BPUT and Rourkela

May 29th, 2007

June 18 2008: Suggestion withdrawn. Any moving, however sound the reason behind it may be, hurts the sentiments of people. In any case Rourkela must try to get  and demand a regular university and a medical college and some of its private engineering colleges must aim to become a deemed university. 

I suggest that BPUT be moved from Rourkela to another location and a comprehensive university (like Utkal, Sambalpur, Berhampur etc.) be established in Rourkela, and the establishment of a medical college in Rourkela be expedited. Some of you, before getting mad at me, please read the following reasoning. Rourkela has NIT-Rourkela which has become or about to become an Institute of National Importance. NIT Rourkela has M.Tech and Ph.D programs in various engineering and science disciplines and is introducing MBA. So basically, there is not any need for a BPUT (another technological university) in Rourkela. In fact, BPUT may have hard time recruiting good faculty in Rourkela as NIT Rourkela is already having a hard time recruiting faculty, and if at all a good faculty is available to be in Rourkela, he or she will prefer NIT over BPUT. Finally BPUT, as the only technology university in Orissa, is in charge of all private engineering, management and pharmacy colleges in Orissa and a Rourkela location makes it far away from where these affiliated colleges are located. So BPUT location in Rourkela does not have much advantage for Rourkela, harms BPUTs ability to hire good faculty and makes it harder for BPUT to do its job of supervising its affiliated colleges all over Orissa. However, Rourkela, the second largest metropolitan area in Orissa desperately needs a comprehensive university with the regular science, liberal arts, and commerce disciplines as it does not have a regular university. The closest one in Orissa is in Sambalpur about 150 kms away. Rourkela also needs a medical college. Perhaps the Orissa government can call the Rourkela leaders and explain them the situation and convince them that if they agree to moving BPUT out of Rourkela then the government will immediately sanction a regular university for Rourkela and expedite the establishment of a medical college (perhaps also a govt. medical college) there. The BPUT location of Rourkela was chosen to give a university to Rourkela. But it was and is the wrong university (in terms of needs) for Rourkela. At that time the states coffers were not good to give Rourkela a regular university, which it needed; so BPUT was given to it. Now that the state coffers are better this should be changed to what makes more sense. Where should BPUT move to? I think a location near Berhampur would be a good idea. It would complement the existing higher education opportunities in Berhampur (the third largest metropolitan area of Orissa) which has a regular university and a medical college but lacks a government engineering college. Also, a Berhampur location of BPUT will bring it closer to the private engineering colleges, MBA and MCA institutions and pharmacy colleges in Orissa. Between 70-80% of those colleges will then be within 2 hours of BPUT. An alternative location could be in the Dhenkanal-Anugul-Talcher-Saranga belt; perhaps IGIT in Saranga becoming a part of BPUT.

Entry Filed under: BPUT, Rourkela

17 Writeup

  • 1. » Balasore and Bari&hellip  |  June 6th, 2007 at 1:07 am

    […] Berhampur should similarly lobby for a govt. engineering college and Rourkela should similarly lobby for a general university and medical college and even bargain by saying its ready to give up BPUT which it does not need. […]

  • 2. akhlaque  |  June 6th, 2007 at 1:48 pm

    bput should be in rourkela and also a goverment medical college should be there as it fulfils the need of near by cities such as rajgangpur and sundergarh

  • 3. Chitta Baral  |  June 6th, 2007 at 9:21 pm

    Rourkela should have a govt. medical college,
    many private medical colleges and also at least a general university like Utkal, Berhampur, Sambalpur etc. It should have an XIM branch, should be heavily considered if ever there is a possibility of an IIM in Orissa.

    But, BPUT just does not serve any need there. It was a mistake to put BPUT in Rourkela. All colleges BPUT serves are far away from Rourkela and BPUT does not add anything to Rourkela.

  • 4. shriti dash  |  July 18th, 2007 at 11:32 am

    in my point of view..orissa can never be improved with this type of mentallity.coz all d people are trying to shift all the head office frm rkl 2 bbsr,,for ex-bput rkl,model hospital rkl.so in my point of view there is no question for shifting this university coz all engineering colleges are under industries dept and orissa’s industrial capital is rkl..so with this cheap type of people like omkarnath mohanty trying to shift this university frm rkl to bsr.thats why the question arises for a new state kosala for western orissa,because of this type of cheap mentality like omkarnath mohanty bput vice chancellor//who is trying to shift this head office frm rkl to bbsr…western orissa will be a new state\\kosala state..so plz people help me to not to separate us frm orissa.plz its my request.suspend that vice chancellor..

  • 5. deepak kumar mohapatra  |  October 15th, 2007 at 3:10 pm

    Hi,friends those who want dat BPUThave moved from Rourkela to another location they are really full

  • 6. sambit nayak  |  October 23rd, 2007 at 12:38 am

    Why to move it from Rourkela to some other city.
    – What has the government done first of all. Has the construction started even?
    – The guy who posted this repsonse says there is already a high class engineering college NIT. So whats the need of opening BPUT. My friend this is how things work. I will give you examples. Some cities grow up as software capital, some grow as business capital. Some grow as Educational capital. If people start thinking like you– ” there is already a software company here of big stature.. why should I open up mine here” then these kind of phenomena should not even find a place.
    – Why open a AIIMS in bhubaneswar when Cuttack SCB was already there.What about non-SAIL employees of Rourkela who cant get benefit of IGH. Why burla has a govt engineering college, govt medical college and general university?? The medical college could have been opened in rourkela also?
    – Whats the harm is granting a regular university and medical college even when BPUT is there?
    – BPUT, Rourkela is only on papers. Still it functions from Bhubaneswar I think. Whatever new comes for the state (NISER,AIIMS,proposed IIT(if it happens),proposed IIM) all are meant for BHubaneswar. What has govt of Orissa done till date for the development of the 2nd largest city in Orissa. Inspite of this apathy Rourkela has grown and now govt should provide some support and make it the Educational capital of Orissa.

  • 7. Chitta Baral  |  October 23rd, 2007 at 2:12 am

    Based on talking to people, it seems to be an emotional issue and no one in power will dare to suggest what I suggested in this post.

    So although BPUT will be said to be HQed in Rourkela, its progress in Rourkela will be much slower; and for practical reasons, a lot of BPUT will continue to function from Bhubaneswar. (The practical reason being that most of the BPUT affiliated colleges are far from Rourkela and closer to Bhubaneswar; and a lot of BPUT activities requires consultation with the Orissa govt. On this one may read about the JEE counseling saga of this year. See http://www.orissalinks.com/?cat=106 )

    Currently there is not any serious demand in Rourkela for a comprehensive university in Rourkela and with BPUT going to Rourkela, it will be hard for Rourkela people to convince the power to be for a comprehensive university that they really need.

    In any case, for the sake of Rourkela, the people there should start asking for a comprehensive university and a medical school. While Balasore and Baripada, much smaller towns than Rourkela, are agressively asking for a govt. medical college, not much demand is coming out of Rourkela.

  • 8. rajat  |  December 18th, 2007 at 11:43 am

    orissa can never be improved with this type of shifting mentallity
    of cuttackiya.bput was at rkl now at rkl and will be at rkl//whatever
    may the people of cuttack can do do..but bput will be at rk land it will never shift from rkl to bbsr…….as per assembly it will never shift to any other place.

  • 9. sanjay  |  April 4th, 2008 at 2:43 pm

    Hello Friends, I think its true that BPUT is in rourkela only on paper. I just want to know what orissa govt is doing for western side ….only approving spung iron plants..poluting the environment….giving nothing to KBK district…but all revenue generated from western side (steel plants mines) are beeing utilised to develope bhubaneswar..is it not..? Politics want to shift BPUT from rkl to bbsr why..???????????? It should not be..? You cant transfer everything from all part of orissa to bhubaneswar….You go to any state there will be multiple towns developing equally….see AP…Vizag..vijayawada Hyderabad…go to karnatak..bangalore..mysore..mangalore….go to maharastra…mumbai..pune nagpur…go to tamilnadu….chennai..trichy..coimbatore..but in orissa only and only bhubaneswar….no one is saying that dont put funds for grwing bhubaneswar….its our capital its our pride..so Bhubaneswar should grow..but respected CM and other ministers I request to allocate funds to develope other cities like Rourkela,Berhampur,Sambalpur in all aspects..BPUT should not go out of rkl. If the western part will be taken care properly then no one will think of Koshal State. Rourkela is the industrial & educational Hub of orissa, so respected CM plz do some thing for this city also. So that tomorrow we also can say in our orissa we have multiple big cities like Bhubaneswar Rourkela Cuttack….

  • 10. rajat kumar nayak  |  April 25th, 2008 at 6:15 pm

    Hello Friends, I think its true that BPUT is in rourkela only on paper. I just want to know what orissa govt is doing for western side ….only approving spung iron plants..poluting the environment….giving nothing to KBK district…but all revenue generated from western side (steel plants mines) are beeing utilised to develope bhubaneswar..is it not..? Politics want to shift BPUT from rkl to bbsr why..???????????? It should not be..? You cant transfer everything from all part of orissa to bhubaneswar….You go to any state there will be multiple towns developing equally….see AP…Vizag..vijayawada Hyderabad…go to karnatak..bangalore..mysore..mangalore….go to maharastra…mumbai..pune nagpur…go to tamilnadu….chennai..trichy..coimbatore..but in orissa only and only bhubaneswar….no one is saying that dont put funds for grwing bhubaneswar….its our capital its our pride..so Bhubaneswar should grow..but respected CM and other ministers I request to allocate funds to develope other cities like Rourkela,Berhampur,Sambalpur in all aspects..BPUT should not go out of rkl. If the western part will be taken care properly then no one will think of Koshal State. Rourkela is the industrial & educational Hub of orissa, so respected CM plz do some thing for this city also. So that tomorrow we also can say in our orissa we have multiple big cities like Bhubaneswar Rourkela Cuttack….

  • 11. biju mohanty  |  April 28th, 2008 at 9:33 pm


  • 12. Sovan Mishra  |  June 25th, 2008 at 5:38 pm

    I think BPUT should in Rourkela only. Our Ex-President Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam had given a go ahead to this project a couple of years ago but alas nothing is happening till now. Why the politicians are so eager to shift everything to Bhubaneswar? That is the solely the reason why the regionalism sentiments are growing in various parts of Orissa. I believe in development of our Capital city but certainly our industrial capital can’t be ignored either.

  • 13. Dillip Kumar Mohanty  |  October 26th, 2008 at 12:37 am

    Hiiiiiiiii all friends at last BPUT has started construction and there is no question of moving the university out of Rourkela as per the directives of the government. Next year i.e. in 2009 about 75% work will be completed. And i want to say that even if there are only two technical colleges in Rourkela under BPUT,a lot will spring up after the university will be ready,even more than the present count of Bhubaneswar. So no need to worry,cheer up rourkelites,cheer for mini-india Rourkela

  • 14. bishesh jyoti naik  |  November 11th, 2008 at 6:19 pm

    well friends first of all we belong to the same state ORISSA.we must feel proud about it to be a part of one of the best state in india having both cultural and modern heritage.i am from rourkela and i dont want that orissa should be divided.”united we stand and divided we fall”.BPUT should be there where it is and more colleges should be opened in orissa and in places like rourkela and jharsuguda which are tremendously developing without the government aid.bbsr is our capital its our pride but at the same time rourkela has done a lot for this state.iim should be opened in rourkela and more 4 to 5 engg colleges should be there in rourkela.its because the highest number of iitans and nitians are from rourkela so for a educational city centres of education should be there.

  • 15. Sushanta Kumar Sahu  |  December 23rd, 2008 at 6:43 pm

    Hi! every body from Orissa including all Rourkelaites It’s really time to say ‘cheese’ dude! tie up! to chill out! As now atleast the breakthrough came through the hurdle.The founation stone has really been laid out.Not 2 ask the hangers let U gonna belive me for the concrete I do have .
    Honestly I had visited the spot with a curiosity but platted with softy warmth of developmental works that R going on construction area

    We(People Of Orissa) feel proud of Rourkela as it belongs to Orissa
    Sushant,New Delhi

  • 16. B.Mishra  |  June 12th, 2009 at 5:47 pm

    When with all big shot’s mind applied to establish BPUT in Rourkela then why again this hue and cries go for shifting the location ? World has become small and the infrastructures have been improving, which will alleviate the remoteness of Instt. in RKL in due course.

  • 17. bikash dash  |  May 14th, 2010 at 6:40 pm

    only rourkela,bbsr,ctc are there in orissa.sambalpur and berhampur are not there in orissa.these two cities are neglected more.so also think about these two cities also.


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