RTI response by MHRD related to Kalahandi; Orissa government should also push for a campus of IGNTU in Kalahandi.

July 19th, 2009

Tathya.in, Pioneer and Samaja covered this.

The following response was received by Madhusmita Panda.


Government of India

Ministry of Human Resource Development

Department of Higher Education


New Delhi, the 10th July, 2009





 Ms. Madhusmita Panda

C/o- Shri Bikram Kishore Panda,

E-8, UCO House, 1/1 Alipore Avenue,



Subject :  Information sought for under Right to Information Act,2005.




 With reference to your application dated 27.5.2009, it is stated that any application under the section 6(1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005 is required to be accompanied by a fee of Rs.10 payable in cash or bank draft drawn in favour of Pay and Accounts Office of the concerned Ministry. Since the Indian Postal Orders enclosed with your application are payable to Central Public Information Officer, the same are not acceptable and, hence, are returned herewith. Accordingly, your application is not being treated as an application under section 6(1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005. 

It may,however, be informed that on receipt of a letter from Shri Bikram Keshari Dev, Member of Parliament about locating the Central University of Orissa in Kalahandi district instead of Koraput district as recommended by the State Government, it had already been decided by this Ministry that the Indira Gandhi National Tribal University could consider establishment of one of its off-campuses in Kalahandi district during the 11th Plan Period,subject to availability of resources. No separate action was,therefore,called for on letter dated 17.8.2008 of Shri Digambara Patra on this issue.


Yours Faithfully.


Director & CPIO.


The Orissa government had earlier written about an IGNTU campus in Kandhamala. In light of the above, and the fact that IGNTU may have multiple campuses, the Orissa government should also push for a campus in Kalahandi.Considering the distance between Kalahandi and Kandhamala, the need of both places, and the name recognition (unfortunately in a negative sense) of both places it is quite possible that they can get multiple campuses.

Entry Filed under: Bhawanipatna-Kesinga-Lanjigarh (8),Regional Center of IGNTU in Kandhamal

7 Writeup

  • 1. Digambara  |  July 19th, 2009 at 9:33 pm

    Yes, it would good if state Govt support this idea of establishing IGNTU off campus in Kalahandi as well. Many of the organization in Kalahandi, including some of us who are from Kalahandi, actually were more interested for Central University of Orissa in Kalahandi, but when the MHRD had decided for off campus of IGNTU they may not like to lose it either. So, if the state Govt do not interfers and cooperates then off campus of IGNTU in Kalahandi could be possible.

  • 2. Bibhuti  |  July 20th, 2009 at 12:26 pm

    The State government has announced Engineering and Agricultural Colleges in Kalahnadi district. One Medical college is also in the pipe line. Industry wise Kalahandi is among the favourite destinations in Orissa. The district has got descent Highway and Railway connectivity and in comparision, Kandhamal is just no where. Despite that people like Digambara babu feel that compared to Kandhamal, the Tribal varsity should come in his district. Just few months ago he was writing extensively on how the state govt. has offered a rasagolla to Berhampur and south orissa by declaring an engineering college there. Now his own place has been offered two rasagollas and yet he is eying another rasagolla meant for an out and out backward Kandhamal. This is a serious issue and just talking about equity has no meaning and when the opportuinity knocks we jump at it all.

  • 3. Sanjib Karmee  |  July 20th, 2009 at 9:10 pm

    Lets not spoil both the offers. State govt. has proposed to central govt. that there will be a campus in Kandhamal. As the name suggests (this place is full of tribals) and needs a good educational institution. Also, Kalahandi is waiting for a good educational Institution as the proposed CU moved to other place. The state govt. should try to get two campuses in both the places as this University can have multiple campuses. Also, we have enough reason to prove that both the place can have tribal University.
    We should not fight with each other for this issue which will propagate regionalism. Let’s try and get the things done without spoiling this opportunity.

  • 4. Chitta Baral  |  July 20th, 2009 at 9:56 pm

    This is actually a case where there is a high possibility of getting both.

    The more important issue is that the state government has not followed up on its request on a IGNTU branch which it first made when Sharad Pawer visited soon after the Kandhamala incidents. This RTI response can serve as a trigger for us to demand the CMO to renew its effort on this with MHRD in Delhi. Now while pursuing they should make the case for both Kandhamala and Kalahandi. No sane central govt. will say no to Kandhamala. Now if they (the central govt.) also want to have in Kalahandi then so much the better.

    So, since no one has said that there can be only one campus per state, as Sanjib suggested let us not make that an issue and ask for both. Let us all write to CMO, mention the RTI response, and request him to take it up in Delhi.

  • 5. Gopal  |  July 21st, 2009 at 6:45 pm

    Kandhamal, Malkangiri and Gajapati are the poorest districts in southern orissa. there is an urgent need to develop these districts through govt intervention or else the day is not far when Maoists will rule these places. The tribal university should come in Kandhamal district and the state must suitably address the backwardness of Malkanagiri, Gajapati and Nabarangpur through other state run institutions.

  • 6. Digambara Patra  |  July 21st, 2009 at 7:49 pm

    I disagree with Bibhuti babu and remind him that when I said about Rasagola that time I preferred Koraput for Engg College over Berhampur. At that point of time, there was no proposal for CUO in Koraput and Engg College in Bhawanipatna. Frankly, please let me know which state Govt institution Berhampur does not have? I had posted a list earlier in myodisha. After BBSR -Cuttack it is the most benefited region in Orissa for state Govt higher educational institution. Thats why I was suggesting Engg College in Koraput as I assumed that CUO would come in Kalahandi (as CM had promised delegation from Kalahandi to establish CUO there in May 2008). So it was logical Koraput should get something. When it comes to IGNTU Kandhamal, none of us interfer but it happened . I have posted the time line here:


    But I did support Berhampur for an IIT along with others becasue there was not national institution.

    In South Orissa, both Kandhamal and Koraput were sidelined. When it comes to equal distribution, Kandhamal deserves it. If Kalahandi gets IGNTU along with engg college, it deserves well because it was neglected since decades. I may be getting highlighted in internet, but there two organizations who have been working for CU in Kalahandi since 1988. Neither I ever said Kalahandi need IGNTU over Kandhamal, it just happened becasue of betrayal casue by Orissa CM on CU to Kalahandi.

  • 7. Digambara Patra  |  July 22nd, 2009 at 2:42 pm

    I forgot to comment on “The district has got descent Highway and Railway connectivity and in comparision, Kandhamal is just no where”:

    YES, thats why we proposed for Lanjigarh road – Angul railway to bijsect whole Kandhamal dist. In fact I wrote to PM and CM by harcopy mail that Vijayawada – Ranchi should go striaght instead of via Asika so that Kandhamal gets most benefit, now only a small part gets (Bhanjanagar-Kalinga -Phulbani SH7), following my proposal the highway could have been heart line for Kandhamal, but state Govt made Naxal issues and included some state highways which may not be bad or could be beneficial for other dists in South Orissa, but if there was a OK (good) state highway between Bhanjanagar and Phulbani no point of making NH, but to make new line from Koraput to Phulbani via Kotagarh, Simanbadi bisecting whole Kandhamal would have brough tmore development to Kandhamal dist as a whole. On the other hand Bhanjanagar – Phulbani could be improved as state highway like Smabalpur- Rourkela. In this way state Govt would have got more central funds to establish completely a new highway, now center would spend less money in coverting statehighways to NH. I think it makes sense.


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