Specs for AIIMS like institutes

December 4th, 2008

Following is from http://www.mohfw.nic.in/PMR.htm.




1.            Hospital Complex                                                52,545 Sq.m


2.            Specialty Complex                                                4,500   Sq.m


3.            Teaching Complex                                                14,500 Sq.m


4.            Auditorium                                                            3,500   Sq.m


5.            Residential facilities                                                35,025 Sq.m


6.            Public Utilities                                                6,000  Sq.m


                        Total                                                       1,16,000 Sq.m


1.            HOSPITAL COMPLEX                                    BUILT UP AREA



1.            OPD Complex                                                            6,550 Sq.m

2.            Diagnostic & Treatment                                    9,110 Sq.m

3.            Wards Blocks (850 Beds)                                    21,920 Sq.m

4.            Faculty & Research block                                    4,540 Sq.m

5.            Service Block                                                            1,300 Sq.m

6.            Atrium & Ramp                                                9,125 Sq.m



                                    Total                                                52,545 Sq.m




1.            Cancer Centre                                                            4,500 Sq.m


            Total Hospital + Cancer Centre                        57,045 Sq.m




3.            TEACHING COMPLEX


1.            Labs & Research Centre                                    8,600 Sq.m

2.            Admin & Faculty                                                2,400 Sq.m

3.            Lecturer Halls                                                            1,300 Sq.m

4.            Library                                                                        2,200 Sq.m



                                    Total                                                14,500 Sq.m



4.            AUDITORIUM                                                3,500 Sq.m



5.            RESIDENTIAL COMPLEX                        35,025 Sq.m





            1.            Sarai                                                            1400 Sq.m

            2.            Guest House                                                1600 Sq.m

            3.            Shopping complex                                    3000 Sq.m


                                                            Total                        6000 Sq.m





1.                        BACKGROUND


Physical, mental, vocational and social rehabilitation of disabled person has been an important aspect of health care since ages, but in the modern era it has gained extra importance. As medicine is developing, more and more attention is being paid towards providing better quality of life to the people either suffering from disabling diseases or who have already become disabled.


Based on resolution adopted by the central council of Health and FW at its meeting on January 8-10,1999,while discussing the role of health sectors in implementation of PWD act95,the MCI in its letter No.MCI-34[1]/98-Med/30645 , dated 5.2.1999,directed every medical college to start a department of PMR.



2.                        SPACE REQUIREMENT


Approximate total area required:                        2300 SQ. M

1.      200 Sq. m for outdoor patient reception and Medical Consultation area.

2.      120 Sq.m for doctor’s office and department office.

3.      200 Sq.m for Physiotherapy gymnasium

4.      75 Sq.m electrotherapy cabins

5.      200 Sq.m for OT area

6.      16 Sq.m for Medical social workers office

7.      20 Sq.m for psychologists room

8.      20 Sq.m for vocational counselors room

9.      200 Sq.m for Aids and appliance workshop.

10.  25 Sq.m doctor’s duty room.

11.  375 Sq.m for 30 general beds

12.  50 Sq.m for Nursing station, room and store.

13.  25 Sq.m for ICU with 2 beds

14.  100 Sq.m for operation theatre.

15.  25 Sq.m for EMG lab

16.  25 Sq.m for Urodynamic lab.

17.  100 Sq.m for Gait lab.

18.  500 Sq.m miscellaneous area including seminar and recreation rooms.









1.                        Scope & Objectives:


In pursuance of the Government Policy, provisioning of AYUSH facilities in the proposed AIIMS institutions is aimed-


i)            To bring about integration of AYUSH facilities at tertiary health –                        Health Care Institutions

ii)            To develop cross-system referrals of Patients based on the strengths            of the system.

iii)            To harness the potential of AYUSH systems in the management of                         complicated health problems, where conventional treatment                         approach have little offer, and

iv)            To include collaborative R&D activities in AYUSH.



2.                        Proposal:


It is essential to  have Ayurveda, Yoga and Homeopathy facilities and optionally either Siddha or Unani facility at  AIIMS Institutions. keeping common staff  for supporting ,ancillary, sanitation ,laundry ,kitchen and other services laboratories and other diagnostic facilities . Provision for hospitalization of 30 Patients for imparting specialized AYUSH therapies like PANCHKARMA could be made either within the in-Patient department of the institute hospital or by having separate male & female wards dedicated for AYUSH patients. Administrative and financial control would be common.


3.                        Configuration  of AYUSH Division:







Therapy Section

Waiting area for patients, Dispensing counters & Stores





Three Medical Consultation rooms each of 150 sq.ft area with attached toilet for kayachikitsa,shalya-shalakya and   stri Roga & Bal Roga OPD

i) Four panchakram therapy rooms each of 200 sq.ft area with attached toilet and bath facility.

ii) ksharsutra therapy room of 200 sq.ft size with attached toilet and bath facility


i) 500 sq.ft for patients waiting area



ii)One Dispensing cum store room of 400 sq.ft area with partitions for Ayurveda & Siddha/Unani Medicines



iii) One Dispensing cum store room of 200 sq.ft size with partition for Homeopathic medicines.




iv) One common store of 300 sq.ft area for linen, equipment, instruments etc.      





One medical consultation room of 150 sq.ft area with attached toilet for Yoga consultation and demonstration.

One yoga & Meditation hall of 400 sq.ft size.



One Medical Consultation room of 150 sq.ft area with attached toilet

Siddha or Unani


One Medical Consultation room of 150 sq.ft area with attached toilet

Two therapy rooms each of 200 sq.ft area with attached toilet and bath facility


900 Sq.ft

1800 Sq.ft

1400 Sq.ft



                                    IPD part of AYUSH division would be required for admitting 30 Patients either within the indoor department of the institute hospital or as separate wards ,for which 2100 SQ.FT area @ 70 Sq.Ft per bed including movement space and nurse’ duty room is estimated .Thus total 6200 Sq.ft constructed area would be required for accommodating  AYUSH division.


4.                        HERBAL GARDEN:


A  Medicinal plant garden over an area of about TWO Acre is proposed to be an essential component of each AIIMS institutions .Commonly used aromatics & medicinal herbs ,shrubs  and tree species would be cultivated in the garden for enhancing aesthetics ambience in the institutes premises and to generate awareness about the uses of medicinal plants.


5.                        FUNCTIONAL IDENTITY:


AYUSH division as whole is proposed part to be an integral part of each six medical institutes and it would remain under the Administrative & financial control of institutes authorities and will not work in isolation.




Entry Filed under: AIIMS, Bhubaneswar,AIIMS, Bhubaneswar,Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),PMSSY, AIIMS

1 Writeup

  • 1. Bird  |  December 29th, 2009 at 4:27 pm

    Consult us for medical equipment procurement


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