National Institute of Paramedical Science

June 18th, 2008


For the paramedical personnel there several institutions, in the States but also in the private sector but these are unregulated and there is lack of uniformity in the training imparted. For regulating training of paramedics it is proposed to set up the Paramedics Council and a Bill for the same has already been introduced in Parliament. Separately, there is also a proposal in the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare to set up a National Institute of Paramedical Sciences (with branches in New Delhi and Chennai) for undertaking and coordinating training programmes in the country in collaboration with State Governments. The Ministry is proposing to use distance education to ensure large coverage of the training programmes.

Entry Filed under: Naitional/Regional Inst of Paramedical Sciences,Odisha, others and the center

3 Writeup

  • 1. R. V. Raghavan  |  June 20th, 2008 at 11:37 pm

    Yes the decision made my Govt of India is very correct and a great necessity has arosen to realy concentrate on paremedical personal developement at this state when country is progressing fast in all discipline. Training to tutors, training for trainers, training for already employed paremedics is also needed. If the training is ofered in a good rural set up with all facilities many student can stay , peacefully read, learn and benefited and ofcourse our country is also benefitted one such place in south is Central Leprosy Teaching and Research Institute campus near Madras located in a town called chengalpattu which has a large area for developemental aspects, and which provides calm admosphere for the students throught the country even outside the country, which has produced several outstanding scientists, doctors, paramedical staffs, and has a long history. Prior to this eloborate arrangements should be made to stop the train near the institute railway station ( Tirumani railway station ) which is next to chengalpattu railway station. This location has a law college and medial college and many student community will certainly be benefeted. Distance education needs lot of personal attention of both teachers and taught as this is a life saving profession but still it is possible by arranging contact seminars at continual intervals.

  • 2. vipoosha  |  November 16th, 2009 at 5:16 pm

    dear sir,
    i am vipoo,my qulication o/l pass,a/l bio study,can i study this course?

  • 3. Vijayaraghavan  |  April 19th, 2011 at 11:48 pm

    Yes, Very much so
    but please check for the availability of similar type of course in your state , if you need further help please feel free to contact me


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