No politics on AIIMS (like institute) Bhubaneswar please!

June 18th, 2009

Update2: Pioneer reports the Orissa health minister saying that the state has been extremely co-operative on AIIMS and the allegations of Mr. Azad is baseless. The good news is that there has been some progress in the ground and

  • Out of the 14 blocks of the AIIMS, the roof works of eight blocks have already been completed.
  • An alternative road has already been constructed for the Sijua village and 90 per cent work has already been completed.
  • Steps have been taken to remove the high-voltage transmission line.

Following is from Samaja:

Update: TOI reports that Mr. Azad went to the AIIMS site and asked the project manager to  work in three shifts and said that he will be monitoring the project every month. The first good news is that there is a project manager and some work is actually going on.

The Central Cabinet minister of Health Mr. Ghulam Nabi Azad is visiting Orissa. His answers on the lack of progress with respect to  AIIMS-like institute in Bhubaneswar is shocking. This institute foundation stone was laid by then PM Vajapayee prior to 2004 during the NDA government. Since then many reports have been made and tenders have been floated which we have been tracking here. And now Mr. Azad comes and blames the state government to hide the incompetency of the central Minitry of Health in making any progress. Note that the issue of tardy or zero progress on the AIIMS has been raised multiple times earlier, including many times in the parliament and someone even made a high court case in Bihar and this is the first time the state government is being partially blamed.

This is terrible. Mr. Azad should not play politics on such an importance issue and make sure tha the AIIMS-like institute is constructed as soon as posisble. Following are excerpts from a report in Business Standard which gives indication regarding the politics being played by Mr. Azad.


”I will review the progress in all the new AIIMS projects, including the one proposed to be constructed in Bhubanewar, to ensure these are ready in about three years. I will also speak to the construction agency,” Azad said.     

Claiming that the steps taken by the state government for the ambitious Rs 820 crore project were slow and sluggish, Azad added that though the detailed project report for the Orissa AIIMS was ready proper land demarcation was yet to be completed.     

The state should take quick steps to remove the high power transmission line at the site along with unauthorised structures and a small village relocated, the minister said.     

On its part, the Centre was taking steps to bring momentum to the project, Azad informed adding he had spoken to Environment and Forests Minister Jairam Ramesh about the need for clearance to about 90 acres of the proposed AIIMS site here.     

”Since Orissa badly needs an AIIMS, we are taking all steps to ensure that the project becomes operational at the earliest,” he said.To improve the health care facilities in Orissa, both the Centre and the state government must initiate steps for early completion of AIIMS here, Azad said.    


Following is my email to the PMO and Mr. Azad on this topic.

Dear Esteemed Prime Minister and Health Minister:

Please do not play politics on the AIIMS-like institute in Bhubaneswar.

The foundation stone of this institute in Bhubaneswar was laid in 2003. In between 5 years of UPA government rule has passed in Delhi and nothing visible (beyond a boundary wall) has happened.

For the last 5 years, people of Orissa, representatives of Orissa (both MLAs, MPs), and Orissa CM have raised this issue and of no avail. In response to various parliament questions your ministers have always given one excuse or other for the delay.

And now for the first time Mr. Azad comes to Bhubaneswar and lays blame on the state government. ( ). This is playing politics on peoples lives and their health.

While the UPA government made a lot of progress on many fields (such as starting of classes on the new IITs, RTI, NREGS etc.) it has been grossly incompetent on the AIIMS issue.

To solve a problem, one must first admit that there is a problem. Please admit that your health ministry has been grossly incompetent and start over from there.

Please don’t play politics with people’s lives and their health. Please start the AIIMS-like institute in Bhubaneswar as soon as possible and to compensate for the delay as well as to take care of the backward areas of Orissa please immediately upgrade one of the exisiting medical college in the backward Western or Southern Orissa (one in Behampur or Burla) to the AIIMS level.

In West Bengal your are making a new AIIMS as well as upgrading Calcutta Medical College. In UP you will have a new AIIMS and are upgrading 3 medical colleges to AIIMS level.

In Mahasrashtra, Tamil Nadu, J&K and Andhra Pradesh you are upgrading two medical colleges to the AIIMS level. All these has been compiled from your web sites and PIBs and put together at .

Why not in Orissa? I sincerely hope that it is not because you had or have friendly governments in West Bengal, Mahasrashtra, Tamil Nadu, J&K and Andhra Pradesh and are eyeing UP and don’t really care about Orissa and its people?

Why do some other states get a new AIIMS as well as upgradation of multiple medical colleges to AIIMS level, and some get multiple upgradations to AIIMS level, while in Orissa no progress has happened for 5 years with respect to an announced AIIMS?

Sirs: Please pray tell us if this is not neglecting Orissa, what is?

Sirs: I again beg; Please do not play politics with people’s lives and health. Please expedite the establishment of AIIMS in Bhubaneswar and upgrade an exisiting medical college in the backward region of Orissa to the AIIMS level.


Chitta Baral

Entry Filed under: AIIMS, Bhubaneswar,AIIMS, Bhubaneswar,Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),PMSSY, AIIMS

9 Writeup

  • 1. mihir kumar swain  |  June 19th, 2009 at 9:49 am


  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  June 19th, 2009 at 12:30 pm

    At the least, the ESIC hospital should be outside of Bhubaneswar. The state is saying that. But so far ESIC is not agreeing.

  • 3. alok  |  June 22nd, 2009 at 7:52 pm

    Its great that everything and anything is coming up in bbsr.IT parks,AIIMS like colleges,IIIT,NISER,IIT and the list goes on.Who cares if the rest of the state dont have a regular university.Take the example of BPUT.Even today it havent started completly functioning fron Rourkela.Great Mr CM carry on with the developments in BBSR..we will again do what we have done in the past.Ignorance ..rite mr CM..hope u read this and feel how bad we feel when you do thid kind of partiality.Well IIM is also planned in orissa..I wish you all the best to set the same somewhere in BBSR..

  • 4. Chitta Baral  |  June 22nd, 2009 at 8:42 pm

    Dear Mr. Alok:

    If you read the pages of this site, we advocate all round development of Orissa. I can somewhat understand your frustration.

    But you need to articulate what exactly you would like and work for it. Just complaining does not help. One needs to put in real effort beyond writing a comment in a website. If your are putting such effort or would like to put such effort, please let me know about your specific goals, and I can help you in your effort or if you have not started yet I can suggest how to go about it.

    best wishes

  • 5. alok  |  June 23rd, 2009 at 6:10 pm

    Thanks for the reply Mr baral,
    But as you said this is my frustration.Well if you call it frustration then fine its frustration.Its because we have been residing here for more than 25 years and we know the ground reality.Well Sir i am sorry i am not in a position to put any effort but surely i can let you know the facts that i am talking about.Well once upon a time the airport was functioning at rourkela but dont you think its the resposibility of the state goverment to make it functioanl as soon as possible.Its gives a clear picture how seriuos is our goverment.All i can do is that i can vote which is the effort i can make and if my vote makes a difference infact every vote makes a difference then where is the difference.Lastly i am not complaining.We all know our state goverment is working out but the results do vary region wise.I wish you get my point.One example at present is the BPUT.Its still about to function completely from Rourkela.

  • 6. Chitta Baral  |  June 23rd, 2009 at 6:55 pm

    If only there were 10-15 active people (even just 5 really active people would do) from Rourkela earnestly pursuing for the airport and a regular university, both would happen. See how people from Berhampur/S.Orissa are organized. They got the engineering college they wanted. Same about the Kalahandi people. They got an engineering college and a agricultural college. I am sorry to say but so far I have not found a group of people from Rourkela who are willing to volunteer to do something about their complains. I am willing to help them. But the main effort has to come from people of Rourkela.

    And we need to push the government. If things were just left to them a lot of things would not have happened.

  • 7. alok  |  June 23rd, 2009 at 7:20 pm

    Thanks again for your immediate reply.Well i would appreciate if you could take the lead.Well its just a matter of time.People in Rourkela arn’t into politics the way people of southern orissa are.Well to push the goverment all we can start an awarness drive in rourkela.I am sure it will definetly help.There are n number of people who are taking this thing serously.Well please suggest how to get this done.I on behalf of people of Rourkela are with you.

  • 8. Chitta Baral  |  June 23rd, 2009 at 8:34 pm

    Someone from Rourkela has to take the lead. I am already doing what I can.

  • 9. scientist  |  February 25th, 2010 at 3:55 pm

    I have come across the displeasure from other parts of Orissa about the growth of BBSR. I want to point out here that all over the world best academic institutions exist in vicinity of each other. The number of universities in Newyork /Boston/Paris area outnumber the numbers in other places in the same country. This provides a atmorphere where research can flourish. If we want a vibrant atmosphere for higher education we need interaction locally, Also, if you want good people to join these institutions, you need to place them in big cities, else you will not have enough competent people to run them.


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