Faizan Mustafa appointed as the first VC of National Law University of Orissa

April 7th, 2009

As per comment 3 of an earlier post of ours, The National Law University Act, 2008 (Orissa Act 4 Of 2008) was published in the Orissa Gazette (Extraordinary) Vide No.2215, dated 4th December, 2008. So the official establishment year of this university will be 2008.

Following are excerpts from a report in tathya.in about the appointment of the first vice chancellor of this university.

Professor Faizan Mustafa is the first Vice Chancellor of the National Law University of Orissa (NLUO). 

Justice Dr. Balbir Singh Chouhan, Chief Justice of Orissa High court and the Chancellor of NLUO has appointed him in the top post here on 6 April. 

Professor Mustafa is at present the Director KIIT Law School, Bhubaneswar. 

He is a gold medalist in LL.M. from Aligarh Muslim University. who had completed his Ph.D. in Intellectual Property Law. 

Professor Mustafa also has a Diploma in International and Comparative Human Rights from International Institute of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France. 

Before joining KLS as Director, he was Dean of Faculty of Law, AMU and Registrar of AMU for a period of two years. …

… Finally the NLUO is taking concrete shape with Prof.Mustafa at the helm and initiative of the Higher Education department to place funds for the institution.

The State Government has already provided Rs.5 crore to the Corpus Fund.

Naveen Patnaik, the Chief Minister laid foundation of the institution on 5 January at Brajabiharipur near Naraj in Cuttack district.

The State Government has allocated 30 acres of land free of cost.

Similar National Law Schools opened earlier in the other states are listed here. So far there were 12 of them in Bangalore (1986), Hyderabad (1998),  Bhopal (1998), Kolkata (1999), Jodhpur (1999), Gandhinagar (2003), Raipur (2003), Kochi (2005), Lucknow (2005), Patiala (2006), Patna (2007), and Delhi (2008). Admission to all of them except the last one is through the common law admission test (CLAT).

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Law,National Law University of Orissa, Cuttack

13 Writeup

  • 1. kunal  |  April 9th, 2009 at 10:05 pm

    first of all i would like to express my happiness and thanks to sri naveen patnaik, Chief minster of orrissa.who taken a gratitude step to encourage law education not only in orrissa but also to those student who is thinking to persue law education.
    but at the same time i will not hegitate to say that state goverment had also taken gratitiou sstep toward another law school after snatching Dr. Faizan Mustfa from kiit law school. for the flourishment of one law school they sacrifice another law school which is not good for the legal education ..it means that take one step forward and bring one step back and net result is that we are at same junctur.
    i would like to ask the chief minster and education minister who is really concern about the law education, are they really interested????

  • 2. Nidhi Singh  |  April 11th, 2009 at 2:26 am

    It’s just not been even two years of Prf. Faizan Mustafa in KIIT LAW SCHOOL, the school is half nurtured, how can Mustafa Sir be allowed to go to some other school, just because they are national and KIIT a private university. The First batch of 60 students who joined this school and the first speech of the director to live together and bring this school up in 5 years, seems to fade now. The speech seems to be a mere oratory skill if he s taken away frm the young students of KIIT.Nevertheless, repurcussions of Prf. Mustafa leaving the college, will do no good to students who are in a fiduiciary relationship with the director. The students can maximum plead him not to leave and nothing beyond that because their scope of power remains restricted.

  • 3. Abhishek Tripathy  |  April 11th, 2009 at 7:38 pm

    At last Odisha joins the ‘National Law School’ bandwagon. As I have maintained in my earlier posts, better late than never..
    It has a tremenndously arduous task of matching up with the academic and infrastructure standards of the leading law schools of the nation. It better get its act together as fast as it can..
    Its contemporaries like NLS, Delhi are fast going up the ladder.. There is a great pressure on it to perform well and rise fast as NLU, O is perhaps coming up after many national law schools have already come up and established themselves as a brand..
    All the best to NLU, O ..
    Here’s hoping to see a stellar insti. from our state 🙂
    Abhishek Tripathy,
    NUJS, Kol’

  • 4. mayank  |  April 28th, 2009 at 1:29 pm

    Hey its really good to know about that law college but how to apply for this college ?

  • 5. Anutosh  |  April 30th, 2009 at 11:09 pm

    I am so happy that NLU Orisa is here.Orisa is a great place to study and another NLU will make more student accessbile to quality law education.But can anyone please tell me when NLU Orisa will start admission? and has anyone has a conatct information of NLU Orisa?
    If yes then please mail me at anutoshpandey@gmail.com

  • 6. fayaz alam  |  May 4th, 2009 at 8:59 pm

    i feel realy very happy that the person who taught us now he is a youngest vc on any national law school.i hav complited my BALLB from ALIGARH MUSLIM UNVERSITY . i know personally PROF(DR) FAIZAN MUSHTAFA .when he was dean faculty of law he perform termendaus job

  • 7. Azhar Sabir  |  May 9th, 2009 at 2:54 pm

    Dear All,

    First of all many many thanks for Orissa govt to establish a national law school and making Dr Faizan Mustafa as VC. For being a JNU student I am really feel proud to have a contact with Dr Faizan Mustafa, He is such a nice and humble person. I pray that may God bless him and give him a lot of strength to go with National Law University of Orissa to the top but I am little disappointed for leaving Dr Faizan KIIT.

    Thanks and Regards
    Azhar Sabir

  • 8. SNIGDHA GHATAK  |  May 9th, 2009 at 11:04 pm

    Snatching away Prof. Faizan Mustafa is indeed a step back towards the education system of this country. The first 60 students who joined this Law school under the shelter of Prof. Mustafa or as our director sir as we are used to address him, are totally in a disarray state of mind. Seeing anybody else on the black chair in the directors chamber is impossibe.The dream of seeing KIIT LAW SCHOOL among the top law schools of India will remain a far fetched dream without Prof. Mustafa’s guidance. It is a sincere request to get him back among to KLS.

  • 9. Dr. Amanullah Khan  |  May 26th, 2009 at 10:23 pm

    First of all i would pay the thanks to honbl’ Mr. Naveen patnayak, Chief Minister of Orissa state who make this university in the field of Law.
    Prof. Faizan Mustafa has appointed the first Vice Chancellor of this university is the good news specially for the student who really want to do the best in the law profession. Prof. Faizan Mustafa is the learned and very intelectual person having the best experience of Professor, Dean, Registrar AMU and The Director of law school. I am sure the university will definitly reach on the top in this professional education. He has the qualities of a good administrator also. I hope that Prof. Faizan Mustafa wil also create the envioronment for the Civil and Judiciary services for thier products of law education.

    Dr. Amanullah Khanl

  • 10. ramesh  |  May 27th, 2009 at 9:45 pm

    hi guys….i find that most of u are searching for info on nlu orissa.
    well here it is…the official website is nluc.org.in.
    please visit the site at the earliest and apply for it immediately, if u wish to do the same, since the final date is 6th june 2009. the entrance test is on 14th june.

    all the best fellas!!!

  • 11. Utkarsh Leo  |  June 22nd, 2009 at 3:21 pm

    With Prof Mustafa becoming the VC of the NLS,Orissa,I feel I am at a loss at KIIT law school,Bhubneswar.But then I wish him all the best because he has a tremendous job to accomplish.Apart from building NLS at Cuttuck,he will have to raise it as a temple of learning.I am sure he will accomplish the job as he has done for the KIIT law school.

    At any cost I will not like him to leave the students of KIIT law school who had joined it mainly becaus of him.

  • 12. AMIR KHAN(B.A.LL.B,1st Year),F/o Law,AMU,Aligarh  |  April 11th, 2010 at 1:43 pm

    Being a Law Student,always v r in searchof persons who got success in life through acqiring legal education,especialy from AMU!!!!N As I read sum of the comments puted down by some AMU students n Odrs,,,I realsed dat me to,hav 2 thank…..Orissa Govt,then aftr im tributing Dr. Faizan Mustafa!!!!!!!!!Ma Father told me lot about him as personly I dono knw abt him!!!!!
    ,,,,,,,,,I thing more,as 2day is April11……..N TOMORROW,Dear Sir MUSTAFA is coming AMU for attending a seminar for CIVIL n JUDICIAL SERVICEs aspirants!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    …ALLAH HAFIZ!!!!!!!!!!
    Faculty Of Law,AMU

  • 13. SHAYAN  |  March 27th, 2011 at 12:31 pm



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