Progress at Fakirmohan University and North Orissa University; BPUT far behind

April 23rd, 2007

I came across the websites of Fakirmohan University (FMU) in Balasore and North Orissa University (NOU) in Baripada. Both universities seem to have progressed a lot since they were made in 1999. They have taken slightly different paths though. While FMU has focussed on departments that are more in demand with respect to the job market, NOU has been a bit more traditional.

Currently FMU has departments of (i) Bioscience and Biotechnology, (ii) Environmental Sciences, (iii) Population studies, (iv) Business management and (v) Information and Communication and plans to have a program in Applied Physics and Ballistics in collaboration with DRDO that has operations in nearby Chandipur.
NOU has departments of (a) Bioinformatics (b) Biotechnology (c) Botany (d) Business administration (e) Chemistry (f) Computer Sc. & application (g) Economics (h) Law (i) Library and Information Sc. (j) Math and Computing (k) Physics (l) Remote Sensing and GIS (m) Tribal studies (n) Wildlife and (o) Zoology. NOU seems to be very thinly spread with some departments with only a single lecturer/professor.

In contrast to these two universities, BPUT is way behind. Although BPUT started in 2002, it is still a exam conducting university. It does not yet have any of its own programs nor does it have its own buildings. From the very beginning the Orissa government had given it 25 faculty positions to start five centers. No physical progress seems to have been made in this regard. However, BPUT has streamlined the engineering programs and its most admirable achievement has been that it makes a fixed teaching and exam schedule that is followed and as a result the nonsense of exam dates getting postponed for various reasons (including student demands) no longer happens.

Entry Filed under: BPUT, Rourkela,Fakirmohan University, Balasore,North Orissa University, Baripada

1 Writeup

  • 1. Prashant  |  April 24th, 2007 at 3:57 am

    Chita Babu,

    Recently I came to know that the dispute for land acquisition for BPUT at Rourkela is resolved with the one of the village ( a tribal village knows as BAGUDI near to Chhend Area) . As a compensation, the Orissa Govt. will build a Model Villages with some amenities for the entire village in that area.

    In otherwords , BPUT has got all the go-ahead kind of signal for its Campus construction and expansion which was held due to the above issue since last 3 years. Lets hope that it will progress the way we expect.


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