Lower bound of faculty payscales at IIT/IISER/NISER type institutes after the 6th pay commission

August 18th, 2008

As per http://niser.iopb.res.in/careers/ the salary scale of its faculty will be:

Assistant Professor 12,000-375-16,500
Reader (F) 14,300-400-18,300
Associate Professor 16,400-450-20,000
Professor 18,400-500-22,400


Using the table in http://staffcorner.com/sixpc.php  [alternate1, alternate2] (and assuming Bhubaneswar is a B1 city) the revised salaries will could be as follows: (Thanks to Comment 13 for correcting me.. There is a separate UGC Committee Chaired by Prof. Chadha, which will be looking at faculty salary. In that case the following salaries should perhaps be only considerd as a lower bound.)

  • Assistant Professors starting salary (lower bound):
    Total Fixed Pay   Rs. 31208
    Dearness Allowance   (@16%)Rs. 4993
    HRA : 20% ie. 6112
    Transport Allowance : Rs. 1968
  • Readers starting salary (lower bound):
    Total Fixed Pay   Rs. 36911
    Dearness Allowance   (@16%)Rs. 5906
    HRA : 20% ie. 7229
    Transport Allowance : Rs. 1968
  • Associate Professors starting salary (lower bound):
    Total Fixed Pay   Rs. 41982
    Dearness Allowance   (@16%)Rs. 6717
    HRA : 20% ie. 8222
    Transport Allowance : Rs. 1968
  • Professors starting salary (lower bound):
    Total Fixed Pay   Rs. 59574
    Dearness Allowance   (@16%)Rs. 9532
    HRA : 20% ie. 11667
    Transport Allowance : Rs. 1968
  • Director starting salary (lower bound):
    Total Fixed Pay   Rs. 91940
    Dearness Allowance   (@16%)Rs. 14710
    HRA : 20% ie. 18006
    Transport Allowance : Rs. 369

Entry Filed under: IITs, IISc, IISERs, NISER, IIMs,India

65 Writeup

  • 1. mohan  |  November 19th, 2008 at 9:53 pm

    I retired from an IIT in January 2002 when my basicsalary was Rs 22400/- .
    I want to know what must have been my total salary including alllowances at that time Kindly also write details of various allaowances, at that time , and also now .

  • 2. Ajay  |  November 24th, 2008 at 6:28 pm

    Now that Chaddha commission has recommended that there will not be a designation as lecturer and the lowest designation would be Assistant Professor, where will be an Assistant Professor who joins on a basic scale of Rs 12000 (old scale) be placed? and how can he be distinctly identified?

  • 3. jagannath  |  December 28th, 2008 at 7:56 pm

    I do expect the associate professor scale to all the selection grade lecturers who has completed the 3 years as on or after 1-1-2006. will it be applicable. please tell me about it any body.

  • 4. sahab singh  |  January 1st, 2009 at 6:36 pm


    I am working as lecturer in a university.
    I would like to know the revised pay scale
    My present pay scale is 8000-275-13500

    thank you

    sahab singh

  • 5. nirmal mukherjee  |  January 9th, 2009 at 12:11 am

    I am a retired person from 30th june 2004 service period 27yrs [iit stuff] -my grade scale was 6500– but in 2004 adding 50%da salary became 13050 -but for 27yrs service pension become[salary was rs 8700] became 13050/2-66[54]=rs 5338 basic sold 30% so basic became rs 3737
    pl.tell me how much i can get increase of money in my case

  • 6. Maiske D. H.  |  January 28th, 2009 at 11:58 am

    I am a System Manager at VNIT Nagpur and was given a scale of 12,000-420-18300 (which is the scale of Assistant Professor). There has always been an ambiguity regarding the scale. In IIT\’s the sacle of System Manager is slightly higher. One Allahabad High Court advitersiment mentioned the post of System Manager with higher Scale. However during revision of the Pay Scales what will be the scale for Systems Manager? Is the above mentioned anomolies in the scale is removed so that the pay scale for system manager in IIT\’s and NIT\’s will be same? I had already crossed the maximun of my present scale in 2005. My basic on 1-1-2006 was 18300/-. Presently my basic is 19140. What will be my present salary?

  • 7. shivshankar  |  February 19th, 2009 at 4:54 pm

    I am working as a lecturer in govt. aided polytechnic and my present pay scale is 8000-275-13500. what will be the new pay scale after sixth pay scale implimentation.

  • 8. surender kumar Nimesh  |  February 23rd, 2009 at 4:04 pm

    I was working as a faculty librarian Gr. I at Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Dayalbagah, Agra in a pay scale os 8000-275-13500 , now I want to Know what will be my new pay scale and total pay

  • 9. Dr. Rupesh S.Gedam  |  March 4th, 2009 at 6:10 pm

    Presently I a working as a Asst. Professor 12420/- (12000-18300) . What will be my salary after sixth pay

  • 10. Arivaz  |  June 9th, 2009 at 4:58 pm

    For Asst Profe in IIT’s IIIT’s IISC’s the pay band comes in PB-3

    So scale is 15000-39100

    If the pay is around 32,000 for new entry then DA and other allownaces count atleast to 60% then it is 19,200

    Then it will be 32,000+19,200= 51,200/- equivalent to a IT employee.

    Then take home will be atleast 51,200- 3500 (all deductions) = Rs. 47,700/-

    This will be the expected take home salary which is very ususal in an IT industry…This is the starting salary for a M.Tech person.

    Please also comment on this…..



  • 11. Arivaz  |  June 9th, 2009 at 5:07 pm

    sorry it is PB3 -15600-39100 with increment from 5400 to 6600 to 7600 (various pays)

    so definetly it will be around 53,000 as take home salalry……iam sure on this…..


    Plz comment



  • 12. support staff  |  September 5th, 2009 at 11:18 am

    Where ever we see we find the reports about 6 pay commission, but, alas! it is always for old basic >= 8000. Why there is no data available for the supporting staff? Why UGC is not giving any fitment table for the support staff?

  • 13. Rohan  |  October 9th, 2010 at 2:16 pm

    Hello, I work as an Asst. Prof in an Engineering college teaching English. My basic is 12,000. what would be my scale as per 6th Pay commission?

  • 14. Mohinder Pal  |  October 21st, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    Dear all

    If there any logic that UGC/AICTE is not giving any fitment table for the support staff?Is it not discrimination? What You all faculty think about this please…………..?

  • 15. bina  |  March 19th, 2012 at 6:54 pm

    orissa has not implemented 6 th pay commission not it has given designation. that is the reason why mostlt trible people occupy major population where violation exists.see violation in agp of 8000 in assistant professor one has to stay for 5 years isead of 3 years.
    government should not raise the retirement year to 62. first implement scale at lower level of assistant professor so called lecturer then think of raising age limit from 60 to any age u wish.


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