Four more PIO/NRI universities planned – Ministry of Overseas Indian Affair asks for EOIs

July 28th, 2009

The first NRI/PIO University is being established in Bangalore. There are plans for four more NRI universities. The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affair has asked for Expression of Interests.

In Orissa reports that the Orissa government is interested in such a university.

Following is from



Invitation for Expression of Interest for Short-listing of Trust/Societies for establishing four PIO/NRI Universities



Government of India proposes to establish four universities in India (at places/cities other than Bangalore) for children of PIOs and NRIs.  The Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs invites Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for establishing these PIO/NRI Universities in India from reputed Indian Trusts or Registered Societies with experience in establishing and managing higher educational institutions. The EOIs should contain the following information :


1.                The details of Trust/Society alongwith details of their financial & administrative strength, organizational structure and source of funding with appropriate documentation. Audited accounts to be furnished at least for the last five years.

2.                  Attested copies of registration certificate of  the Trust or Society.

3.                  Details of experience of the Trust/Society in managing such institutions for at least the last five years.

4.                  Details of Management Competence for  this project.

5.                  Concept, in brief, of the proposed project and details regarding finance, faculty, administration, construction schedule, etc.

6.                  The vision for the proposed Universities including long term plans, the modus operandi proposed for setting up the project, proposed location, road map with milestones as well as details of courses proposed to be offered, implementation schedule for acquisition of land, construction schedule, etc., the nature and extent of assistance, if any,  required from the Government for the project, the governance, academic and financial structure envisaged for the Universities.

7.                  Documentary proof of ownership of land (at least 100 acres) required for the project/plans for acquisition of land.

(Preference would be given to those who already possess land for the project and have adequate experience in the field of university education, as compared to primary and secondary education).


The expressions of interest shall be received in the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs before 31st July, 2009. Short-listed Trusts/Societies will be invited to make a presentation on their proposal to a Screening Committee set up by the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs for this purpose and thereafter will be required to submit the detailed project report for further evaluation.


Interested parties shall submit the EOI to the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs. The envelope must be superscribed �Shortlisting Trust/Society for PIO/NRI Universities in India� and addressed in a sealed cover to :



Joint Secretary (DS)

Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs

Room No. 906, 9th Floor, Akbar Bhavan, Chanakyapuri

New Delhi : 110 021. Phone : 26874240, Fax 24197942

Email :


Broad guidelines for the PIO/NRI Universities are available on the Ministry�s website :


            Those Trusts/Societies who have already submitted their proposals in response to Ministry�s advertisement in February, 2009, need not submit their proposals again.






(i)                 The Government of India have approved the establishment of a PIO/NRI University in Bangalore. The new Universities will be located in any suitable place in the country, other than Bangalore.


(ii)               The Universities will be set up by registered Trusts or Societies with credibility and experience in the field of higher education under the overall supervision of the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs.

(iii)             The Universities will be duly registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act 1860 (XXI of 1860) or as a Trust with Trustees being appointed and vested with legal powers and duties. The proposed Universities would be established as deemed universities de-novo under Section 3 of the University Gants Commission Act.  

(iv)              Revenue surplus generated by the proposed Universities will not be repatriated but ploughed back into the institution for further development.


(v)                50% seats shall be reserved for PIO/NRI students and 50% for resident Indian students.  The existing government policy on reservation shall apply on the 50% reserved seats for resident Indian students.


(vi)              While the resident Indian students will be allowed to pay for their educational expenses in Indian currency, the PIO/NRI students will pay in foreign currency for receiving education in the proposed Universities. 


(vii)            The Universities shall offer courses in the areas Medical Sciences, Dental, Engineering and Technology, Information Technology, Business Administration and Management, Bio-technology and Bio-Informatics etc. Specialisation such as Human Molecular Biology and Genetics Programme, Graduate Programme in Genetic Counselling, Modern Molecular Genetics, etc. are also proposed to be included in the curriculum of the University, apart from other emerging areas. However, the Universities will have flexibility in the choice of educational disciplines and courses offered.


(viii)          Full autonomy will be granted to the PIO/NRI Universities in curriculum design, appointment/selection of personnel, faculty, admission procedure, etc.  The Universities will also enjoy full autonomy in financial matters and fees for PIO/NRI students and their intake.


(ix)              The proposed Universities will conform to the standards set by the regulatory bodies like UGC, AICTE, MCI, etc. as a minimum benchmark.  However, the institution would have the option to benchmark themselves to the best international standards.


(x)                Indian Missions will carry out usual security checks while granting visa to prospective students as well as faculty/teaching staff to be recruited from abroad from among the PIO/NRI community as per existing visa regime. 

(xi)              Prior approval under FCRA, if required, will be obtained by the Society/Trust setting up the proposed Universities. The procedure of foreign research grants and Chairs to the PIO/NRI Universities will be subject to the same norms and procedures as applicable in the case of similar grants being received by Universities elsewhere in India, namely the grant/funds for chairs should come only through bodies approved for the purpose (like UGC, CSIR, etc.) and be amenable to prior security clearance.


(xii)            The proposed Universities will be bound to apply for and register all patents (products or process) resulting from research undertaken at the PIO/NRI universities with the patent authorities in India.


(xiii)          Scientific research projects undertaken at the proposed PIO/NRI Universities will be subject to prior clearance of Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) (apart from any other prior approvals they may require) in projects in the restricted category as specified by MHA.


(xiv)          A  Screening Committee consisting of representatives of Ministries of Overseas Indian Affairs, Commerce, External Affairs, Finance, Human Resource Development, Health & Family Welfare, Home Affairs, Law and Justice and academics will be set up for short-listing the Trusts/Societies.  A Committee of Officers nominated by Secretary, MOIA would scrutinize the proposals and a brief on each proposal received would be prepared and  placed before the Screening Committee.


(xv)            If the Universities are to be set up in the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) provisions under the SEZ Act would be adhered to.


(xvi)          An Advisory Board will be set up with representatives from Ministries of Overseas Indian Affairs, MEA, HRD, Health & Family, UGC, AIU, AICTE, IMC, Dental Council of India, Nursing Council of India & Pharmacy Council of India and Academics.  The Advisory Board will be headed by an Academic person.  The Board will evaluate the academic and infrastructure standards and their adherence to the norms set by UGC, AICTE, MCI and other statutory bodies as required under the UGC for granting the status of �Deemed University� to the proposed institutions.  The Board will recommend to the Ministry of HRD and UGC for granting the status of �Deemed University� de-novo/recommend if the Universities are to be established under an Act of the Parliament.   


(xvii)        The Universities  will adhere to the norms and procedures of Medical Council of India, Dental Council of India, Indian Nursing Council and Pharmacy Council of India in instituting courses in Medical, Dental, Pharmacy and Nursing courses and for recognition of such degrees granted by the Universities, under their respective Acts and Regulations.



Entry Filed under: NRI PIO University

1 Writeup

  • 1. vikram singh jat  |  November 21st, 2010 at 6:17 pm

    i want to open ur university campus


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