Update on Medical College to be set up by MCL in Talcher

August 1st, 2009

Following is an excerpt from a report in Statesman.

Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL) will set up a 500-bed medical college and hospital at Talcher in Angul district. It will also upgrade its Nehru Satabdi hospital to a super speciality hospital.
This was informed at the meeting between the state health and family welfare minister, Mr Prasanna Acharya, and MCL CMD Mr SR Upadhaya on 31 July.

… the state government recently gave its no-objection certificate, official sources said.

The medical college would be set up on a 60 acre patch of land along the same lines as Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS), Lucknow.

Mr Upadhaya further informed that the state health and family secretary would be the chairman of the medical college’s governing body, while the company CMD or senior director will act as the co-chairman.

Entry Filed under: Anugul-Talcher-Dhenkanal area (7),Mahanadi Institute of Medical Science and Research, MCL, Talcher

19 Writeup

  • 1. mihir kumar swain  |  August 1st, 2009 at 10:50 am

    it is very shame for rourkela still now RSP don’t followup to do a medical college or engg. college at Rourkela . Also state govt. dont’ give any attention on this Area. Rourkela peoples should give pressure on central govt. or state govt. The ESI MEDICAL college must be set up at Rourkela where the more then 5 lakh peoples are staying .If this medical college will not set up at rourkela then demand for separate from orissa.Now time has come for take hard decision. Every thing has been set up at Bhubaneswar,cuttack,Behrmpur,puri .Bput rourkela has been functioning at Buhbaneswar. Only Orissa Govt has been cheating Rourkela peoples special in election time. No medical college ,No University ,Nothing peoples’ welfare here. Only govt. take our raw material from our mines. We should give special regards to Late Biju Pattanaik who set up RSP,REC.But CM Naveen pattanaik has been cheating >5lakh peoples (2nd metro city in Orissa) last 9 years. Its my reequest to Rourkela peoples please come out from darkness and give slogan do some thing for Rourkela or separate us from Orissa.

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  August 1st, 2009 at 11:13 am

    My observation is that Rourkela people are not demanding things. Much smaller town like Balasore and Baripada agitated and got a university of their own. Rourkela, many times bigger than Balasore or Baripada still does not have a proper university. BPUT does not count. Now Balasore people are continuously asking for medical college and they might get one soon.

    As they in Oriya: “Shoila puara bhaaga naheen”. Unless Rourkela people start asking for their fair share they are not going to get it.

  • 3. mihir kumar swain  |  August 1st, 2009 at 1:19 pm

    Mr. Chitta Sir
    Actually Thing is that , In Rourkela 20% peoples are outside of orissa,20% peoples are outside of Rourkela and 40% peoples are adhibasi (backward class) and 20% peoples are local means ( ex employee of RSP who migrate from other disticts but stable at Rourkela) . So tell me which category peoples are make demand for medical college or university ? The major percentage of peoles are adhivasi . They are no knownledge about medical college or university .most peoples from Rourkela are stable at outside or working at outside who actually want to see development in Rourkela .so give me suggestions how we keep our demand to Govt.

  • 4. Bidya  |  August 3rd, 2009 at 1:13 am

    Your people can’t demand, when they are in Rourkela. And once they are outside the state or country, they want to see developed Rourkela.. I think, there must be some fun in seeing development from a distance.. see, if they are people, who are most interested in medical college, then they should demand for it. You mister Mihir, why don’t you start a campaign for those 40% Adivashis, educate them about their rights and demand for medical college… And if you think, 60% people want to see development, but can’t do any thing and 40% are ignorant.. Then stop screaming and complaining!!!

  • 5. mihir kumar swain  |  August 3rd, 2009 at 9:05 am

    No Bidya it is a not solution. Bbsr,Cuttack,Berhampur,Puri they peoples are not demanding for medical college or university. But Govt gives them without demaning . Even Puri peoples are negatives views for vedanta University . am I right Mr . Vidhya ? Iam not focus only for Rourkela . Iam focus whole western orissa.Why Govt. is set up all the central insutitute at Bhubaneswar or cuttack or BErhampur. why it not setup at Rourkela,Jharsuguda,sambalpur.
    If will go to hyderbad,haryana,rajstan thy are govt. has been gives important all the disticts.why it not happen in our Orissa ?

  • 6. PRASANT DAS  |  August 3rd, 2009 at 9:17 am

    MR. MIHIR Thanks a billion for your voice . We all Rourkela peoples are with you

  • 7. Chitta Baral  |  August 3rd, 2009 at 7:36 pm

    Please visit http://orissa2020.org . I will be pushing things there to the Orissa govt. Please give your suggestions and comments.

  • 8. Bidya  |  August 3rd, 2009 at 7:47 pm

    Orissa2020 plan looks promising.. But, where is the roadmap? we know, where are we now and we know, where we want to be. But, how to get there?? A roadmap should be presented showing all the milestones, timelines, opportunities and threats.. that will make the plan sound like more realistic..

  • 9. Chitta Baral  |  August 3rd, 2009 at 8:03 pm

    Make sure you don’t miss out the various pages linked by the left side. But more details and time lines will be added.

  • 10. Juhi Mohanty  |  August 4th, 2009 at 8:58 am

    Mr. Chitta

    Congragulation and Thanks for Your Orissa2020 plan .Atleast one man who has been continue writting article for development orissa.
    But one thing sir don’t mansion 2nd esi medical college should set up at Rourkela. Why it not Ist Esi medical college shold set up at Rourkela . I also give thanks to Mr. Mihir kumar who really want develoment Rourkela and western Orissa.

  • 11. Abhisek  |  August 4th, 2009 at 1:53 pm

    Mihir babu, people of other cities of Orissa (I can talk about Berhampur) want to see a developed Rourkela. A mega city which can compete with Jamshedpur. The reason being, Rourkela represents a mini orissa and most people in my city would have a relative staying in Rourkela. But, it is shocking that you say and I quote, “Why Govt. is set up all the central insutitute at Bhubaneswar or cuttack or BErhampur”. Now tell me which Central Institute is there in Berhampur? None. Rather Rourkela has one NIT which is among the top 20 Technical Institutes in India. I don’t want to count the BPUT as it will take time to make its presence felt, if a more efficient VC is appointed. And most unfortunately, you bracket the case of Rourkela with the entire western orissa. Now please tell which Institute is present in Berhampur or south orissa that is not there in Western Orissa? Rather Western orissa as a whole has more Universities than South (2 technical and 1 General Uiversity). Both West and South have 1 Govt Medical College each.
    So, Rourkela is the most deserving place to have a General University and a Medical College and no need to confuse it by clubbing it with other issues. Now the Rourkela MLA is a Minister in Orissa Govt and I believe this is the right time to make the voice of Rourkelites heard.

  • 12. Chitta Baral  |  August 4th, 2009 at 2:44 pm

    The state wanted the first one to be outside Bhubaneswar. But ESI wanted it in Bhubaneswar as it has the maximum people under the ESI scheme. The ESI medical colleges are mainly meant to serve the people who have ESI insurance. So the location where they have the people under their insurance is a very important consideraton.

  • 13. alok  |  August 5th, 2009 at 8:11 am

    Well friends this is what been happening since a decade ago.People throw questions on us that why we keep on complaining ? Well if a poltician asks for his vote then why we cant we ask for our demands for development of rourkela.If we remeber in the 90’s rourkela was even ahead of bbsr.But then the downfall came as the steel plant went into loss and our state govt did little or nothing to save it.They even declared a dieing city.Well how can a state govt do like this even without looking into the matter.present CM may be too good as a person but not that good when it comes to his profession.Today rourkela where it stands is due to rsp.No assistance may be financialy or any other means has been provided by state govt so far.I can bet if rourkela would have been in some other states like rajasthan or uttarakhand or karnataka it would have not been the same what its today.the airport still remeins unused.Looking at bbsr airport is the only priority for the state govt it seems.I am sorry but even after so much hype about bbsr the airport here looks like a horror film setup.coming to BPUT i dont know why it was setup at rourkela if the state govt had planned it to function partially from bbsr.Rather insulting then president Mr APJ kalam we should have asked to Mr naveen patnaik to lay the foundation stone.May be some day if the ex-president asks about the status we can just say sorry to wasting his time.Come on man how many more colleges and univesrities you want to open at bbsr Mr CM.The extended campus for IIM calcutta is planned in orissa.i beleive that is also planned at bbsr.If this happens i request the people of rourkela to take up the matter with the centre coz our state govt has got blind .Well i dont remember when was the last CPD took place at Rourkela.Its because all the CDP’s are meant for bbsr.Rest of orissa is jungle i think so.Today there is a huge gap between bbsr and other cities of orissa thanks to our state govt.Govt should make it a point with private players that they have to invest atleast 50 % in cities like rourkela before investing in BBSR.Look at rajasthan and karnataka and see how there cities are developed.For your kind information Mr CM bbsr comes no where near to cities like jodhpur and mysore.Even indore which is in MP is better than all aspect than BBSR.Name one city in orissa other than BBSR which can compete.I beleive none.Thanks to our state govt.Brilliant job.Round of aaplause for all the netas involved…

  • 14. alok  |  August 5th, 2009 at 8:40 am

    Good job Mr baral on your site orissa2020.org..I appreciate your efforts

  • 15. Juhi Mohanty  |  August 6th, 2009 at 1:27 pm

    Yes Mr. Alok Good Job. This is the sprit . We have to come forward if we wnt to see New Rourkela. Why we blame to Centre to neglet Orissa as comparison to other states ? Here our state Government is neglet other desticts as comparison with bbsr,cuttack !. Yes we can accept bbsr is capital of Orissa. it is must be develop.But it not means that Govt. neglet other disticts. why the mini orissa Rourkela has been neglet by Govt. last 15 years. Rourkela peoples has been selecting BJD peoples last 15 years. But what they are giving ? There is no STP building or IT building. But govt is incoming 2nd highest revenue from this Area.There max ESI claim peoples are here . But Govt is setup ESI medical college at bbsr. why why? The ESI management is agree with Mr bishnu Mohanty the leader of Citu to setup ESI medical college at Rourkela if oriss Govt. is Provide land to them. But orissa is give more important to Bbsr for setup medical college . There is lot of private medical collge.,govt medical collge will on pipe lines for setup at bbsr. It means that cm Naveen Pattanaik is not perfect for CM. It will prove next Election .

  • 16. alok  |  August 7th, 2009 at 9:18 am

    Hello Chitta Sir,
    We all are eagerly waiting for your response.Plz figure out if i go wrong anywhere but this is not acceptable.The goverment did everything for bbsr and least botherd about rourkela and now the govt makes lame excuses.We need to setup national level institues at bbsr coz there we have already a functioning airport.Well sir someday in the past investment was done on this airport thats why its functioning today.Same could have happened with RKL if the govt had invested.But who cares.The Maharstra govt handed over 5 airport projects to Reliance group and the places in the list included nanded and latur which are even smaller cities than rourkela.This is a example for us and it should be taken with a very positive attitude so that we set up examples for other states in future rather than taking examples.its not that tough but our state govt is making it impossible.Sir you say people of orissa cant demand.but if you go through the blogs you can find how serious we are for the city.Sir there is a city in US called Redwood city which is around 50 miles away from San Francisco.No body is aware about redwood city but companines like Oracle which is one of the largest software companies in the worls have there head office and registerd office there.They could have thought of making this at SF but they chose Redwood.Well when they can transform and bring this small city which has a population aroound 100000 on world IT map then why cant we do even 50% of that.I just want to narrate an example.If we continue to have a bbsr centric menatality then i could say people from all over india have bben at Mumbai coz its the hot bed for all the investments.Ther wont be any other cities like delhi,chennai and now bangalore.all i want to say we cant just depend on one city and develop that only leaving others in mercy.

  • 17. Chitta Baral  |  August 7th, 2009 at 10:59 am


    You have seen my plans and recommendations about Rourkela in http://orissa2020.org .

    Make constructive suggestions. If you just complain without offering suggestions people tune you out.

    So what is missing in my plans that you would like to include?


  • 18. alok  |  August 7th, 2009 at 1:47 pm

    as of now i dont have any issues with your plans.All i want that how soon this gets implemented.Its been years the BPUT is yet to function properly.It was also planned but due to some nasty politics its partially functioning from bbsr. I am forced to complain.Its not the only thing that i am left with do for the rest of my life.So what i suggest lets get the BPUT row resolved asap by making it completly functional frm RKL.Not just on papers only but in reality.If people do have cocern against this idea then they should have told this when our Honourable president of india was laying the foundation stone or when the decision was taken on this regard.I want to remind i am not complaining.This is my concern and i hope you can take this issue through a correct channel.

  • 19. mihir kumar swain  |  August 7th, 2009 at 4:40 pm

    Mr. Chitta
    please a IT park and like indian institute of mines at Rourkela should recommendations in Orissa2020.org plan.


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