NIFT (National Institute of Fashion Technology) to start in a temporary campus in Bhubaneswar in 3 months

August 20th, 2009

Following is an excerpt from a release from the Resident Commissioner of Orissa.

Shri Naveen Patnaik, Chief Minister, Orissa met Thiru. Dayanidhi Maran, Union Minister for Textiles at New Delhi and discussed various issues relating to development of Handicrafts  and Textile sector in Orissa. Chief Minister requested for establishment of National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) at Bhubaneswar  for which Govt. of Orissa has already committed to provide necessary infrastructure including land. The Union Minister welcomed the proposal and assured that NIFT will start functioning  at Bhubaneswar  in a temporary campus within next three months  offering a few certificate courses  and the regular courses will  commence  from the next academic year  i.e. 2010-11.

Pushing for an NIFT in Orissa is good. But the CM has to create a balance. Not everything that he asks for should be about Bhubaneswar. Please write to the CMO pointing this out and have some constructive suggestion regarding what he should ask for outside Bhubaneswar and where. In this regard, I just sent the following email:

Dear Esteemed Chief Minister:

I read about your request to the central minister for an NID in Bhubaneswar. Asking for an NID is a good step, but with an IIT, NISER, AIIMS and a National University (all centrally funded) in works in the Bhubaneswar area, there is a big need for balance across the state and people across the state are now becoming more and more critical that adequate efforts are not being made about the rest of the state.

As a constructive suggestion, following is a request voiced to me by one of the vice chancellors of Orissa.

Currently India has a Laxmi Bai National Institute of Physical Education ( ) at Gwalior. Considering the recent success of athletes from Orissa in various sports and events (including Hockey and Football), especially from the Adivasi regions, it would be great if you could push for a similar  National Institute of Physical Education to be established in or near an Adivasi area of Orissa.  Such an institute will go a long way in not only training adivasi athletes but also in providing them jobs across the country.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),NIFT, Bhubaneswar

11 Writeup

  • 1. jagamohan swain  |  August 20th, 2009 at 11:57 pm

    That’s a nice suggestion from Dr Baral.However I would like to point out that it may be difficult to sell other locations in Orissa at national level due to lack of adequate infrastucture.Considering that it may be a good idea to sell Bhibaneswar at national level for the time being while state govt should correct regional imbalance by allocating disproportionate resources for development of tier 2 and tier 3 cities.I would rather try to have something in Orissa first ( be it bhubaneswar for time being ) than not have anything at all.While the big name institution does catch the eye, most important aspect is to fix the elementary education, basic healthcare and availability of adequate infrasturcture.Let State govt put all it’s resources on cities like Rourkela, Berhampur, Sambalpur etc.. while taking central help to develop BBSR.

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  August 21st, 2009 at 12:30 am

    The suggestions have to be judicious. I think proposal for ESI medical college in Balangir was not such a good idea as it is far from the ESI employee. But it would have worked in a place where there are a lot of ESI employees. I think Rourkela could have fit the bill.

    Similarly the physical education institute would work for Jharsuguda-Sundergarh area.

    An institute like SLIET would work for Balangir.

    So the govt. has to be judicious in deciding what institute is saleabale for which area.

  • 3. stingidea  |  August 21st, 2009 at 1:50 am

    There is a need in creating balanced development across the state. As of now most of the new centrally funded projects are cornered by Bhubaneswar, leaving the other parts of the state high and dry. As a result of such lopsided development a couple of scenarios are already playing out in the state.
    I am told prices of real estate and essential commodities in Bhubaneswar are going through the roof. With every announcement of a new national institution in the city land prices around the speculated site are doubling overnite.
    On the other hand, people from other parts of the state are beginning to feel marginalized. I wouldn’t be surprised if the chorus for a separate Koshal state gets stronger by the day as a result of such lopsided development. From the little bit of googling that I have done, it appears that the demand for a separate Koshal state is driven by a small set of pretty well informed higher education students living outside the state. The Maoist movement too could get a boost as people feel left out of the development process.

  • 4. Nilachal  |  August 21st, 2009 at 1:32 pm

    It is not about selling a location and if that becomes the case why establish institutes in Bhubaneswar first? Don’t we have bigger cities in India than Bhubaneswar? We should not mix up issues by arguing for something (bigger cities) which we have fought to justify our demand for National Institutes on the plank of backwardness and now when it comes to distribution inside the state, we blindily take a different route.

    The people of Berhampur kept on soughting and their struggle of many years went down the drains when the justified demand of IIT was denied to it. Now a situation has come where even if the central government announces a central school or a polytech the state government will choose Bhubaneswar over all other locations. If the state Govt shows some mercy we have leaders like Mr RCKhuntia to do the rest. By state govt. I mean the white elephants inside the state secreteriate who treat people outside their territory as untouchables. This mentality has to be defeated. (All Private Universities- BBSR, All Imp Central Institutes- BBSR and all future Institutes- BBSR is this the model the Higher education Vision 2020 all about?)

    Finally, if the State Govt. can’t make the case of Berhampur or Rourkela shall we look towards AP and Jharkhand Govts to take up our issue?

  • 5. Abhisek  |  August 21st, 2009 at 1:45 pm

    The CMs agenda for thr state capital doesn’t end with demand for NID and NIFT at Bhubaneswar. Here are some more provided by

    1. ….The Union Minister agreed to favourably consider the proposal of the Chief Minister for setting-up a Knitwear Park near Bhubaneswar under the Scheme for Integrated Textile Park (SITP) for which the State Government has already allocated 35 acres of land.

    2. Chief Minister requested for establishment of an office of Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) at Bhubaneswar for providing better institutional support for increasing exports from Orissa handloom products.

    3. He also requested for setting up of office of the Deputy Director (Handicrafts) at Bhubaneswar in addition to the existing office of Asst. Director (Handicrafts) which may be shifted to KBK region. The Union Textile Minister agreed for the same and assured to extend full cooperation for the initiatives of the Government of Orissa …..

    Now I am forced to believe that the CM has gone mad about Bhubaneswar.

  • 6. alok  |  August 21st, 2009 at 2:26 pm

    I completely agree with the comments posted so far.What needs to be done is to make the CM understand that Orissa and the people of orissa are now well educated and if certain kind of things do happen like this then this will only create a negetive impression about the CM.May be in the next election he might loose the way he has won this time,amy be even better.People of orissa have selected him as the leader because they believe that he can do overall development of orissa and not just by concentratinig on BBSR.Everytime he makes a demand for Orissa he specifically makes it for BBSR.What about Rourkela,berahampur and Sambalpur.I was expecting NID to be atleast setup at Rourkela if not at Rourkela then Berampur or Sambalpur and making way for IIM at Rourkela.I dont blamethe CM completely but its the people around him who give him advise like this.Cm is well educated and it makes me feel shocked when someone like him takes a decison like this.I was against the idea for a separate Koshal state but with this attitude of CM it may ignite the fire in Orissa for a separate state.This is really very disapoiniting.

  • 7. pabitra kumar barad  |  August 21st, 2009 at 3:35 pm

    It is a good news that a number of national institutions will be set up in orissa.Regarding the locaton of these institutions i have an idea in my may match someones thought or not My opnion is as fallow.1NID Berhmpur. 2NIPER sambalapur.
    3 NIFT BBSR 4 IIPH Kandhamal 5National institute of mangrove research and National institute of Wetland and coastal ecosystem in the coastal region.
    6 National institute of physical training in sundergarh dist. an medical college should be in mayurbhanj.

  • 8. Chitta Baral  |  August 21st, 2009 at 7:59 pm

    Dear all:

    I am not sure if the important people read this blog. If you want your feelings to reach the CM, send an email to him. You may also send email to the editor of I am told the CM reads the articles in regularly.


    Also people need to get organized. These days the best way is twitter as it can be used through multiple means such as cell phone. That way people without Internet can also use it. To get your voice across, join twitter, get like minded people together, organize them in twitter. That way when emails need to be sent to the CM, the message can be spread through twitter and many will be able to send emails.

  • 9. KIRAN GOSWAMI  |  August 22nd, 2009 at 4:31 pm

    This is the difference between young cm and 70 years old cm.
    A young cm is dynamics and technical sound proffesional.
    But our cm is going old. he is thinking Orissa state only for bhubaneswar,cuttack,puri,Berhampur .There is no other desticts in Orissa. he gives focus only these disticts. As per study of his mind it is means that ” A person who has full of stomach by foods give him extra foods. But the person who has empty stomach give him nothing.

  • 10. Nilambar  |  August 27th, 2009 at 8:23 pm

    If Orissa don’t develop Berhampur, Rourkela and Sambalpur on an equal footing as Bhubaneswar, few years from now we will see Orissa as another Bihar. So, with or without and request and petition from the public the State Government on its own should think of their development for the benefit of the entire state.

  • 11. Jayashree  |  December 14th, 2009 at 10:24 pm

    It’s good to hear about the establishment of NIFT at BBSR.
    But still is is not working.


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