IISER Kolkata to start five year Earth Science program; other happennings there

March 6th, 2009

Following is an excerpt from a report in the Telegraph.

The Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) in West Bengal is set to become the first such institute in the country to offer an integrated masters degree in earth science.

There are five IISERs in the country, set up on the lines of the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore.

The earth science course will be introduced in the next session and will cover subjects such as palaeontology, geo-chemistry, seismology, climatology and space science.

“Geo-chemistry will be a topical subject in Bengal. It will cover arsenic contamination, which is a major problem in the state. Space science, too, is neglected in Bengal,” said Dibyendu Nandi, an assistant professor at the IISER in Nadia.

… The institute will also offer an integrated PhD programme from August 2009 that will be open to graduates. The course duration will be five-seven years.

“The first two years will be for a masters course. A doctorate usually takes three to four years but may take longer in the field of science. Students will have up to five years to complete their PhD,” said Nandi.

In 2009, the PhD aspirants will be selected on the basis of their applications and interviews but from the next year there will be an all-India entrance test.

Both courses will be offered on the IISER’s new campus in Mohanpur in Nadia. “The 200-acre campus should be ready by the end of 2010,” said Nandi.

In keeping with its objective of making education and careers in basic sciences more attractive, the institute is also reaching out to students in schools and colleges.

…  The institute is also planning to visit colleges across Bengal to spread awareness about science and research.

Entry Filed under: IITs, IISc, IISERs, NISER, IIMs,Learning from others,NISER, Bhubaneswar

4 Writeup

  • 1. Dr. Sukanta Dey  |  March 12th, 2009 at 4:40 pm

    It is not correct that IISER, Kolkata is the first institute in India to offer integrated masters degree in Earth sciences. Indian School of Mines University, Dhanbad has been offering Integrated M.Sc. Tech (Applied Geology) since 2006. The intake is through IIT joint entrance examination.

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  March 12th, 2009 at 7:37 pm

    For that matter IIT Kharagpur has been offering 5 yr M.Sc in Exploration Geophysics for more than 22 years. So unless the Earth Science program at IISER Kolkata is somehow different from the Geophysics and applied Geology program the claim in the Telegraph article in incorrect.

  • 3. Chitta Baral  |  March 12th, 2009 at 7:39 pm

    Rereading the article, the claim seems to be in comparison with the other IISERs and NISER. The claim is:

    (IISER) in West Bengal is set to become the first such institute in the country to offer an integrated masters degree in earth science.

  • 4. Prof.Biswajit Mishra  |  March 14th, 2009 at 6:46 am

    It’s indeed true that IIT-Kgp is the oldest Institute in the country, offering two 5-year integrated programs (in Applied Geology & Exploration Geophysics). But if IISER, Kolkata plans to give a program in Earth Sciences, then it essentially combines both, i.e., Geology and Geophysics. As a matter of fact, such combination that constitute the grey zone has of late become globally more important for various reasons. But it is to be watched and seen what IISER does in the coming years. It’s an well conceived program, but then it has to be successfully implemented.


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