Orissa higher education vision 2020: http://orissa2020.org

August 2nd, 2009

With an aim to take India’s GER from 12.4 to 30 by 2020, the global average being 26, on July 24th 2009, the Human Resource Development minister of India Mr. Kapil Sibal asked each state to come up in three months their higher education vision

I have created a site and put some initial thoughts on it at http://orissa2020.org. I plan to convince the Orissa government to incorporate as many of the items mentioned in that site as possible. It is work-in-progress but is in a decent shape now. I would like your feedback on it. Please send email to the address mentioned in the site, or you could leave comments on this posting. I hope there is a healthy debate on this issue.

Entry Filed under: Odisha Higher Education Vision 2020

13 Writeup

  • 1. Umesh  |  August 2nd, 2009 at 7:10 pm

    Chitta Babu,

    I feel there is a need to establish airports in most areas of the state. Currently, we have a fully functional airport only in Bhubaneswar. We need local level commercial airports in
    a) Bhawanipatna
    b)Jharsuguda(heard news that Vedanta will do something abt it)
    c)Rourkela(Has an airstrip, not sure if it commercially functional now)
    d) Phulbani

    This will provide the much needed incentive.

    Also, Balangir seems strangely missing from your plan.

    My apologies if I’ve inadverdently missed it from areawise plan mentioned in the website.

  • 2. Abhisek  |  August 4th, 2009 at 1:26 pm

    As far as Professional Universities are concerned, Rourkela has the Technological University (BPUT), Burla has the Engineering University (VSSU), Cuttack has got the Law University and Bhubaneswar has Agricultural University and one Management University (Xavier) is also proposed for the Capital besides other institutes of national importance. So, in my view the State Government must consider BERHAMPUR for the proposed Health Univeristy to administer the medical colleges in the state.

    So, I request that Orissa Health University at Berhampur be made a part of the vision document.

  • 3. alok  |  August 5th, 2009 at 9:30 am

    Well Sir, Let me congratulate you on this fantastic effort.Orissa needs more people like you.My point of discussion is that why BPUT is functioning from Rourkela on papers and why not in reality.Imay be there are more number of engg colleges in bbsr area but whats the logic.If a high court of a particular state is established at a less densely populated area will people stop coming to that place.ditto goes with BPUT.If private colleges complain about this then they should have thought about this before.Even the VC is equally responsible for this.Sir my request to you is that to find a solution at earliest and let the BPUT function completely from Rourkela.Last but not the least if you can post an article of the negligence towards rourkela development.This can be an eye opener and can atleast make the CM to do something.I think you are the best man for this job.

  • 4. Gopal  |  August 6th, 2009 at 5:58 pm

    The issues of upgrading MKCG Medical college at Berhampur to an AIIMS standard institute has been raised in the past. The vision document should include this. Recently there is a demand for a second Agriculture University or a satellite campus of OUAT at Berhampur. States like UP, Maharastra, Haryana, Rajstan, Karnataka, TN and Gujarat have more than one Agricultural University.

  • 5. Siba prasad  |  August 7th, 2009 at 12:45 pm

    The higher education vision 2020 work is a step in the right direction. This will produce a roadmap for higher education in the state besides fixing some objectives to strive for.

    I have two suggestions to make. 1) The proposed World class University should come in a place near Khallikote on the banks of Chilika at a distance of 80 kms from greater BBSR (taking IIT as the boundary)and 40 kms from greater Berhampur. This was the place offered initially for Arcellor-Mittal Steel plant and later for Vedanta University. Besides natural surroundings this location has got good Railway and Road connectivity. 2) The state govt. must impress up on the Tata Group to develop the present JN Tata Technical Education centre at Gopalpur into an Institute of BIT standard (mutual interests of Orissa govt and Tata group involved). The Tata group has invested more than Rs 100 crore in this institutute spread over an area of 50 acres and they won’t mind putting some more resources if they are persued to do so.

  • 6. jagamohan swain  |  August 11th, 2009 at 7:17 pm

    I propose that English teaching be made mandatory among all students starting from class 1 with equal emphasis on Spoken/Written part.I propose that Orissa Govt sign a MOU with institutes like Rosetta Stone ( http://www.rosettastone.com/schools ) to tailor the spoken english programme.World is getting smaller and smaller with new means of communication.It took months mere 500 years back to travel from europe to India.It takes hours today.We live in a global village now.Today’s citizen must speak a global language that will open the entire world to him.Even within India the moment one leaves Orissa one either has to speak Hindi or English.There is little effort needed to teach Hindi as Hindi is similar to oriya and hence need not be taught.But English must be taught and not merely writing but as a mode of day to day communication.Let Orissa Govt do this much for it’s citizens and let citizens take care of the rest!!!

  • 7. Dillip Kumar Mohanty  |  August 13th, 2009 at 3:09 pm

    Dear Mr. Baral

    I really appreciate your innovative ideas

    • According to me BPUT,Rourkela should be operational from Rourkela from this year itself as directed by the State Government of Odisha and every activity related to BPUT should be carried from here instead the so called mirage called as the JEE Complex in Bhubaneswar.

    • More and more engineering and management colleges should be encouraged in the Rourkela-Jharsuguda region as there is plenty of free land availbale,excluding to that belonging to agriculture.
    • The present such institutions are
    • Black Diamond College of Engineering,Jharsuguda
    • Dr.Ambedkar Memorial Institute of Technology and Science,Jagda
    • Indian Institute of Production Management,Kanshabahl
    • Kanak Manjari Institute of Pharmacy,Chhend
    • Padmanava College of Engineering,Sector-4
    • Purusottam Institute of Engineering and Technology,Mandiakudar
    • Rourkela Institute of Management Studies,Chhend
    • Rourkela Institute of Technology,Kuarmunda
    • Sundargarh Engineering College,Sundargarh
    • Tapaswini Institute of Information Technology,Kanshabahl

    • The establishment of the proposed Medical College and Hospital in Rourkela or the proposed Greater Rourkela region.
    • Also needed is a regular university at Rourkela ,i think Municipal College,H.K.Ray College,Kalyani College, Nila Saila College,Ispat College etc. and all the other general colleges should be included in the list . Also the colleges of Sundargarh general colleges should be included.

    • Creating of a large number of deemed universisties should be checked

    • Better communication,transportation facilities to the less developed regions.

  • 8. alok  |  August 13th, 2009 at 4:12 pm

    Good point Mr Dilip..Adding to your points the airport at Rourkela should be made functional asap…

  • 9. kalikinkar panda  |  August 16th, 2009 at 7:00 pm

    it is very clear now that VSSIT i.e UCE burla which is finding difficult to get a VC even after declaration of unitary university long time back will have to go through difficult times in future to maintain the standard of education it was once famous for…earlier when UCE and NIT Rourkela were under sambalpur university ,the arrangement was working fine..now with so many govt colleges vying for fund from orissa government ,it may so happen VSSIT may not remain in the radar screen of ministry or bureaucrats when it comes to distribute the resources..partly because of its physical location &partly because of failure to be owned by powerful western orissa lobby (unlike vss medical college which provide services to political constituents).This gloomy scenario coupled with serious compition from IIts & pvt .institution coming up in and around BBSR may lead to a slow death of this great institution in coming years unless a out of box thought is given by all concerned shedding ego and narrow vision.let me suggest the following

    Request ministry of HRD to accept VSSIT as extension campus of NIT Rourkela ,this will serve the following:
    1. funds will flow from central govt.
    2.no requirement of asking for 2nd NIT in the state as such HRD ministry is at present only concentrating for NIT in non nit states
    3.quality of education will get a boost and standard will be main tained for obvious reasons
    4.orissa will apparently loose 200 seats to out side states but increasingly orissa students are taking up these seats from all india rankings but this apparent disadvantage is nothing in comparison to + points
    5.amalgamation is easy at this stage as only before a decade both the institutions were under one adminstration and are linked in many ways.
    6. Overnight NIT rourkela can solve its infrastructure problem as VSSIT (Even Water crisis etc)and emerge as the biggest NIT without compromising any of its quality or standing in the comity of NITS besides serving the state of orissa well.

  • 10. jagmohan swain  |  August 16th, 2009 at 8:16 pm

    I would like to see in the plans a map of various means of transportation currently available for the knowledge hubs.For example as we are developing BBSR-PURI region as global knowledge hub, what mode of transportation lies from a tier-3 knowledge hub like Malkangiri to a tier-1 knowledge hub such as BBSR-PURI.

    Could we strengthen our transportation modes so as to cut down the time to let’s say ideally 3 hours.That is it would be possible for one to travel everyday from tier-3 to tier-1/ tier-2.That would allow for far higher level of interaction among populace, and higher trickle down effect in terms of knowledge transfer.

    For example it takes 7 hours ( from google map ) by NH 5 from Koraput to Bhubaneswar.To achieve 3 hours target a daily train needs to be run similar to rajdhani express with a speed of 140 kph.But that obviously will not cut much ice with Railway authorities though an effort should at least be made.

    Or we can choose to develop the knowledge hubs in such a way that even with existing modes of transportation it would be possible for us to achieve that 3 hours or less target by developing the remotest one as tier-2 kowledge hubs.That means develop Koraput as tier-2 knowledge hub.State govt therfore should allocate more resources to attain such goals.

    Let’s have an agriculture university or Research centre etc attached to all knowledge hubs be it tier-1/tier-2 or tier-3 as much of our cultivation methods are very very primordial and on the short run nothing impacts well being of a large sect of rural people than the ability to achieve higher produce from their farms.More we spread out the knowledge-producing centers more we are likely to disseminate knowledge itself.

  • 11. alok  |  August 20th, 2009 at 8:09 pm

    Hi all..Our respected CM is having a lot of emotinal attachment with people of BBSR-CUTTACK region.Thats why everytime he meets the PM and demands for any natinal level institute he makes sure it comes up at this particular region.Demand of NID made but at BBSR.I dont understand how many more institues you need in that region.IIT,NISER ,IIIT and now a demand for NID.Why rest of the places in Orissa is being treated like step children ?I believe NID should be setup somehwhere else other than BBSR-CUTTACK region.Rourkela is a major option.We have Berhampur is also in the lime light.Please guys wake up.Lets have an all round development and not just BBSR centric ..

  • 12. jagamohan swain  |  August 22nd, 2009 at 3:30 am

    Dr Baral can we include a smilar critique for existing road network and railway network in orissa as has been done for building knowledge centers.Considering the population in different cities what needs to be done so as to make movement of people easier.

    Also a critique on primary and secondary healthcare facilities would be most appreciated.I am sure the work involved would be enormous, but considering the enormous task already accomplished by you, we can certainly hope for more!!!

  • 13. Chitta Baral  |  August 22nd, 2009 at 5:29 am

    On the railway network, I have a detailed proposal that I send to the Orissa govt. every so often. I will share it with you by email. On roads, I have some plans but not as detailed. On health care, I don’t have much yet. I will share it with you what I have.


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