Ranking of engineering colleges in Orissa

May 29th, 2008

(Update on June 17 2008:  For guidance on what you can get with your Orissa JEE rank in 2008, please see https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/1185 I do not have more information than that.)

The following is from our earlier post titled: "2007 ranking of Orissa Engineering colleges that participated in BPUT counseling – solely based on student preferences."

Continuing with our methodology, and solely based on the student preferences in the GE (general) category,  we develop a ranking below. Our methodology is we compare when the various branches of the colleges get finished.  For example below when we write CET (8, 8, 12, 12, 16) it means that two of the CET branches were all finished in the GE category by the ranks 800, two by 1200 and one by 1600. We will use the first three numbers unless it becomes necessary to go beyond that.

  • 1. UCE Burla (8,8,12,12,16)
  • 1. CET Bhubaneswar  (8,8,12,12,16)
  • 2. ITER Bhubaneswar (16,16,16)
  • 3. Silicon Bhubaneswar (16, 20, 20)
  • 4. CV Raman Bhubaneswar (20,24,28)
  • 5. NIST Berhampur (24, 24, 28)
  • 6. GITA  Bhubaneswar(28,28,32)
  • 7. Orissa Eng College Bhubaneswar (28, 28, 36)
  • 7. IGIT Sarang (20,28,45)
  • 8. College of Eng Bhubaneswar (36,36,41)
  • 9. Gandhi Eng College Bhubaneswar (36,41,45)
  • 10. Krupajala Bhubaneswar (45,45,45)
  • 10. Trident Bhuabneswar (41, 45, 50)
  • 11. East Bhubaneswar (45,55,66)
  • 11. Gandhi Inst for Tech Bhubaneswar (50,50,60)
  • 11. GIET Gunupur (50,50,60)
  • 12. Orissa school of mining eng Keonjhar (45, 55, 117)
  • 13. NMIET Bhubaneswar (66, 72, 78)
  • 14. DRIEMS Dhenkanala(72,72,100)
  • 15. Konark Bhubaneswar (78, 78, 117)
  • 15. Koustuva Bhubaneswar (78, 100, 100)
  • 15. Mahavir Bhubaneswar (78, 84, 100)
  • 15. Synergy Dhenkanal (78, 84, 100)
  • 16. Nalanda Bhubaneswar (84, 84, 100)
  • 17. Rajdhani Bhubaneswar (84, 100, 100)
  • 18. Roland Berhampur (84,100, 108)
  • 19. Techno Bhubaneswar (84, 100, 117)
  • 19. Padmanav Rourkela (100,100,100)
  • 20. Ajay Binay Cuttack (100,100,117)
  • 21. Ghanashyam Hemalata  Puri(100,108,136)
  • 22. Jagannath Cuttack (108,117,147)
  • 22. Bhadrakh (117,117, 136)
  • 23. JITM Parlakhemundi (117,126,147)
  • 24. Inst of Adv Rayagada (117,136,159)
  • 24. Sanjay Memorial Berhampur (117,147,159)
  • 24. Purushottam Rourkela (126,126,136)
  • 26. Balasore (136,136,159)
  • 27. Seemanta Mayurbhanj (159, 159, 186)
  • 28. Padmashree Baragarh (172,172,200)
  • 29. Majighariani Rayagada (172,200,200)
  • 30. Satyasai Balasore (159, 172, 999)
  • 31. Samanta Chandra Sekhar Koraput (186,999,999)
  • 32. Gopal Krishna Jeypore (999,999,999)

The colleges that are missing from the above are NIT Rourkela, and KIIT. I consider NIT Rourkela to currently be the best in Orissa. I would slot KIIT around ITER and Silicon.

Outlook for 2008-2009:

Now that ITER’s parent organization Siksha O Anusandhan has become a deemed university, ITER may opt out of Orissa JEE and/or 2008 BPUT counseling.

In 2008 and 2009 there would be several new colleges.

Entry Filed under: Anugul-Talcher-Dhenkanal area (7),Balasore-Chandipur area (6),Baripada-Bangiriposi area (6),Berhampur-Gopalpur-Hinjilicut area (3),Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),BPUT, Rourkela,CET Bhubaneswar,Engineering and MCA colleges,Engineering college clusters,IGIT Sarang,Koraput-Jeypore-Sunabeda area (5),Odisha JEE, AIEEE, BPUT counseling, etc.,Orissa School of Mining Engineering, Keonjhar,Private Engineering Colleges,Rayagada-Gunupur area,Rourkela-Rajgangpur area (2),Sambaplpur-Burla-Jharsuguda-Baragarh area (4),UCE Burla (became a university)

213 Writeup

  • 1. kungkra basumatary  |  August 4th, 2008 at 1:48 pm

    sir, my jee08 rank is 6308(outside state)so sir pls inform me where can i get admission as given in list in private engineering college supplied in admission cum brhocure.thanks

  • 2. Hasnat  |  August 7th, 2008 at 8:40 pm

    My rank in Orissa jee in 12000 and in AIEEE 280001, may i get admisison in Electronic and Telecommunication in any engineering Colleges in Bhubneshwar or in Rourkela.

  • 3. Deepak kr  |  August 13th, 2008 at 9:30 am

    Dear Sir,
    A candidate admitted through AIEEE-2008 Counselling of BPUT ..can again appear in OJee counselling or not If he/she has qualified in OJee exam and called for cunselling..
    He/She will have to again pay the counselling amount.
    plz reply me soon ..
    It is urgent one becoz i have to attend my OJee counselling… which is scheduled to happen very soon…………

  • 4. toms joseph  |  August 14th, 2008 at 12:08 pm

    sir, may i know the fees structure for B Tech in OSME

  • 5. Nitesh Ranjan  |  August 14th, 2008 at 2:09 pm

    sir, my jee08 rank is 5308(outside state)so sir pls inform me where can i get admission as given in list in private engineering college supplied in admission cum brhocure.thanks

  • 6. vijaykumarray  |  August 14th, 2008 at 2:46 pm

    sir,I have got 113999(OUTSIDE STATE) RANK PLEASE tell me in which college i get ECE

  • 7. chandan  |  August 17th, 2008 at 7:44 pm

    my outside orissa rank is 8441 jee 2008. which colleges i am likely to get in orissa . my counselling date is 30th august 2008 . dont u feel by that time all the seats in orissa will be filled up thru state candidates or thru aieee candidates. or is there any reservation for outside candidates who have qualified orissa jee 2008 ? mail me urgently

  • 8. naresh kumar sah  |  August 19th, 2008 at 2:49 pm

    my outside orissa rank is 4015 which colleges I am likely to get in orissa.My counselling date is 29th august 2008.Is there any reservation for out side candidates?please mail me soon.

  • 9. yashdev sahu  |  August 19th, 2008 at 3:04 pm

    My outside state rank in orissajee is 551.what are the possbillity to get admission in C.V raman(cs),silicon(cs),nist(cs).my counselling date is 27/08/2008,please mail soon.

  • 10. Anup Kumar  |  August 24th, 2008 at 12:20 pm

    I got 6215 in orissajee08 engg. can u please tell me which college i will get.? please reply soon..

  • 11. shiv kumar  |  August 25th, 2008 at 10:05 am

    My outside state rank is 4490 which collage I would get.

  • 12. raj kumar ram  |  August 26th, 2008 at 3:01 pm

    sir, my brother anand kumar ravi has got rank 2937[outside state].please give me list of colleges where he can get admission.his interest lies in computer science,electronics and mechanical

  • 13. S K SAHU  |  March 25th, 2009 at 9:05 pm



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