NID in Bhopal from 2009-10. What happened to the one in Orissa?

October 20th, 2008

Following is an excerpt from the news group

Dear Friends,

We are happy to inform you that we are in process of setting up NID Campus in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh from next academic year 2009-2010 wherein we plan to start Under Graduate Programmes.

We are looking for Design Educators and Design Managers who are interested in joining hands with NID in this endeavour of institution building, as envisaged in the National Design Policy announced by the Government of India in February 20082007. If this interests you, we would be happy to arrange a meeting with you at NID Heritage Campus, Ahmedabad, R & D Campus, Bangalore or NID – Delhi Centre.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best wishes,

Pradyumna Vyas
Activity Chairperson – Education
National Institute of Design
Ahmedabad – 380 007
Mob: 098985 00033

In Feb 08 200, the Union Cabinet approved the establishment of four new National Institutes of Design. See As per the news items cited in one of them was to be in Orissa. I wonder what happened to that.

As per, the Orissa government recently (end of July 2008) recommunicated to Delhi about its interest to set up an NID in Orissa.

Entry Filed under: NID, Odisha (missed opportunity)

7 Writeup

  • 1. asutosh Kar  |  December 26th, 2008 at 9:57 pm

    It is both a matter of joy and heartbreak that after repeated news, rumors and confirmations the dream of a NID at Orissa is still much away. the establishment of NID at bhoplal was given priority obviously due to industry minister’s state but i am confident and sure that we will make it sooner or later.

    but at this moment i just want to bring some general observation about design education. NID for almost being there for 50 years, worked on in almost every field of design and more importantly currently working for quite a number of projects in orissa. shouldn’t be we wishing for a NID in a more whole hearted way? more importantly i believe there needs a greater understanding and appreciation of a design as an discipline. there being so many established institutions(govt universities, KIITS, etc) and lot more in pipe line (sri sri univ, vedanta etc) yet none of them opening a design school(correct me if am wrong) ??

    i am looking to hear from the stake holders and people who can make a change, about when will the design movement will start in my State?


    Asutosh Kar
    Alumni, PG Graphic Design , 2008
    NID Ahmedabad

  • 2. chandni  |  January 31st, 2009 at 2:19 pm

    hello mr.Asutosh Kar
    Alumni, PG Graphic Design

    i m a student of architecture n this time i am having thesis … so i need live site for NID at bhubaneshwar. are you having any information regarding the site in bhubaneshwar for NID? please do me a favor …

  • 3. harinarayan  |  April 1st, 2009 at 7:17 pm

    i m a student of architecture n this time i am having thesis … so i need live site for NID at BHOPAL. are you having any information regarding the site in BHOPAL for NID? please do me a favor …

  • 4. Akshay Mallick  |  July 1st, 2009 at 5:16 pm

    Asutosh made a very valid comment on a very serious chapter of design education specially needed to be considered for eastern india.There is certainly an awareness of design in india but yet to be priortised in the list of next to do things of the politicians,beaurocrats and the policy makers.orissa being a lead runner in the field of education should be considered for possible NID campus .However the learning and the education matters as long as it is taken to heights in any part of india and thereafter world.

    Would extreamly happy and grateful to contribute towards this great endaevour.

    Akshay Mallick
    Industrial Designer, Delhi

  • 5. megha panchariya  |  October 15th, 2009 at 7:29 pm

    i m a student of architecture n this time i am having thesis … so i need live site for NID at BHOPAL. are you having any information regarding the site in BHOPAL for NID? please do me a favor …

  • 6. vijay  |  December 21st, 2009 at 9:57 pm

    i m a student of architecture …i chose d topic NID for thesis i heard one proposal s there in bhopal, mp …im quite confusing …pls can anyone help me to come out ..i need d site details ..r you having any information ?

  • 7. ZUBAIR  |  September 13th, 2010 at 9:13 pm

    m a student of architecture …i chose d topic NID for thesis i heard one proposal s there in CHENNAI, TN …im quite confusing …pls can anyone help me to come out ..i need d site details ..r you having any information ?


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