IIT Bhubaneswar to run from Bhubaneswar from 2009: Kalinga Times

December 15th, 2008

Following is from Kalinga Times’ report on it.

The classes of IIT Bhubaneswar, which are now being held at IIT Kharagpur, will be conducted at the latter’s extension centre here from July next year.

The student strength of IIT Bhubaneswar will increase from the present 120 to 240 by July next.

All the 240 students of IIT Bhubaneswar will attend their classes in the extension centre of IIT Kharagpur which will be used as a temporary campus till IIT Bhubaneswar developed its own campus in the city.

… IIT Kharagpur is facilitating establishment of IIT Bhubaneswar as the mentor IIT appointed by the Central government.

The authorities of IIT Kharagpur are now constructing new buildings at their extension centre in the city to accommodate IIT Bhubaneswar till the later develops its own campus.

The process of appointment of teachers and other staff for IIT Bhubaneswar has also started. The process of selecting 30 faculty members was nearing completion, Dr. Damodar Acharya, Director of IIT Kharagpur and Chairman of the Governing Body of IIT Bhubaneswar, told reporters in Bhubaneswar on Sunday.

On the other hand, efforts were on to start construction of IIT Bhubaneswar’s own campus next year. A total of Rs 1,000 crore will be utilised for the establishment of the IIT.

Odisha government has already offered land at several locations around the city for the proposed campus for IIT Bhubaneswar. The site selection process will be over within a few weeks.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),IIT Bhubaneswar,IITs, IISc, IISERs, NISER, IIMs

1 Writeup

  • 1. Bharati Panda  |  December 15th, 2008 at 5:14 pm

    Dear Chitta Babu,

    Kindly publicise the following reg. `Invitation to NIT – Rourkela Alumni Association seminar at Bhubaneswar.’

    And keep up the good work.

    Bharati Panda
    NIT- Rourkela 1980 (Mech.)
    Member / Board of Governors
    NIT – Rourkela

    Dear All Alumni of all places,

    It is a great pleasure to hereby inform you that NITRAAB is organizing a national level seminar on 21st December 2008 (sun day) at 9.15 a.m. at the hotel SWOSTI PLAZA. The theme of the seminar is INDUSTRIAL RESURGENCE IN ORISSA .

    The seminar will be inaugurated by the Chief Minister of Orissa and many other dignitaries and renowned speakers will grace the occasion. It will also be attended by many of the loved and respected ex- faculties of the RECR/NITR.

    In fact this seminar will be the perfect showcase of the newly registered NITRAAB and its activities, with support and help from the NITRAA H.Q. at Rourkela. So as the honourable members of the NITRAA, you are hereby earnestly requested to make this seminar a grand success by attending and participating in it with out fail.

    The seminar is arranged on sponsorship basis and hence there shall not be any participation fees.

    Since this will be our own fuction, it is needless to say that our presence is essential. The programme for the day will be as follows :-

    Seminar- with snacks and lunch:- 9.15 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
    Dinner and Cultural Programme :- 6.30 p.m. to 10.00 p.m.

    Please attend and make it a success.


    Sanjaya K. Mohanty


March 2025

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