Expert committee report on 374 model colleges in educationally backward districts

September 7th, 2008

The expert committee report is at The list of 374 districts contains 18 districts from Orissa. They are:  Malkangiri, Baudh, Kandhamal, Nuapada, Nabrangpur, Gajapati, Koraput, Sonapur, Bargarh, Deogarh, Kalahandi, Balangir, Anugul, Rayagada, Kendujhar, Ganjam, Nayagarh, Dhenkanal. Of these, Malkangiri and Baudha are in Phase 1 with CPI (colleges per lakh population) below 4, Kandhamal and Nuapada in Phase 2 with CPI 4 to 8, and the rest in Phase 3 with CPI 8.1-12.4.

Following are some excerpts from that report:

The criteria for identification of location within the district may be the following:
a. The college has to be located in an area of the district having no college in the vicinity of 10 km radius.
b. Predominantly rural location where the proportion of rural population in area is higher than the State average
c. A new college as an additional one in the vicinity shall be permitted only if the existing college has more than 1000 students, or there is no separate college for women in the area of 10 km. radius.
d. Accessibility : The location of the college should be such that it is accessible, i.e. reasonably well connected by transport facilities so that the college may serve a larger catchments area.
e. Population density: The proposed college should be located subject to fulfillment of the above-mentioned criteria in locations having higher population density in comparison with other contending locations.

4.1. Non- recurring Budget requirements:

4..1.1. Land : Since the Model colleges are to be established in rural, hilly, forest, tribal and other priority areas as per the criteria already described in chapter.2., a minimum of 10 acres of land need to be provided by the State Government concerned to each of the college in the identified low GER district.
4.1.2. Non recurring infrastructure requirements per college: Academic & administrative buildings (3000 sq.mtrs) : 2.5 crores Campus development : 2.0 crores Hostels for 100 students : 1.0 crores*’/Non teaching quarters – 20 each; : 2.5 crores Laboratories : 0.2 crore Library : 0.2 crore Computer Centre : 0.2 crore Health centre : 0.1 crore sports facilities : 0.1 crore Miscellaneous : 0.2 crore
Total per College Non-recurring :9.0 Crores.
* the expenditure towards hostel could be sanctioned through the UGC special scheme for “ hostels”. The net Non-recurring requirements would thus be Rs.8.0. crores per college.

4.1.2. Recurring Budget requirement: It would involve the salary requirements for 25 teaching and 25 nonteaching personnel for each college and the college maintenance expenditure of Rs.50.0 lakhs per annum to be provided by the State government concerned. Model I: Fully Government supported Colleges:
Non-Recurring : 100 % by Central Government, while the required land for the colleges has to be provided by the State Govt.
(This pattern of financial support by Central Govt. is necessary to motivate the State Governments to
establish these model colleges in the Low GER districts adhering to the criteria suggested for actual location of these Colleges within the LOW GER districts) Recurring : 100% by the State Government;

Entry Filed under: Anugul-Talcher-Dhenkanal area (7),Autonomous Colleges,Berhampur-Gopalpur-Hinjilicut area (3),HRD of Tribals and/or Tribal areas,KBK education,Koraput-Jeypore-Sunabeda area (5),Model Colleges,Rayagada-Gunupur area,Sambaplpur-Burla-Jharsuguda-Baragarh area (4),SC/ST/OBC/minority schemes


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