News on the other new IITs: IIT Gandhinagar to start Computer Science and Civil Engineering next year

August 2nd, 2008

Update2 (Aug 20, 2008): IIT Hyderabad classes to start today – New Indian Express. See also this TOI report.

Update1 (Aug 11, 2008): This Telegraph report talks about IIT Roopnagar (Punjab) and other new IITs.

As we mentioned earlier, registration at IIT Bhubaneswar was held on July 23rd with 104 students and classes started soon after that. Following is what has been reported about the other new IITs.

IIT Gandhinagar:

Following is an excerpt from a news report in ThaiIndian.

The new institute is short of faculty and the recruitment process is on. Until this process is over, seven professors and five research assistants from IIT Bombay have been requisitioned for it.

U.A. Yagnik, who teaches physics at IIT Bombay, has been appointed dean of student affairs and academic programme at the new institute.

The first batch has 103 students from different parts of the country, studying in the mechanical, electrical and chemical engineering streams.

In the next academic year B.Tech. courses in civil and computer sciences would be included.

The Gujarat government has spent Rs.7 million for upgrading the infrastructure of the engineering college to make it compatible to the IIT standards.

The central government’s site selection committee headed by Human Resource Development Ministry’s Additional Secretary Ashok Thakur is expected to inspect the new site for the proposed permanent campus Aug 7. 

IIT Rajasthan:

Following is an excerpt from a report in Economic Times.

IIT Rajasthan opens with 112 students

the IIT Rajasthan was inaugurated Saturday (August 2nd)  by Minister of State for Higher Education D. Purandeswari.

IIT Patna:

Following is  an excerpt from another report in Economic Times.

Human Resource Minister Arjun Singh is scheduled to inaugurate IIT Patna here on Aug 6. The institute will operate out of a temporary campus this year.

"The formal functioning of IIT Patna is all set to start with classes on Aug 7," said dean of IIT Patna Samrendra Dandpat.

IIT Patna is one of the six new IITs being set up in the country.

Dandpat said here on Saturday that all the 109 selected students would attend classes from next week. "We will register the selected students on Aug 6 and classes will begin from next day," he said.

Dandpat said that preparation for setting up laboratories, hostels and classrooms were in the final stage. " IIT Patna will function from the polytechnic premises here now," he added.

There has not been any recent news on IIT Punjab and IIT Hyderabad, especially when they will start.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),IIT Bhubaneswar,IITs, IISc, IISERs, NISER, IIMs

1 Writeup

  • 1. Bhoomi Andharia  |  January 30th, 2009 at 1:18 pm

    Please provide me the information abut the PHD cources in water resources Or Civil Engg.. when wil Civil branch l going to start? Please send me information about PHD Cources on E-mail ID:


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