Srikant Jena (ex-central minister from Orissa)’s argument opposing Vedanta University; my rebuttal

January 20th, 2009


I would now like to rebut the couple of points mentioned in the above writing.

(i) In regards to the size it is true that no world class university currently has 100,000 students. However, several of them have around 50,000 students. Please see Q6 of Some of them, especially Arizona State University, expects to reach a size of 85,000 by 2030. Moreover, one must note that Vedanta University aims to have 100,000 students at build out, which may be in 20-25 years or beyond.

(ii) On the issue of minerals, one just has to make sure that it is explicitly mentioned that any mineral from that land becomes state property and have a mechanism to monitor it.

(iii) On why in a rural location; the Vedanta University location is about 40 kms from the outer edges (Jatni) of the Bhubaneswar area. With plans to connect it by a 4-lane highway it will only take 25-45 minutes to get there from various points in Bhubaneswar. Also, most the new IITs that are coming up, especially IITs in Hyderabad, Punjab, Patna and Indore, are 25-50 kms from the airports or city center of their respective metropolitan areas.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Odisha Congress opposes Andhra Congress lures,Vedanta University, Puri

3 Writeup

  • 1. Jagmohan Swain  |  January 21st, 2009 at 9:54 am

    If these so called minerals are so valuable, I would expect more than one industrialist to do a “Vedanta” and get the valuable minerals for free while using the university as a smokescreen.The fact that no other industrialist has come forward with such a proposal proves that Mr Jena’s theory of Great Minerals is as hollow as his motives for opposition to Vedanta is ulterior.The fact that these are the same coterie of inglorious politicians, under whose stewardship, Orissa continued it’s free-fall in just about every development rankings, should help us make an easy judgment on latest missive from Mr Jena.

    The benefits of a world class university isn’t mostly intangible.A quick research on economic benefits of a University on it’s vicinity should dispel any misgivings one might be inclined to harbor.Usually the rate of return from such projects are good enough to match the return one might get if such a sum of money is invested in treasury bonds.

    Over the years Orissa has come to be known for all the wrong reasons, the credit of which can squarely lie on the shoulders of ostrich-like politicians exemplified by Mr Jena.For the sake of our children, let’s all work together to toss out these regressive politicians and bring back the glory of erstwhile kalinga.

  • 2. Bijoy  |  January 23rd, 2009 at 3:01 pm

    I have few remarks for this letter. It is quite clear Mr Jena is not in favour of Vedanta University. He should spell out the alternative for this project (What else!!!). He is correct in ponting out the possible motive behind this project. Every one has his hidden agenda. But Orissa Govt. can alway prevent this. At this moment many corporate housees loot our state shamelessly. What action is taken by goverment of orissa and opposition parties? My honest wish would be “Let PURI be known for LORD Jagannath and Vedanta University”. Merger of Modern Scientific thinking and our rich culture would lead to Prosperous Orissa… not a gullible Orissa.

  • 3. Anuj Patra  |  January 24th, 2009 at 5:36 pm

    My sincere request to each and every individual not to stop this University project at any cost otherwise we have to pay big price for it. Orissa as a state has remained under devoloped since years because of our attitude not lack of resources.
    We need to check the credibility of the people who are objecting this project.what they have done for Orissa?
    If you cant help,dont object
    For how long we will be identified as poor state.Its high time now
    Wake up else our identification will be in question mark
    All the big project are on hold due to objection at some level
    Opportunity knocks the door only once,not again & again


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