NISER Bhubaneswar (National Institute of Science Education & Research) advertises for regular positions

June 3rd, 2008

Following is from The ad in pdf format is at (Thanks to Debendra babu for the pointer.)

Faculty Positions at NISER
Invitation to be part of a new initiative in science education

The National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) has been setup at Bhubaneswar by the Department of Atomic Energy of the Government of India to be a unique institution of its kind pursuing undergraduate and post-graduate education in science combined with frontline research. The Government of India has made a very generous financial outlay to NISER for the purpose of setting up state-of-the-art research facilities in all branches of basic science and to promote interdisciplinary areas of research.

NISER is being setup in a sprawling 300 acre campus about 3 km from Khurda Road Railway Station on the outskirts of Bhubaneswar overlooking Barunei Hills. It will be a fully residential campus with modern living amenities including children’s school and health centre. Presently NISER operates from the campus of Institute of Physics, a premier research institution funded by the Department of Atomic Energy. The Institute of Physics has vibrant research programmes in theoretical and experimental nuclear physics, condensed matter physics and high energy physics. The infrastructure includes well established library, computer centre, 3MV Pelletron accelerator, a high resolution TEM and several other state-of-the-art instruments for experimental condensed matter research (for details see

NISER’s own academic block of about 5000 m2 area is under construction in the Institute of Physics campus which will also provide research laboratories for the faculty. Until NISER operates from the Institute of Physics campus, it may provide limited residential accommodation within the town. It is expected to move to the main campus by the academic session of 2011-12.

NISER invites applications from extremely motivated Indian scientists with a high-profile research agenda and a flair for teaching (especially at the undergraduate level) for the following faculty positions bearing scale of pay given against each:

Assistant Professor 12,000-375-16,500
Reader (F) 14,300-400-18,300
Associate Professor 16,400-450-20,000
Professor 18,400-500-22,400

Qualifications: Ph.D. in any area of Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics

Experience: One/two years postdoctoral research and/or teaching experience is desirable for Assistant Professor Grade. For higher grades it should be appropriate to the positions applied for.

The age of superannuation is 65 years. The scale of pay is under revision. In addition to the basic salary, NISER faculty is entitled to allowances as admissible to Central Government Employees stationed at Bhubaneswar and to the DAE’s update allowance, which is currently Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 30,000 per year depending on the scale of pay. They will also receive other fringe benefits (like Relocation Grant, Reimbursement of telephone charges, financial support to attend national/international Conferences/Seminars/Workshops, etc.) which will be comparable to the best in the country.

NISER has sufficient funds to provide seed money to the new faculty to start their research programme. In addition the Department of Atomic Energy provides generous grants from its Prospective Research Fund to bright young scientists.

Interested candidates may apply enclosing:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • List of Publications (with reprints of important papers as pdf files)
  • Names and addresses (with e-mail and fax number) of at least three referees
  • A statement of purpose and research programme

The qualification and experience prescribed are the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle a candidate to be considered for any position. However, the experience criteria may be relaxed for exceptionally meritorious candidates.

Applications should be sent by e-mail to marking "Faculty in (branch)" in the subject field (branch being one of the disciplines mentioned above). This is an open advertisement and there is no time limit for sending the application, but the applications received will be taken up for consideration at regular intervals. Candidates are advised to request the Referees to send their letters of recommendations (preferably signed versions as pdf file) directly to NISER at the above e-mail address. Those having regular job in any organization should also send a "No Objection Certificate" from the current employer in electronic form.

All correspondence should be addressed to the above e-mail address only (or any other e-mail address that is notified on the NISER website in future). No postal correspondence is required at any stage. Enquiry regarding the outcome of the application is generally discouraged.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),IITs, IISc, IISERs, NISER, IIMs,NISER, Bhubaneswar

9 Writeup

  • 1. Pratyusa  |  June 3rd, 2008 at 8:57 pm

    I knew Govt. salaries are not competitive; but I had no idea they were so bad. How do they expect someone with a PhD to join then with that kind of salary? Are there other perks that are not listed here?

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  June 3rd, 2008 at 9:18 pm

    With DA the overall amount is close to twice. But thats still low. it is expected to have a big increase later in the year; but is constrained by the salary of the president and cabinet secretary and GOI. My understanding is that no one in the govt. can get paid more than that.

    Because of the above, if the proposed Vedanta University pays a decent global scale salary then it may quickly become the best university in India.

  • 3. Pratyusa  |  June 3rd, 2008 at 11:52 pm

    That makes more sense now.

    No govt. employee can get more than 100K INR/month, which is what the President gets. But there is still a lot of room to maneuver.

    IMO, there is a lot of hypocrisy here. GoI probably spends more than 100K a day on the President. Why don\’t they increase the salary if that is the bottleneck?

  • 4. Sanjoy Das  |  June 4th, 2008 at 1:02 am

    It is a very low pay-scale indeed. I have been trying to return to Orissa myself, but the pay-scales shocked me. I am waiting it out until they rise to a decent level before considering returning.

    I remember having obtained the information somewhere that Vedanta Univ pay-scales would be something around $36,000 per annum (as well as another similar private school opening in Bihar, Nalanda Univ). That pay-scale is still is nowhere close to what Ph.d.s make in the industry in India, or what faculty make in the US.

  • 5. Chitta Baral  |  June 4th, 2008 at 3:57 am

    Salary increases have a chain reaction. Last pay commission broke the back of many states. So its easier to increase perks than salary.

  • 6. Sanjoy Das  |  June 4th, 2008 at 8:17 pm

    I certainly hope so. It will take a lot to catch up with places like IBM Research Labs, India, where I guesstimate someone with about a decade research/faculty experience to get around $90,000 – $100,000 per annum. But of course, Delhi isn’t Bhubaneswar.

    When I was looking for opportunities, a plus in the IITs is the pension, which is computed based on the last salary level befor retirement. Vedanta being a private school, probably won’t have anything like it.

  • 7. R. K. Ghosh  |  June 6th, 2008 at 10:51 am

    Well, the pay scale is same as what one gets in IITs, IISc, TIFR, HRI, and other institutions of national importance. Ironically, my graduating students this year got pay package which works out between 24-32 lakhs per annum (CTC). If you add perks at IIT the CTC will be around Rs. 70-75k. Even assuming 6th pay commission recommendations are implemented the pay package will be under Rs 125k or so. Private institutions are offering good salaries to experienced persons. But I don’t think they will offer much to rookies.

    Now about NISER, I think there is something seriously wrong. I am told that IOPB some how has been unable to manage NISER. Interestingly, there is lot of problem in teaching too. Students are not happy about it. I understand, IOPB itself is not doing well due internal bickerings. The umblical chord with IOPB can be a problem for people wanting to build a career with NISER. It is high time to put NISER under charge of an independent person. Prof TKC probably has not received the appointment letter yet. I had a chance to see the presentation of NISER prepared by IOPB for a faculty student meeting. It says students can not directly deal with washer man, cleaner and other helping staff. Everything should be through hostel manager. Student facilities are inadequate and nobody bothered to have these straightened out. Non academic stuff is really scary. Inefficiency of support and management is rather too prominent.

  • 8. samir kumar sethi  |  October 15th, 2008 at 5:14 pm

    I want join in iit bbsr as a non teaching staff . what is the adv site. or how to
    apply for.

  • 9. Jaban Meher  |  January 30th, 2009 at 3:16 pm

    In the advertisement , it is written that there is no upper limit for sending application.But as far as I know they have not selected any faculty till now.Then what are they doing?It is impossble to match good standard without good faculty.If this continues for long then there is no value in establishing several National Institutes without having standard


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