
    Respected Sir,
    With due honour i would like to congratulate you on winning a 2/3RD majority in BMC election. As we have supported your leadership In odisha as unparallel to any other leader of your party or of your opposition. In view of this it is my sincere request to you is to keep this spirit going on and go for the hatric this time.Before that i may be selfish in my words please donot forget of implementing the sixth pay scales in this month before stepping into the ring of election bout because ur govt can do this only , no other govt will pay heed on it So wishing you 100% luck and pray before god for your good health and fortune.

    Yours Sincerely
    bibhuti bhusan satapathy

  • 5. Rabinarayan Rout  |  January 9th, 2009 at 2:34 pm


    Shri Naveen Patnaik, Chief Minister Government of Orissa

    Dear Chief Minister of Orissa:
    Greetings of the day!!!!!!!!!!1
    We are from O.T.M Labour Colony, Choudwar, Cuttack. Sir we have no electricity & supply since 8 years. We are all go to CESCO office on 1st January 2009. There we are waiting from 10 am to 7 pm, but no fruitfu result comes from CESCO site. SDO & Executive Engineer said all problem are from our MLA, MP & Liqudator. Sir we are from a Independent Country, i. e India. We are Independent Citizen.But from 2001, We are searchin how India is a Indipendent country, what is the meaning of Independent. So we decide if there will no result from your site till 25th January 2009, we are not celebrated “Replubic Day” & no National Flag will hosted in schools, Clubs & other organistations of our area. That day we celebrated as a “Black Day” Please do the needful steps as the attached file & we dismissed all the rule of India/Orissa’s Adminstration. There will no compormise without Elctricity & water supply in O.T.M Labour Colony.
    Please go through the attached file. read carefully & do the necessary steps, help us sir & give the taste of Nabeen’s Adminstration. Electriciy, Water is not a big project for you sir. But no can live without water & Electricity in presence stage

    Thanks with regards
    All the O.T.M Labour Colony family

  • 6. Rabinarayan Rout  |  February 5th, 2009 at 6:27 pm


    Shri Naveen Patnaik, Chief Minister Government of Orissa

    Dear Chief Minister of Orissa:
    Greetings of the day!!!!!!!!!!1
    We are from O.T.M Labour Colony, Choudwar, Cuttack. Sir we have no electricity & supply since 8 years. We go to CESCO office on 1st January 2009. There we are waiting from 10 am to 7 pm, but no fruitfu result comes from CESCO site. SDO & Executive Engineer said all problem are from our MLA, MP & Liqudator. Sir we are from a Independent Country, i. e India. We are Independent Citizen.But from 2001, We are searchin how India is a Indipendent country, what is the meaning of Independent. So we decide if there will no result from your site till 25th January 2009, we are not celebrated “Replubic Day” & no National Flag will hosted in schools, Clubs & other organistations of our area. That day we celebrated as a “Black Day” Please do the needful steps as the attached file & we dismissed all the rule of India/Orissa’s Adminstration. There will no compormise without Elctricity & water supply in O.T.M Labour Colony.
    Please go through the attached file. read carefully & do the necessary steps, help us sir & give the taste of Nabeen’s Adminstration. Electriciy, Water is not a big project for you sir. But no can live without water & Electricity in presence stage.

    But till date the no response comes from your site. so we decided that no poltical leader/Govt. staffs are not to be allowe to enter our colony till electricity supply to out colony.If they enter they will be take care by shoes,sweeps & Black flags & no one can go to give their vote.
    Please go through the above. read carefully & do the necessary steps, help us sir & give the taste of Nabeen’s Adminstration. Electriciy, Water is not a big project for you sir. But no can live without water & Electricity in presence stage.

    Thanks with regards
    All the O.T.M Labour Colony family

  • 7. K. C. Mohanty  |  May 28th, 2009 at 4:07 pm

    Shri Naveen Patnaik
    Hon’ble Chief Minister of Orissa,
    Orissa Secretariat,

    Diear Sir,

    I Shri K. C. Mohanty has been trying to get in touch with your office. But your office people are not forwarding message to you, I hope so. I have my personal problem and that I wanted to let you know. Kindly let us know what is the best procedure to meet directly or to contact on email.

    With regards,

    Yours sincerely,

    K. C. Mohanty.

  • 8. ABHIMANYU PADHI, Main Road, Nilakantha Nagar, Gosani NuaganBrahmapur-03, Ganjam, Orissa  |  July 26th, 2009 at 6:57 pm

    To The CM
    Sir we had a lot of facilities in our state for developing tourism. We should know how to utilise people”s money and collect money from the people from the out of state. Please will you go to Chilka Lake and see it. Still you can not see let us show you the fact. Sir, we can invite people of large profile such as Ambani etc who can help us in developing the status of our state protecting our own interests. Sir, I can offer you some plans which will certainly help us to developing the beauty as well as livelihood of our people.
    Sir, if you feel it worthy and spare time to hear me I would be always offer my service for the betterment of our oriya people. Only by developing BBSR, purpose will not be solved. We have to think for whole Orrissa. I think it will be worthy to quote the name of ex-CM of AP, Sh. Naidu. You are following his path. Please review the situation in this angle. I hope money will not be the obstackle. Money will come itself in return. Only will should be there. Go to Chilka, you will simply vomit at the place where public gather for better momment. How you can attract people from India and abroad and earn money in this field.
    Thank you sir and dream to have return mail from you. I can even come personnaly for discussion accross the table.
    Thank you sir.

  • 9. Suryakanta Das  |  September 6th, 2009 at 6:15 pm

    Dear Chief Minister,
    I have passed out from BPUT,Orissa as a Biomedical engg(2005-2009).Now i am jobless due to no scope in orissa.But lot of equipments in govt hospitals are wasting day by day.

  • 10. bikash dash  |  September 10th, 2009 at 12:24 pm

    plz give emphasis for the devlopment of sambalpur like ctc,bbsr,berhampur,rkl.it is being under estimate foe a long time

  • 11. ashish kumar chandan  |  December 15th, 2009 at 9:12 pm

    dear chief minister,
    patnagarh the capital city of ex state of patna is running it’s civil court on the revenue buildings,if i am not wrong it’s the one and only instance of the country.please take a look at the matter.

  • 12. pradeep kumar bal  |  December 30th, 2009 at 1:22 am



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