IIT Bhubaneswar first batch stduents are likely to have the most IIT like experience (as compared to the students in the other new IITs of IIT Guajrat, IIT Rajasthan, IIT Patna, IIT Hyderabad, IIT Punjab)

June 14th, 2008

I was just talking to one of the Deans at IIT Kharagpur (mentor institution of IIT Bhubaneswar) about the arrangements for the first batch students of IIT Bhubaneswar. He said that as their plan stands now, during the first year

  • IIT Bhubaneswar students will be staying in the hostels (called Halls in KGP) together with IIT Kharagpur students
  • IIT Bhubaneswar students will be taught by IIT Kharagpur faculty; it will be like adding one (or more) sections to their first batch.
  • More on IIT Bhubaneswar at the unofficial IIT Bhubaneswar web site.

In comparison,

  • As per IIT Gujarat FAQ, IIT Gujarat students will be having classes at Vishwakarma Government Engineering College at Chandkheda, Gandhinagar – 382424 and thus may not have the chance to know first hand about the customs and culture of an established IIT. 
    • The FAQ has the following to say about the teaching: The Institute is being set up with a lead time of just two months. In spite of that, IIT Bombay has ensured that there is competent and adequate number of faculty to teach the first year, which primarily consists of science and humanities courses. Some of the faculty has been hired directly; some are on the rolls of IIT Bombay while a few are retired but very reputed teachers from IIT Bombay. In the second semester, there is one course known as Departmental Introductory Course. As we are unlikely to have engineering faculty by that time, these courses will be taught by adjunct faculty from nearby Institutes (viz. Dhirubahai Ambani Institute on Information and Communication Technology and D.U. Institute of Petroleum, both of which are headed by former senior faculty of IIT Bombay.) Arrangements have also been made for the drawing and workshop. IIT Bombay is setting up an urgent recruitment process to ensure that quality engineering faculty is there before the second year starts.
  • As per IIT Rajasthan website:
    • IIT Rajasthan students will have class in IIT Kanpur for the first one or two semesters.
    • They will be staying separate (in apartments converted to hostel like accommodation) from the IIT Kanpur students.
    • They may be taught by some IIT Kanpur faculty  and scientists (depending on who volunteers) and IIT Kanpur will be trying to recruit new faculty as well as availing the service of some retired faculty.
  • IIT Hyderabad will have classes in rented space near their ultimate location.
  • IIT Patna. mentored by IIT Guwahati, will start classes in a polytechnique in Patna.
  • IIT Punjab will have classes in IIT Delhi.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),IIT Bhubaneswar,IITs, IISc, IISERs, NISER, IIMs,Learning from others,Odisha, others and the center

12 Writeup

  • 1. Abhishek Tripathy  |  June 15th, 2008 at 7:07 pm

    Chitta Sir:
    Though I know this post has got nothing to do with IIT -Bh per-se, but this covers the top 50 Govt. Eng. Colleges in India as ranked by LiveMint.com(Hindustan Times/Wall Street Journal) in June 2008; NIT RKL at 31 n UCE, Burla at 50…………..

  • 2. R. K. Ghosh  |  June 16th, 2008 at 10:14 am

    I would tend to disagree with this blog about comparison among new IITs and little uncomfortable with the implied views as well .

    Just being in IIT KGP does not give any advantage to IIT Bh students compared to other IITs. Alright they see what “IIT culture” is, but they would also experience a sense of not belonging to the place. The IIT KGP students would see IIT Bh students as usurpers of the facilities. Specially for kids (18years at the time of entry) it does matter. The blog seems to ignore that fact that “seeing is believing”. IIT Gujrat students being at Gandhinagar will have chance to actually see how IIT Gujrat buildings are coming up, and how the entire infrastructure is being set up from scratch. A reality show in some sense. It gives an immense sense of pride and self attachment to the students, which I saw among IIT Guwahati students. I understand also that IIT Gujrat has already planned out the recruitment policies. So, I think the FAQ could be a little outdated.

    Furthermore, I don’t really endorse the view that pooling resources from local engineering college would degrade the quality of learning. Let us understand excellence can not be brought about by teaching alone. In fact, teachers can be considered as “merchants of knowledge” not of excellence. So, at 2nd year level, I don’t think it matters that much if students get taught by IIT teachers or by the teachers of a local engineering college. Obviously, IIT B will ensure only good teachers are allowed to teach IIT Gujrat students. A quality control would be in place, I guess.

    What I liked about the planning of IIT Gujrat is that they already have a FAQ for the new entrants, which unfortunately others do not have. It shows a promise of a professionalism in mentoring a new IIT.

  • 3. Chitta Baral  |  June 16th, 2008 at 11:36 am

    I agree with the last paragraph. Similarly, IIT Kanpur has done a good job in creating a page for IIT Rajasthan and announcing who at IIT Kanpur is in charge of IIT Rajasthan. Unfortunately their FAQ is buried inside a power-point presentation. Other IITs have not made any such FAQs; although we have made an unofficial one for IIT Bhubaneswar and it is at http://iitbbsr.orissalinks.com/iitbbsr-faq.html

  • 4. Chitta Baral  |  June 16th, 2008 at 11:44 am

    As far as I understand IIT Bhubaneswar students will be in Bhubaneswar in year 2.

    Based on how long it takes to identify land, and start construction, nothing much construction wise will happen in year 1. For example, construction for IISERs, NISER, AIIMS-like institutes etc. have not started yet.

    So IIT Bhubaneswar students, after they move to Bhubaneswar in year 2, will indeed also get to watch IIT Bhubaneswar getting built from scratch.

    IIT Kharagpur and Orissa govt. can take 2008-09 to build some good infrastructure at CET campus or at IIT Kharagpur extension center campus, so that in 2009 July, the IIT Bhubaneswar students will have decent infrastructure in Bhubaneswar. They can also use 2008-09 to hire some permanent faculty for IIT Bhubaneswar.

    So, overall it is best to start year 1 in Kharagpur, and then move to Bhubaneswar in year 2.

  • 5. R. K. Ghosh  |  June 16th, 2008 at 12:39 pm

    IIT Madras, I believe already has identified a resident representative for IIT Hyderabad. I am not getting much information about IIT Bh in these matters.

  • 6. nagendra sg dhurvey  |  June 20th, 2008 at 1:25 pm

    I am participant of jee2008 and got qualify in extended mrit list,my roll no is 1026102, I want to apply in RGPITs for btec. course. pse guid me about this or send litrature.

  • 7. .Sita Balakrishnan  |  June 22nd, 2008 at 7:26 pm

    I am in total agreement with Mr RK Ghosh’s views. The role of the mentor IIT is still vague and not clearly spelt out. Mentoring will have some serious disadvantages , both on the academic and administrative fronts. The same biases, shortcomings, defenicies and discprenacies will be passed on to the new IITs, possibly to a much larger degree. None of the existing IITs have had a national character, it has been plagued by regional dominance at the faculty and even student levels. Let us remember, the IIT system has managed to maintain its dignity, primariliy because of the B.Tech students. I am afraid, the same thing will continue, assuming that JEE does not fall from grace! Thus I don’t see anything dramatic happening with any of the new IITs.

  • 8. Pratyusa  |  June 23rd, 2008 at 4:31 am

    While I agree with Sita’s comments, we should also remind ourselves that IITs is the most successful model we have in India. Though this is not my favorite way to create new education institutes, I can see why GoI want to go that route. Can we come up with a better model than the IITs? Probably. Should we risk a few thousand crores of taxpayer money on that? No freaking way.

  • 9. .Sita Balakrishnan  |  June 23rd, 2008 at 2:02 pm

    Have IITs been successful? That’s debatable. IITs are no longer waht they used to be. There is a phenomenal decline both in the quality of teaching and research. It is only the stamp that is having value. Is there a single seminal piece of work by an IITian? How many IItians are contributing to our industries? No point in creating a few more stamps. We need to think out of the box and come up with a solution, removing all the ills plaguing the IIT system.

  • 10. Tapas Manna  |  July 3rd, 2008 at 8:26 am

    Need mailing address of IISER Bhopal, and Thiruvananthapuram


  • 11. sayed s mohammad  |  August 9th, 2008 at 10:53 pm

    i am completely agreed with my friends that there is decline in IIT quality and it’s students.but the thing is not so worrying because what IiT is losing NITS are acquiring .no need to woory there is a new brand in making in INDIA and that is N.I.T.(NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY) .

  • 12. BIPIN KUMAR MAHARANA  |  June 13th, 2009 at 12:18 pm

    IIT BHUBANESWAR would be the Gyanmandir in the eastern coast of India. Many talents are in the incubent stage and eagerly waiting for inception of the temple of learning. I hope people of Orissa- the then pride state KALIGA will bring the dream true.


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