Central University of Orissa, Koraput to start classes at COATS Koraput

May 25th, 2009

Update: Hindu also reports on it. In regards to the location of the permanent campus, Hindu says the following:

While speaking very high about the proposed location for establishing the university which is situated between the railway station at Koraput and Danagadeola village over an area of 565 acres of government land she said that over the next five years the university could become one of the major attractions even for the tourists for its unique green campus resembling that of many world class university campuses in the other parts of the globe.

Following is an excerpt from a report in the Pioneer.

Vice-Chancellor of the Central University, Orissa, Dr Surabhi Banerjee informed that the classes in the university at Koraput would start from August this year. The university would function temporarily at the COATS (Council of Analytical Tribal Studies) and the courses would start from under-graduation to higher studies, she said.

…, the VC visited Deola village where the proposed university will be set up over 575 acres of land. … She thanked the district administration to locate such a suitable land and … After visit of the representatives from the Ministry of Human Resource Development, the construction work would be carried out on their approval, she said.

There will be an entrance test for taking admission into the university and the entrance test would be conducted in around 15-16 centres all over India and for Orissa in Koraput, Bhubaneswar and Sambalpur. Subjects like English, Oriya, Social Sciences, Anthropology, Tribal Studies and Journalism and Mass Communication would be taught in the university, besides other higher and professional courses. Different kinds of schools will be opened on the campus like the Jawaharlal Nehru University and the head office of the university would function at Koraput and the transit office to recruit lecturers, readers, professors, management and other staff will function at Bhubaneswar, the VC informed.

The Central Government has approved the university for five years for the time being and the classes would start in the COATS which is being managed by Sabara Srikshetra Jagannath Mandir Management Committee and the existing Gyan Mandir, library and tribal museum are an added advantage for the students of the university, she said.

Among others, Registrar BK Mishra, Financial Advisor P Pati and Liaisoning Officer and Coordinator Ganesh Chandra Roul attended the Press conference.

Entry Filed under: Central University of Orissa, Koraput,HRD of Tribals and/or Tribal areas,KBK education,Koraput-Jeypore-Sunabeda area (5)

7 Writeup

  • 1. devan kumar  |  June 17th, 2009 at 12:33 pm

    first i would like to thanks to the administration to set up central university in Orissa. It is glad to know that the one of the Central University is establishing at Koraput.

    I want to know regarding the courses, as of is there research programmes like Mphil and PhD. if there in which specialized areas has it.
    another querry is that how to get admission form those are outside of koraput

    profound regards,

    Devan Kumar Kuda
    student of Tata Institute of Social Sciences

  • 2. DR.KAILASH CHANDRA DASH  |  June 27th, 2009 at 9:28 pm

    TO Dr Surabhi Banerjee ,
    Dear madam I am greatly interested to join in the esteemed central

  • 3. PRASANTA KUMAR BISHOYI  |  September 2nd, 2009 at 12:01 pm

    To,PROF(DR.)Surabhi Banerjee Hon’ble VC,Central UniversityKoraput
    Revered Madam,A hearty congratulation to you for glorifying the stature of koraput in the national map with the pious mission of establishing a central university in orissa. I became elated with my presence in the splendid opening ceremony of the university and felt that this center of learing will receive an enlightening dimention reaching to its desired destination with the legitimate utility of the salubrious climate of this place,the simplisity and innocence of the people and above all the plethora of academic experience your highness have.I am profoundly sure that people of this place have received unprecedented rapture with the birth of this university and this will act as a rainbow to the life of the underpreviledged tribals of this place. P.KBisoi,Registrar Engg.college semiliguda cell 9437236059

  • 4. Motiniva Nayak  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 4:46 pm

    Dear Ma’am(Hon’ble VC,Central University,Koraput)

    A warm good wishes and hearty congratulation to you.It is a great step to Orissa ‘s development.
    I would like to know about recruitment process to defferent centres of the university and how to access the advertisment
    for the recruitment.

    Thanking You,
    Phd scholar,

  • 5. manoj panda  |  September 22nd, 2009 at 7:15 pm

    sir/ madam,
    i am manoj panda from at present sambalpur, and sir i properly from koraput dist.(similiguda). sir i laisoining officer at m/s shyam dri power ltd, sambalpur. i want to join in your organisation with my experience in land acquisition work. because i have 4 to 5 years experience in this field. sir my request you that i want work in my own area and serve to my people. sir i am successfully completed ac. 225 land acquisition. sir i my personal request to the head of the university

  • 6. Dr. Achintya Mahapatra  |  September 29th, 2009 at 1:07 pm

    Respected Madam


    Congrats for your great success to be a vice – chancellor in Koraput central university.

    Achintya Mahapatra
    Sr. Lecturer in Tourism Management
    P.G. Department, Royal University of Bhutan
    GCBS, Gedu, Bhutan

  • 7. Bhagyasini Nanda  |  March 10th, 2010 at 12:06 pm

    Respected Madam,
    I myself offer as an applicant for the post ” OFFICE ASSISTANT” because i have an experience in the same field as serving as an Office Assistant from last 4 years at KIIT UNIVERSITY, Bhubaneswar, I have completed M.A ( ECONOMICS), and continuing MBA second year in Sambal pur University, As per my experience i assure that i will definitely take a high pick up in my respective field. I hope a positive response from your side.

    thanking you, Yours’ Sincerely,

    Bhagyasini Nanda


March 2025

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