Vedanta University Bill aproved in the Orissa assembly with some ammendments; ICFAI University Bill referred to a select committee of the state assembly.

July 31st, 2009

Following is from a report in Pioneer.

Finally, the Vedanta University Bill has got the approval of the State Legislative Assembly on Thursday.

With this the authorities would be able to set up a multi-disciplinary varsity on a sprawling 6,000 acre land along the Puri-Konark Marine Drive Road. Chairman of the Knowledge Commission Sam Pitroda is likely to be the first VC of the Vedanta University. Besides, at least three Nobel laureates have been roped in to join as faculty, sources said.

Earlier, the Opposition as well as the Treasury bench members frowned upon some of the provisions made in the Varsity Bill. A number of amendments were brought in the existing provision. The proposed varsity would not be able to open off campus or off shore centre in relation to academic programmes of the institution.

Government chief whip Rabi Narayan Pani and Opposition Chief Whip Prasad Harichandan moved two separate amendments for the consideration of the House. Both opposed the provision allowing the varsity to open off campus centres.

“The legislation passed in the State Assembly has its purview in the territory of Orissa. Therefore, it would be illogical to allow the varsity to open off campus centres,” Harichandan said, adding that the varsity should be allowed to open regional campuses inside the State. Harichandan also cited the instance of a Supreme Court judgment striking down the Chhattishgarh Government’s act of allowing a varsity to open off campus.

“We asked the varsity authorities to open regional campuses inside the State. We have also proposed them certain locations in the KBK region, southern and northern Orissa for opening up of the campuses,” Higher Education Minister Debi Mishra said while replying to the amendments brought by the members.

As per the provision, the employees would not be treated as public servants. However, the Government would not interfere in the selection process of the employees. Merit would be given due consideration at the time of admission as its motto is to develop it as a world-class university. But no reservation facilities would be extended to either Oriya students or SC and ST students. Earlier, there was a demand to extend 10 per cent reservation facilities to the SC and ST and Oriya students. But the demand was struck down.

However, financial relaxations would be provided to SC and ST and weaker sections of the society.

Two MLAs would be taken as the members in the Management Board of the University.

If the University authorities don’t go ahead in establishing the university, the land would ultimately come back to the Government. If there is any dissolution of the university, it has to given a notice to the Government and employees and students of the university at least three year in advance.

Higher Education Minister Mishra also maintained that the university was required for the development of education in the State. He also rejected BJP legislature party leader KV Singh Deo’s apprehension that Vedanta might get benefit from the rich sand minerals. “The Centre is empowered to take a decision if any mineral is available in the land,” he said.

Here are some other reports on the topic: Economic Times, Business Standard,

Following are some excerpts from the Business Standard report.

The admissions to the university will be on merit basis. Though there is no reservation in admission and recruitment for the Orissa students, the university authorities will set up knowledge centres in different regions of the state for development of higher education in these areas.

Similarly, there will be concession in the fee structure for the weaker section, scheduled caste, scheduled tribe students of the state. The governing body of the university will comprise of 16 members. They will include two MLAs, one lady from SC or ST community and two nominated members of the government who includes the higher education secretary and an eminent educationist of the state.

If the university authorities choose to close down the institution, they will have to give notice for it three years in advance. In that case, the land acquired for the university from the local people, government and the Lord Jagannath temple will revert back to the original title holders. The land will be transferred to them at the price at which the land was acquired. It may be noted, the project will require 6000 acres of land.

… Meanwhile, the ICFAI University Bill, which was also tabled in the house, was referred to a select committee of the state assembly.

Following is an excerpt from

More than 40 lawmakers participated in the marathon discussion which covered 20 amendments.

Most important is fee relaxation for the poor, SC ST and meritorious students of the state, for which university authorities will formulate a separate policy, announced Mr.Mishra.

Secondly 2 of the lawmakers of Orissa House will find place in the Board of Governors.

Most importantly, if the University fails to come up, the land losers will receive back their land.

Land losers will also get facility to allow their children to read in the University with a liberal fee.

The amendments seem pretty reasonable.

Moreover, I really applaud the democratic process. The Bill was first presented in December 2008 and was tabled. This time it was presented on Saturday the 25th July 2009. There have been discussion on it since then and several hours on the 29th and almost the full day of July 30th was spent on debating and going over the bill clause by clause and making 20 amendments. I applaud the Orissa lawmakers to have done their job diligently. I admire the whole process. I hope the proceedings was recorded in video and would be some day made available to generation of Orissans and Vedanta University alumni.

Entry Filed under: Beyond the Puri main campus,Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Honorable Odisha governor (a former member of Congress) has not signed the Vedanta University bill which was passed in July 2009,Vedanta University Bill,Vedanta University, Puri

20 Writeup

  • 1. Amit Pasayat  |  July 31st, 2009 at 6:39 pm

    shall we laud the effort of naveen pattnaik for the demcaratic way the vedanta bill is passed in orissa assembly by extending the budget session by one day, or shall we condemn it for showing such favour to an industralist even when we have very serious problem like growing maosit threat in the state and it was not discussed…pls comment….!!!!

  • 2. Umesh  |  July 31st, 2009 at 7:19 pm

    This is good news. In a c ertain way, now, the ball is in Vedanta’s court. I’m waiting to see some action on the ground , since, the legal obstacles have been cleared.

    A good popular step would be to expedite the construction process of the super-speciality Hospital envisaged in the plan.

    Perhaps, the University website should have a section where readers can provide feedback.

  • 3. Umesh  |  July 31st, 2009 at 7:56 pm

    Orissa is a state with many problems. There is no disputing that the Maoism is the single largest problem facing Orissa and even India.

    I think the battle has to fought on all fronts. The University sounds like a positive step.

    I would like to see that all those people who are affected should be taken care of properly.

    Good Rehabilitation will serve as a benchmark for all the new projects expected to come up in the state and go a long way in making the University truly world-class due to the presence of a conducive climate for education.

  • 4. Amit Pasayat  |  July 31st, 2009 at 8:56 pm

    we shouldn’t be so obsessed with development that we forget everything and become blind to the plea of poor displaced people, or for the future generation who might feel neglected in the their own state (just like we have mumbai and bangalore now).

  • 5. Chitta Baral  |  July 31st, 2009 at 9:23 pm

    Two points:

    (i) The alternative is that people from Orissa move to other places in search of job like many are doing now; IT folks to all over the world; skilled laborers to Gujarat and unskilled ones to become Coolis in Burrabazar or captive labor in some quarry.

    (ii) We want other cities to accept us (Hyderbad, Bangalore, US) etc. but we don’t want to accept others in Orissa. Are not we generous!!

    But your other point of being concerned about poor displaced people is important. The thing is, in my opinion, we have many politicians who oppose things and manufacture opposition for their political benefits. They make bundhs by burning few tires and create chaos. Unfortunately, they succeed in delaying things and keeping Orissa poor. I wish a more constructive approach was used.

    Lets take the example of Vedanta University. It has already acquired 3700+ acres. Now it is ready to construct and I am told given L & T to start construction of the medical complex and tried to build approach roads to make construction. But they have been stopped. The people who sold the land did so without force. So what is the logic behind stopping Vedanta University from making buildings in the land it owns?

  • 6. Umesh  |  July 31st, 2009 at 9:44 pm

    Chitta Babu,
    Complete agreement with your points. As a matter of fact, I suggested the hospital for that reason.

    If vested interests try to stop construction of an hospital, I’m sure this would backfire on the same interests. The idea is to have the construction process started transparently.

    It would be wonderful to have the National Media with full TV crew and everybpdy present at the initiation ceremony. This might expose the real face of these people.

  • 7. Amit Pasayat  |  July 31st, 2009 at 10:26 pm

    Let me first clarify that i am trying to put up a constructive oppostion (if at all i am doing) without which i belive vedanta univ. will not be what we all visualize it.

    I think we are generous enough or shall i say our simplicity have been taken for granted and thats why we have more non oriya people doing business in almost all the tribal belt.Puri has more benaglais visiting and made their home than odiya pilgrims and bbsr is growing as one of best places to do business. so no doubt about our genosity of accepting people from other states.

    But are we ready to stand up and be counted as equal among them…..?
    else we will go back to the era of being ruled by the kings (read industalist).

    One more thing is why the merrian drive of puri konark why not any other backward district of orissa….?

  • 8. Chitta Baral  |  August 1st, 2009 at 12:13 am

    The goal is to make a world-class university in India. (Its an often abused term.) You need world class faculty for that. World class faculty will go to places that are accessible and have amenities and where their spouses can find employment and where their kids can go to good schools. That was the criteria that the foundation had. It is the same one that Indian Government has for the proposed national universities.

    This mentality of Industrialist = bad or King is another mental block of many people. To improved India’s higher education standing in the world where the best Indian institutions are not in the top 200 efforts need to be multi-pronged: Central govt; state govt; as well as private. I will tell you if an industrialist came up with $1 Billion to make a university in US, cities and states will be fighting with each other.

    But we want to create hurdles to that! With such a mentality many say that we deserve our poverty.

    I am told that Modi of Gujarat has a standing offer to Vedanta Univ folks and one day they like Nano will be fed up and move to Gujarat and we will continue our exodus from Orissa and be in other land enjoying fruits of those areas and still hindering progress in Orissa in the name of helping poor people. What kind of people are we?

  • 9. jagamohan swain  |  August 1st, 2009 at 1:37 am

    While our heart bleeds for poor, as it should, let’s not forget that people are poor for a reason.USA is the frontier country today in science, tech for a reason, China is growing fast today is for a reason and so is over 10% growth in gdp per capita in Orissa and slightly less so for India in last 6 years, that too for a reason. What keeps poor poor is their inability to help themselves and most often the reason is lack of education/knowhow.I am yet to see an engineer or doctor dying from hunger.Why so?? May we ask.

    For decades Orissa has been registering low crop yield even compared to Tamil Nadu, Punjab.What’s the reason behind that??Is that because of people from outside or it’s simply that farmers of orissa are unaware of mordern methods of cultivation that stops them from having better yield and hence more prosperous.Merely having the same level of yield would make each Oriya farmer 3 times richer!!!

    There is something called knowledge gap that exists between societies.It existed throughout history.Today is no different.Knowhow to manufacture passenger planes exists in US, in Europe.Doesn’t exist in India, hence we see Air India importing planes.Knohow to build ipod exists with Apple, not with Infosys, hence no competing product from them.Bridging this knowledge is only possible through deeper interaction between advanced and developing society.What we need more is more free flow of people,ideas across border.The entire world would be benefited including orissa.

    I am harping and will continue to harp, the real challenge that faces Orissa Govt is to educate all Oriyas, equip them with a language such as English and Mandarin to make them global citizens and rest leave it to time.In due time Orissa will rise again.

  • 10. Prof.Biswajit Mishra  |  August 1st, 2009 at 9:18 am

    Orissa remained as a poor state because of lack of rural education and enterprenureship. Added to that the fact remains is the common people in eastern part of India are by and large lazy and lethargic. A typical oriya or bengali farmer is content with whatever little crops he gets from the field. But go to south, west or north,. The same farmer wants to do one or two steps more from the same field. Agreed that the irrigation facility is better in the coastal AP/TN, large parts of Maharastra/Gujrat and of corse in Punjab/Haryna. However, in rural south, I personally observed that the farmer is hardwoarking and confidennt. This aspect is lacking in the entire eastern part of the country, which was exploited by politicians.
    We say that the business in BBSR is largely by non-oriyas. Look at Kolkata. You don’t find bengalis doing any business. They will add up to less than 10 %. The same thing is true in Bangalore, Hyderabad and even Chennai. Hence, if we are accpeted ouside Orissa, we have to accept others , who may do better for our state.

    Only two persons (the father-son duo: Biju Babu and Naivin Babu) have contributed to whatever development in Orissa has happened. Development of a state, depends to large extent on rural education, both formal and non-formal. Finally the common people must have that extra kick of confidence that he/she can do more. Again development should be all over the sate, not in one or two patches.

    Again, shouldn’t we aceept the fact that the Maoist problem has risen to this magnitude, because lack of rural education and overall negligence. Hence, as of now, we should not debate of what Naveen Babu should have done or not in the assembly. If a business house (Vedanta) has come up with a proposal for a world class university, they have to have their interst. We have to accept this. Nothing is free in this world.
    The only thing that the state government must ensure is their (vendata) should not affect the common man. That’s it.

    I completely agree with Prof. Baral that if more problems are created against Vedanta, Modi will grab them. He is too smart to do this within 48 hours. Then Orissa, our dear state will be the looser. That will be sad.

  • 11. Bibhuti Bhusan Parida  |  August 2nd, 2009 at 12:03 am

    Congratulation…It is a pleasant moment to get the news that Vedanta University Bill was cleadred in Odisha assembly. It is a historical success over fighting on the so called delayed project. It proves that Odisha is in the path of great acheivements and development. Newly born IIT-bhubaneswar is one of the great achievements.

    The integration of all new national and international (IIT-bbsr, NISER, Vedanta Univ., Central University at Koraput, NIT-rourkela,.. ) and other regional educational institutes will make “OUR STATE-ODISHA” a knowledge hub. So odisha will not be a neglected state as it was earlier rather it will No-1 in INDIA

  • 12. Sanjoy Das  |  August 2nd, 2009 at 12:09 am

    In response to Mr. Amit Pasayat’s argument, I’d like to add some points to what Prof. Baral and Prof. Mishra have already said.

    Uplifting the poor remains the most important goal. Nevertheless, one must take a closer look at China’s approach (ironically Chairman Mao’s very land of birth):

    1. China launched its ambitious 211 and 985 programs to create “world class” universities, that are already top-notch established universities by international standards. These programs took the pragmatic approach of concentrating on major cities – Shanghai, Beijing, Harbin, etc, not rural areas. In this context, Orissa is lucky to have Vedanta University, which could have well gone to urban centers in Gujarat or Maharashtra.

    2. China also pursued a policy of aggressively building world-class private universities. Today it has well over 1 million students enrolled in these institutions. The recent Duke university study shows that China produces 10,000 Ph.D.s in science & engineering (ahead of the US by a small amount), India produces only a meager 1,000 Ph.D.s. This is seriously hampering R&D in India.

    3. While Indian courts halted land acquisition, in China the government follows a pragmatic policy of mandatory land acquisitions from farmers. At this stage, when it has already established universities, it is only now considering its land acquisition program as a “factor affecting rural harmony and stability”.

    Vedanta University will be a catalyst for growth, producing entrepreneurs in Orissa, attracting IT and R&D investment. It’ll provide direct employment to thousands of Oriyas, and indirect employment to many times more. A simple rough calculation tells me that it produces more employment than an equivalent steel or aluminum plant. For example NALCO with an investment of Rs. 5,000 crores employs about 5,000 people (these are very rough numbers). Thus 1 employee per crore invested. In comparison, Vedanta University will employ 40,000 faculty & staff, for an investment of Rs. 15,000 crores – in addition to 1 lakh students.

    Let us also not forget that it will be completely pollution free, in comparison to heavy industries which cause significant environmental damage locally.

    There have been many concerns about Anil Agrawal’s possible profit motives behind this investment. These concerns are entirely ill-founded. Major universities in the US have begun by avaricious industrialists. For example, Elihu Yale, who founded Yale University, was nothing more than a thug. His ill-gotten wealth was obtained by looting Chennai. In contrast, Agrawal has been compared with other major charitable donors like Bill Gates. As a matter of fact, in Angola, where Vedanta is involved in mining, newspaper editorials were screaming why Agrawal was not putting his charity in that nation instead!

    In short, having India’s first comprehensive university – one of the biggest in the world, in Orissa’s soil is an opportunity of a lifetime. That may not happen for centuries to come!

  • 13. Sanjoy Das  |  August 2nd, 2009 at 12:27 am

    I largely share Prof. Baral’s enthusiasm on the passage of the Vedanta University bill. But my response is one of guarded optimism. As per the amended bill, of the 16 members of the Board of Governors, 5 will be political appointees, including MLAs. Thus roughly 30% of the body’s appointments will be political in nature. Might that not amount to excessive political interference?

    As far as my knowledge goes, the board of trustees in private American universities only allocate 1 or 2 seats for political appointees (out of say 25), the rest being drawn from a pool of CEOs, established academicians, and other prominent figures.

  • 14. Trilochan Ojha  |  August 3rd, 2009 at 4:55 pm

    State govt should not give such a big(3139acr out of 6000acr demanded by Vedanta) amount of land in the first phase.But it is very confusing about the amount of land require because universities like oxford requires less than 3000acr land.Really it is very suspicious about Vedanta.Vedanta might have aimed at the minerals present in the land acquired.So state Govt. should have given a small amount of land in the first phase than should watch and examine what exactly Vedanta is doing there and than more land can be given.But without any conformation state should not signed the MOU with Vedanta.Now after MOU signed everything is now under control of Vedanta which is not at all acceptable from our state interest point of view.Really our govt has done a great mistake for which our innocent people are going to suffer.State govt should stay behind the state people not stay in favour of Business parties like Vedanta who has nothing to do for our people

  • 15. Prof.Biswajit Mishra  |  August 4th, 2009 at 6:58 am

    Agreed, that Vedanta is a mineral-metal based company. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no minable mineral in that patch of the land. Another, important point is that according to National Mineral policy, a company has to be given first reconnaisance permit (RP), followed by prospecting lease (PL) and finally mining lease (ML) for the sake of exploration and exploitation of earth resources. These permit/leases can not be given to a company, which has asked land for educational development.

  • 16. alok  |  August 5th, 2009 at 11:43 am

    Please donot allow ICFAI to establish univ. in orissa until and unless the controversies surrounding it are cleared..

  • 17. Juhi Mohanty  |  August 6th, 2009 at 5:27 pm

    It is our oriyans attitude that every thing they are find negative point not go + ve factors. if we oppose for vedanta university then any state call and allote him more then 10000 acrs land. Like tata nano. There is some old man ,some uneduacate gays,some criminal leaders who oppose for this project . just stand these peoples on a way and go for fire. It is time for CM to take very stick steps on these issues. It is my request to all educate oriyans to find these -ve minded peoples and drop out from orissa.

  • 18. Umesh  |  August 7th, 2009 at 11:14 am

    I think the average Odia populace does not support these troublemakers. The only problem is that people like them dont organize rallies,and make for printable news. The real fact is that, such people don’t have the time for such activities.

    But, a group of 10-15 people can stand in front of a building and show some flags. It will be enough to gain newspaper space because of this.

    This creates a perception that ordinary people oppose this project.

  • 19. abs  |  October 26th, 2009 at 4:58 pm



  • 20. dusmanta  |  August 5th, 2010 at 5:57 pm

    hi dreamers,
    education does not mean to run after the present so called development.
    try to understand the Indian philosophy, it is inclusive in nature and character. where as others’ don’t have. they are exclusive in nature. man is not burn to work and work, now a days educate labourers with big designations, are working more than 8 hours a day forgetting their family and friends. reply is only to save their job.
    one day world fought to reduce the working hours, to day educated man surrenders time. even after high development in science and infrastructure. science was not meant to create money for few but for the benefit of the human.
    if people are being educated then for what, to work more and create money for others or else ?
    why my great leader “MAHATMA GANDHI” was not awarded With the NOBLE PRIZE ? IS NOBLE PRIZE free from politics ?
    Indian philosophy teaches think independently. to impart education big infrastructure is not necessary big heart is necessary. the nobelarates have not been taught by equal brains.
    if vedanta / posco want the development of odisha let it be discussed properly and let people to decide.
    East India Company one day begged for business permission but ruled India nearly 200 years.
    don’t hurt others feelings and thoughts, be democratic have space to bear the opponent.
    let us live and grow together.


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