Initiatives and projects (many higher education related) during the 1961-1967 tenure of Biju Patnaik

April 24th, 2007

Yesterday’s Dahritri has a column by senior columnist Barendra Kumar Dhal [1,2,3,4,5,6] where he lists the various initiatives and projects taken up during Biju Patnaik’s government of 1961-67. I am amazed by the list which includes many HRD institutions. Here are some of the highlights.

  • Paradeep Port
  • Daitari-Paradeep highway
  • Mig factory in Sunabeda
  • Rourkela Steel Plant
  • Regional Research Laboratory
  • Regional College of Education (Now called Regional Institute of Education)
  • Berhampur University
  • Sambalpur University
  • Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology
  • Sainik School
  • Baragarh Cement factory
  • Various factories of IDC
  • Orissa textile mills (OTM)
  • Kalinga Tubes
  • Kalinga Iron works

Other References: Ganjam District site,wikipedia,Orissa govt. e-magazine, another.

Entry Filed under: Berhampur University,Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar,OUAT, Bhubaneswar,Regional Institute of Education, Bhubaneswar,Sambalpur University

3 Writeup

  • 1. Chitta Baral  |  April 26th, 2007 at 11:12 am

    Dear Naveen babu:

    I just came across an article about our beloved swargiya Biju babu and the achievements of his government during 1961-1967. During that time he established many things including the following:

    * Paradeep Port
    * Daitari-Paradeep highway
    * Mig factory in Sunabeda
    * Rourkela Steel Plant
    * Regional Research Laboratory
    * Regional College of Education
    * Berhampur University
    * Sambalpur University
    * Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology
    * Sainik School
    * Baragarh Cement factory
    * Various factories of IDC
    * Orissa textile mills (OTM)
    * Kalinga Tubes
    * Kalinga Iron works

    As you will notice, the above list includes three universities (in Bhubaneswar, Berhampur and
    Sambalpur), RRL and Sainik School.

    Your government has embarked on a similar trajectory. However, the various institutions
    of higher education that have so far been announced by your government are all (except the enhancement of Orissa School of Mining Engineering) centered around the Bhubaneswar-Cuttack area. This includes Ravenshaw University, IIIT, NISER, Utkal Univ of Culture, Vedanta Univ, Sri Sri’s proposed university, ICFAI and Capital Medical College.

    May I humbly request that like your father you take a broader perspective and spread
    the higher education cheer across Orissa.

    Please consider

    (i) Setting up universities and/or govt. medical colleges, one each in each of the undivided KBK districts. (say in Koraput, Bhawanipatna and Balangir)

    (ii) Upgrading UCE Burla to Orissa University of Engineering and Applied Sciences, similar to BESU (Bengal Engg and Science U) and CUSAT (Cochin Univ of Sc and Tech).
    The farsighted steps taken by the Bengal and Keral govt. paid rich dividend in that these
    two are among the ones shortlisted to become IIT cousins.

    I wrote an earlier mail to you with more possibilities, but this time let me just mention these two.

    Chitta Baral.
    ps — I am from Jajpur Rd. and grew up in BBSR. I have no vested interest in Burla or KBK except that I would like the new higher education initiatives to be spread around Orissa.

  • 2. satyajit mohanty  |  January 23rd, 2009 at 11:35 pm

    Yes sir I am totaly agree with this issue.he was great.another thing is that due to these industries a lot supported industries are opened.

  • 3. milan  |  June 15th, 2009 at 7:53 am

    Certainly, The initiatives taken by Naveen Babu’s government in the higher education sector is highly appreciable. Establishment of a world class university like Vedanta or be it IIT, NISER are revolutionary initiatives.
    But i do agree with Mr Chitta Baral that the scope of all the projects are limited only to the eastern region. Like many oriyas are being bangalored due to the the unavailability of prospective employment in orissa. There by contributing mostly to Banagalore or Karnataka’s growth. The same kind of situation would be triggered in case of higher eduction,where only people staying in eastern and urban areas of Orissa will be more benefited in comparison to the ones from western region especially from KBK districts.
    I would request Mr Naveen Patnaik to give the case a thought.


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