Vedanta University hires advisors for its medical college

August 20th, 2008

Following is from a report in Pioneer.

In the first phase of the Vedanta University Project, a 500-bed super-specialty hospital and a medical college of international standard will be built which will be later expanded to 1,000-bed capacity. The super facilities that are planned cardiology, endocrinology and intensive care while paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology will be added in the next phase.

Besides providing highest quality health care, it will be a ‘Research-cum-Teaching hospital’. An advisory committee will decide on the vision and scope of the medical centre comprising health-care, teaching and research facilities with distinguished medical professionals and academicians from India and abroad.

The Vedanta University Project also announced that director of Medical Education and senior cardiologist of Apollo Hospital KP Mishra and ex-director of the Institute of Immunohaematology and winner of the Biju Patnaik Award for Excellence in Science and Technology Dipika Mohanty had joined as advisors to guide regarding the development of the hospital.

Mohanty, on behalf of hospital, will initiate a major research project in the areas for infants and children having anaemia as well as an identification and treatment for sickle cell anaemia which is more prevalent in Orissa.

The hospital and medical college are part of the first phase of the Vedanta University Project that will include a core campus with colleges for humanities, sciences, engineering and business. The academic session is likely to start in 2010.

The exact press release of Vedanta University is at It says the following:

Super-Specialty Hospital and Medical College work to start soon by Vedanta University Project, Puri


  • Super specialty 500 bed hospital and medial college.
  • To be upgraded to 1000 bed later.
  • Super specialties in Cardiology, endocrinology and acute care.
  • Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology to be added later.
  • Advisory committee with experts from India and abroad being formed.
  • Noted Oriya Cardiologist, Dr. K.P.Mishra of Apollo fame and Dr. Dipika Mohanty, former Director of Institute of Immuno-haematology (ICMR) already joined as advisors.
  • Major research projects in interventional treatment of anaemia/iron deficiency and sickle cell anaemia being initiated.
  • The first phase of proposed Vedanta University will also include colleges of Humanities and Sciences, Engineering and Business.
  • Academic session scheduled to start in 2010.

Puri, August 19, 2008: In the first phase of the Vedanta University project, a 500 bed super specialty hospital and medical college of international standard will be built. This will be expanded to 1000 bed Hospital in the next phase. The super specialties that are planned in the Vedanta Hospital are cardiology, endocrinology and acute care. In the next phase, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology will be added. This Hospital will answer a long standing need for providing comprehensive and specialized patient care and health services for the population of the region and will be a beacon of hope for the common man.

The Hospital is being designed in line with the highest standards set for the Vedanta University Project, and it will be a Research cum Teaching hospital besides providing highest quality patient care. The Hospital will benefit from the highly qualified faculty of the proposed medical college and will be managed by well trained professionals. An advisory committee, comprising distinguished medical professionals and academicians from India and abroad, will be formed to decide on the vision and scope of the medical center consisting of hospital, teaching and research facilities.

Vedanta University Project is pleased to announce that Dr. K. P. Misra, MD, FACC, FRCP, the distinguished Oriya Cardiologist and Director, medical education and Senior Cardiologist (retd) Apollo Hospital, Chennai, and Dr. Dipika Mohanty, MD, Ph.D. FRCP, Ex Director Institute of Immunohaematology (ICMR) and 2006 winner of the Biju Patnaik award for Excellence in Science and Technology, have joined as Advisors to guide setting up the hospital, medical college and medical research centers. On behalf of the Vedanta University Project, Dr Mohanty is initiating a major research project in the areas of interventional treatment of anaemia/iron deficiency in infants and children in Orissa as well as identification and treatment of sickle cell anaemia, which has a double incident rate in Orissa compared to other states where it is prevalent.

The Hospital and Medical College will form part of the first phase of Vedanta University Project that will include a core campus with colleges for Humanities & Sciences, and schools of Engineering and Business. The first academic session is planned to start in 2010.

The Vedanta University will be a world class multidisciplinary University of global scale that will promote greater learning, cutting-edge research and socio-economic development.

For further details contact:Mr. Kishore Chandra Das
Head, Communications
Anil Agarwal Foundation
Vedanta University Project, Puri
Mobile No. : 91-9437012258


Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Medical College progress,Vedanta University medical school,Vedanta University, Puri

6 Writeup

  • 1. Anuj Patra  |  August 20th, 2008 at 4:01 pm

    Naveen Goverment doing great work in inviting the world community to set up their venture in orissa.People of orissa and Opposition should support this Government in setting up the Project.Orissa as a state is lagging behind in every aspect.We shold carry forward the developement work in fast lane,otherwise it will be difficult to match with other state

  • 2. Biswanath Lenka  |  August 21st, 2008 at 12:11 am

    Being oriya , proud to feel as oriya & an indian, as a general citizen my sincere request to people of puri dist,people of orissa,political leaders of orissa from diff. parties to join hand towards the development of quality education.We should encourage, help,invite & giving heartfull of thanks to the group of people especially Mr. Anil agarwal & his team who has a dream to provide international standard of educational facilities in field of arts,humanities,science & technology,Business , medicine & of cource Research in one campus to the people of orissa. So, please help & the person dream project became reality because without quality education,we people of orissa can’t grow as we dream of. Just think for one minitue that isn’t a precious gift for our next generation. just think our next generation will feel proud to get a International standard quality education in one place & ofcourse in our home state.Just think, how our utkal (odissa) will be seen after 5 yrs in global map in feild of education. I know my single voice will not be accountable but a team i.e we people of odissa can make a huge difference. HELP,HELP,HELP the group of people to make the diffence in our odissa map i.e VEDANTA UNIVERSITY

  • 3. Dinabandhu Samal  |  August 21st, 2008 at 11:31 am

    I proud to be an odiya & Indian. And be an NRI I know what kind of an impression others are having for Odissa. We really have to put lot of efforts to bring odissa into lime light and prove that we are no way behind of any body. As I feel we do not have a believe thta we are the best. It’s not that Odiyas are not in good position or we do not have resources to be the best, what we lack is the uniteness & inner feeling of proud ness to be an odiya.

    Now, it’s high time to be unite to built odissa as one of the best state and focus ourselves as one of the most progressive community.

    As I feel the Navin Govt is in Odissa is doing greate job to built good educational & Industrial institutes. No matter who rules the state, it should matter, are we growing as the state, financially, educationally & socially? Now it’s the time to think for the growth of the community not for individual benefits.

    And if you feel that the proposed VEDANTA UNIVERSITY will really help for the growth of the state, we should help from our heart for the establishment of the valued educational as well as healt care hub.

  • 4. Biswanath Parida  |  August 21st, 2008 at 11:31 am

    Special thanks to the Govt. of Mr. Naveen Pattnaik and industrialist Mr. Anil Agarwal for setting up a world class university at Puri, Orissa. The people of Puri as well as the people of Orissa should support such a planning. We could possible our dream if such an university would develop in our state.

  • 5. Chitta Baral  |  August 21st, 2008 at 9:27 pm

    The Vedanta University issue is being politicized by many political parties (especially Congress and communists). They don’t seem to have an understanding regarding what this university entails.

    We should help educate people about this university. One way to do this is to tell all our friends to watch and listen from the horse’s mouth at

    Another one to listen is the radio interview at

    Other links to read are

    I think if people go over those, they will start believing that Mr. Anil Agarwal, regardless of his other operations, is indeed very interested in making something unique that will have a huge impact on Orissa as well as India.

  • 6. chinmaya kumar pati  |  November 9th, 2009 at 9:28 pm

    a grate change in educational field in our state , if vedanta university will do start its work then a educational revolution will come in our state


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