Excerpts from “Implementation of Major Initiatives in Higher Education in the XI Plan”: Presentation at the 2008 Chief Secy’s conference

May 15th, 2008

Following is from http://darpg.nic.in/arpg-website/ChiefSectConf/PPT/HRD.ppt.

  • 370 new degree colleges
    • 373 districts having GER lower than the national average identified by the UGC.
    • Out of 373 districts, 11 districts have lower than 3% GER, 79 districts have GER between 3.1 to 6% and 143 districts have GER between 6.1 to 9%
    • 140 districts have a GER above 9% but below the national average.
    • 91 districts proposed to be covered on priority as they have less than 4 colleges per 1 lakh of student population.
    • The above 373 districts also have 88 districts having a high minority concentration.
    • Upto Rs. 2.5 Crore or one-third cost is proposed as Central contribution with the balance being met by the State Government or Private participation.
    • Non – central Government share could include share of the state govt. as well as private not – for – profit contribution.
    • HRM has written to the concerned State Governments to identify location and their willingness to arrange for the balance of capital cost (non-recurring), to provide land free of cost and to meet the running and maintenance expenditure on these colleges.
  • Helping states expand higher education opportunities 1
    • A new scheme for incentivising State Govts for expansion and starting of new institutions of Higher Education proposed.
    • Under this Centrally Sponsored Scheme, GOI will give one third of the capital cost of establishing new institutions or expansion by the State Govts.
    • Rs. 7000 crore provided in XI Plan for this scheme.
  • Helping states expand higher education opportunities 2
    • UGC coverage of  over 8000 degree colleges and over 170 Universities, which are not receiving UGC grant at present.
    • 50% sharing basis – to be strengthened to get eligibility for 12B recognition under UGC Act.
    • Scheme of construction of Women hostels in Colleges/ Universities with 100% UGC grant is being given impetus.   
  • New IITs
    • States to propose 2/3 alternative locations of 500 to 600 acres of land free of cost with good air, rail and road connectivity.
    • Also to offer accommodation on temporary basis for starting the courses.
    • Also proposed to make the existing IITs act as mentor institutions for new IITs.
    • It is proposed that the Director of the Mentor  IIT, will act as Director of the new IIT for 3 years, with a separate campus Director / or Associate Director.
    • Efforts will be made to have common Chairman and  many common members in the BoGs of  the Mentor IIT and the new IIT.
  • New IIITs
    • 4 IIITs (Indian Institute of Information Technology)  at present at Allahabad, Jabalpur, Gwalior and Kanchipuram.
    • XI Plan envisages 20 new IIITs – as far as possible in the PPP mode.
    • A model DPR being proposed by NASSCOM, is expected to be available by end of April 2008.
    • Proposed model
      • Centre,  State and Industry to contribute Rs. 15 Cr. each
      • Remaining capital cost [about Rs. 80 Cr. ] – to be either given as interest free Government loan on ITI pattern
        or otherwise interest subsidy to be given for the loans as may be taken.
      • Recurring expenses to be met out of fees and internal accruals.
    • Some of the new IIITs proposed to be set up in Govt. Sector in States where PPP mode does not work out.
  • Polytechnics
    • Ratio of Diploma to Degree level seats in India – roughly 1:2,  while it should be 3:1 or even higher.
    • Unlike Engineering Colleges, only about 15 to 20% of Polytechnics in Private Sector.
    • XI Plan envisages establishment of one Polytechnic in each of the 200 Districts not having one at present.
    • Ministry has proposed at least 1000 Polytechnics in XI Plan:  300  in Govt. Sector;   300 in PPP;   400 in Private Sector
    • Existing Govt. Polytechnics will be strengthened.
    • Support will be given for construction  of Women’s Hostels in Polytechnics.
    • Introduction of  Diploma Courses in the existing Engineering Institutions as well as running of 2nd shifts in existing polytechnics to augment intake capacity.
  • Internet Connectivity
    • Network each department of 398 university level institutions and each of 18000 colleges through broadband connectivity.
    • 100 premier institutions working as Knowledge hubs to be connected with 1 Gbps bandwidth.
    • Make available high quality e-text books, e-reference books, e-research papers and e-content in different languages from KG to PG, free of cost to genuine learners.
    • State Governments to share 30% of the cost of providing broadband connectivity.

Entry Filed under: India


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