IIT Bhubaneswar issues global invitation for Expression of Interest in building its campus

August 21st, 2009

The details are at:

Following are some excerpts from the invitation.


EOI to participate in selection of Campus Architect and Project Management Consultant For Design and Project Management of a State of the Art Academic cum Residential Campus

IIT Bhubaneswar invites Expression of Interest (EOI) for consultancy services from qualified, experienced, competent, financially sound and internationally acclaimed Architectural/Engineering Project Management Consultants (PMCs) including overseas firms for the planning and designing of Architectural, civil, public health, electrical, air conditioning, acoustics and other services for the works: “Construction of Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar complex and residential township along with necessary infrastructure facilities” in 936 acres of land at Argul, which is about 25 km from Bhubaneswar airport. While the work will be completed in phases, the estimated cost for the first phase is approximately INR 400 Crores.

The scope of the work, other applicable terms and conditions including site related information are available at institute website www.iitbbs.ac.in.

The EOI documents can be either downloaded from the institute website or can be collected from the office of Registrar, IIT Bhubaneswar, Samantapuri, Bhubaneswar-751013 from 24th August 2009 to 23rd September 2009 between 1100 hrs to 1600 hrs on all working days on payment of INR 1,000/- through a bank draft drawn on any schedule bank in favour of “IIT BHUBANESWAR” and made payable at Bhubaneswar.

The EOI shall be submitted in duplicate in a sealed cover, superscribing; “EOI for Architectural/Engineering Project Management Consultant (PMC)” either in person or by post addressed to the Registrar. along with a Bank Draft of Rs.1,00,000/- drawn on any schedule bank in favour of “IIT BHUBANESWAR” and made payable at Bhubaneswar towards EMD which would be refunded to unsuccessful bidders. Further, those who have downloaded EOI document from the website of the Institute should also enclose another demand draft for Rs.1,000/- drawn in favour of IIT BHUBANESWAR along with EOI document. The last date for receipt of EOI document is 24 September 2009 upto 1500 hrs B. K. RAY Registrar


1. Introduction and Project Overview

a. The Indian Institute of Technology is planning a new campus in Bhubaneswar, approximately 25 km southwest of the city. Classes began in July, 2009 in temporary facilities while the new campus is planned and built. The campus will be built on a 936 acres site, with an ultimate student count of 10,000. In addition, the new campus will accommodate approximately 10,000 staff, faculty, and their family members, resulting in a total academic and supporting township population of approximately 20,000.

b. IIT Bhubaneswar invites Expressions of Interest for Consultancy Services from qualified, experienced, reputed, internationally acclaimed, and financially sound Engineering/Architecture and Project Management consultants (PMCs) including overseas firms for the planning and designing of Architectural, Civil, Public Health, Electrical, Air conditioning, Acoustics and other services for the works: “Construction of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhubaneswar and Residential Township along with necessary infrastructure facilities at Argul, Bhubaneswar”. It is the intention of IIT Bhubaneswar to select a single firm responsible for both design and project management. Project management responsibilities for the selected firm will include management of the entire development process – designing, permitting, tendering, construction, fit out, and close out. PMC activities will include, but are not limited to, project controls, cost estimating and budgeting, scheduling, site coordination, construction management, quality control, tendering, value engineering, commissioning, and submittals processing.

c. The basic Master Plan for the campus is currently being finalized with necessary flexibility for modifications/improvement and will be provided to the selected firm, who will be responsible for designing the campus in conformance with this plan. While the campus will be built in phases over an approximately 10-12 year period, the first phase of the construction is expected to be completed in 36 months. Phase 1 has a total budget of about Rs. 400 Crores, the specific scope of which shall be shared with the selected firm. Subsequent phasing will also be defined during the design process. It is anticipated that the selected consultant shall be retained for all phases of project work, subject to satisfactory performance of previous phases.

d. The new campus is primarily comprised the following zones:

Zone 1
Academic complex: Administration, Classrooms, Lecture Halls, Research Laboratories, Undergraduate Teaching Lab, Computer Center, Conference Centers, Student Activity Center, and Libraries – 910,000 sqm

Zone 2: Student Residential complex. 290,000 sq m

Zone 3: Faculty & Officers Residential Complex: 210,000 sqm

Zone 4: Staff Residential Complex: 170,000 sqm

Zone 5:  Campus Amenities & Community township: 32,000 sq m

Zone 6: Services and Infrastructure – 8,000 sqm

Zone 7:  Nature/Ecological Zone/ Science Park – 50,000 sqm

e. A world class, visionary, iconic, barrier-free, state-of-the-art, 21st century campus is envisioned. The campus shall be a powerful symbol of the preeminent IIT brand while looking forward to the next 100 years. It shall incorporate international as well as Indian best practices with regard to state-of-the-art education planning, technology, and design. At the same time, the master plan and design shall be sensitive and responsive to local cultural, historic, and architectural precedents in Bhubaneswar and the state of Orissa. The project’s construction should be cost effective and employ local laborers and skills. Lastly, the campus should incorporate ecologically sustainable planning, design, and construction strategies and help put IIT in the forefront of green practices and technology.

2. Eligibility Criteria: Interested firms should meet the following prequalification criteria before deciding to submit an EOI response:

a. This selection process is for both the design of the new campus and the management of the development process through construction. Therefore, the consultant shall have both campus architectural design and Project Management Consultancy (PMC) in-house within the firm-wide umbrella, with distinct practice areas and expertise in design and PMC. Note that joint ventures or other associations between design and PMC firms are not acceptable.

b. The consultant shall have internationally recognized expertise and specialty practice in higher education design. Preference will be given to firms that demonstrate continued excellence through design awards and other industry-wide recognitions for distinction in design, planning and sustainable architecture in the education sector.

c. The consultant shall have internationally recognized expertise and specialty practice in Project Management Consultancy as a distinct practice area in the firm, and shall show demonstrated experience and expertise in activities listed in 1b above for large and complex projects.

d. At least one office of the consultant shall be located in India, registered as an Indian company, and have officers registered with the Council of Architecture, India.

e. Given the scale of this project, the consultant shall have experience designing large institutional campus-type projects. Minimum requirements include:

i. One institutional building design project completed in the last five years with an estimated construction value of Rs. 500 Crore or more.

ii. At least three institutional building design projects completed in the last five years with an estimated construction value of Rs. 200 Crore or more each.

iii. Two institutional master plan and/or township projects in the last five years with a size of 500 acres or more.

f. Consultant shall have been in operation as an architectural and PMC firm for a minimum of 15 continuous years, upto March, 2009.

g. Consultant shall have adequate and sufficient in-house resources and expertise to deliver this project in a timely manner. Firm revenue for the last 3 years shall be a minimum of Rs. 750 Lakhs. Firm shall havea range of relevant in-house expertise including (at a minimum), architecture, education planning and design, campus planning, interior design, and PMC. Other areas of specialization required for the project – including but not limited to infrastructure, transportation planning/engineering, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, cost engineering – if not provided in-house, shall be appointed by the consultant as sub consultants and/or associates to the team.

h. Consultant shall be financially sound and with a staff turnover within industry norms.

i. Consultant shall have experience and expertise in sustainable/green design. Preference will be given to firms with LEED certified education projects.

3. Selection Process and Selection Criteria

a. IIT Bhubaneswar will employ a two-stage selection process: Stage 1, Expression of Interest (EO), shall serve to solicit qualification proposals from interested consultants that meet the eligibility criteria delineated in Item (2) above. On the basis of responses received, Consultants meeting the requirement will be short listed for further consideration.

b. In the second stage, the short-listed consultants will be invited to an interview with the selection committee where firms will be requested to elaborate on their qualifications, proposed team and organization, and illustrate their understanding of the project. After the interviews, the shortlisted firms will be requested to submit their Technical and Financial proposals for design and PMC services. Financial offers will be evaluated to determine which firm offers the greatest value, in combination with the outcome of the Stage 1 and Stage 2 process.

c. The Selection Committee will rank firms based on the criteria below:

i. Experience, expertise, and past performance in large campus design projects for new/expanded educational institutions. Experience, expertise, and past performance in the design of in a wide range of higher education facilities, including academic buildings, laboratories, administration buildings, student life, sports and recreation, residential, and community support facilities (20 points).

ii. Experience, expertise, and past performance in Project Management Consultancy for large, institutional projects and in sophisticated project controls and tools. (20 points)

iii. Strength of proposed team and personnel and organization for the project. Note that proposed personnel should demonstrate experience and expertise in higher education design and PMC. Strength of proposed sub consultants, if applicable (15 points)

iv. Experience, expertise, and past performance in ecologically sustainable design and with LEED certification of education facilities (10 points)

v. Adequate and sufficient in-house resources to perform the required work; financial stability of the company; long-standing and consistent operation of firm (15 points).

vi. Nationally and internationally recognized design awards for design excellence and project management (10 points)

vii. Understanding of project goals and vision (10 points)

4. Stage 1 / EOI Requirements (Instructions)

a. Interested consultants are advised to prepare an Expression of Interest document that responds to the eligibility and selection criteria outlined above. EOIs shall be concise and professionally prepared, in the format given in Annexure I.

b. EOIs shall include the information listed below and be presented and organized in the order as listed below:

i. Cover Letter signed by the duly appointed Principal of the firm. The cover letter shall authorize selection committee to seek detailed references.

ii. Overview of Firm

1. Vision
2. History and Years of Operation
3. Organization and leadership
4. Office locations and description of India operations
5. Overall number of staff and breakdown by discipline/service line.
6. Services and areas of expertise
a. Description of Design services
b. Description of PMC services
7. Awards

8. Representative list of clients

iii. Relevant Experience: Provide individual project sheets for projects considered relevant. Relevant projects include Higher Education campus design, Sustainable Design, and PMC projects of comparable scale to the IIT Bhubaneswar campus and demonstrating design and project management excellence, whose design and/or construction were completed in the last 10 years. Built projects will carry greater relevance than un-built work. Project sheets shall include:

1. Name of project, location, name of client, client contact information (name, position, and phone number), size of project (size of site and/or area of building, as appropriate), estimated construction value, services provided (design, PMC, etc), and completion date for design and construction, where applicable. Please note that IIT Bhubaneswar intends to check client references so the client contact information is requested to be accurate and up to date.

2. Brief overview of the project to include sustainable design features and design awards, if applicable.

3. Photographs and/or design imagery including videos.

iv. Proposed Team

1. Organization Chart of proposed team for the project. The organization chart should include primary roles of project leadership and management responsibility, identification and leadership of critical design and PMC disciplines, key sub-consultants, and all key personnel proposed for the project. Organization chart should demonstrate proposed relationship between design and PMC functions within the overall team structure.

2. Brief overview of key sub-consultants, if applicable.

3. Resumes (Curriculum Vitae) of personnel identified in the Organization Chart.

v. Project Understanding: Provide a 3 page maximum narrative that illustrates your understanding of the issues and opportunities of this project. The narrative should demonstrate your unique point of view and attitude that you will bring to the challenge of envisioning a 21st century IIT asdescribed in item 1(e) above. This narrative will help the selection committee better understand your firm’s overall design philosophy, vision, and holistic thinking about education planning and design.

vi. PMC Scope of Services: Provide a 3 page maximum narrative that summarizes your proposed scope of services in managing the entire design and construction process. Highlight management tools, including scheduling software, contract control systems, cost estimating systems, etc, proposed to be utilized on this project.

vii. For projects submitted in Item iii above, submit verification that the work was performed by your firm. This verification could come in the form of completion certificates, client reference letter, etc.

viii. Annual Reports: Submit audited annual reports for your company for the financial years of 2006, 2007, and 2008.

c. Expression of Non-Interest:

i. If the Bidder(s), at any point of time, wishes not to participate in this EOI, The same information may be communicated to the Institute within one week of the receipt of this EOI by the Bidders(s). In such circumstances, the Bidders(s) shall return to Institute all the documents/materials provided by the Institute, without publicizing / using the contents of this EOI.

d. EOI due date and particulars:

i. Interested and eligible firms shall submit their EOIs not later than 24th September 2009 (Thursday) at 1500 hrs (IST). One original and one copy shall be submitted.

ii. EOIs shall be submitted with an Earnest Money of Rs. 100,000 (Rupees on Lakhs) only, in the form of demand draft in favor of “IIT Bhubaneswar” payable at Bhubaneswar. EOIs received without Earnest Money shall not be considered.

iii. Any information furnished by the applicant during the selection process found to be incorrect may disqualify the applicant from the selection process. Failure to provide requested information deemed essential to evaluate the applicant’s qualifications shall result in the applicant’s disqualification.

iv. IIT Bhubaneswar reserves the right to change/amend the selection process, cancel the solicitation, accept or reject any/all applications at any time without reason or liability to the applicants.

v. IIT Bhubaneswar’s point of contact for this selection process is Registrar, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Samantapuri, Bhubaneswar 751013, Orissa, India.



Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),IIT Bhubaneswar,IITs, IISc, IISERs, NISER, IIMs

6 Writeup

  • 1. alok  |  August 26th, 2009 at 4:00 pm

    There is a lot of hype for IIT bbsr but what about the BPUT Rourkela which is yet to get its full fledged campus.Seems the govt is maintaining double standards.Just because our then president APJ kalam has laid the founadtion stone the university is in still at rourkela on papers.Otherwise our state govt wont have hesitated to move it to BBSR.Evn the VC is worthless as he is no mood to take the matter seriously.I believe Rourkela and the people of Rourkela have a dark future in coming days if this apathy of state govt continues..

  • 2. Bijoy  |  August 26th, 2009 at 6:02 pm

    The links provided for IIT BBSR hardly works. I am unable to get the informations… where is the problem? Do they have servers or not?

  • 3. Chitta Baral  |  August 26th, 2009 at 7:06 pm

    They work from my computer. You may have problem from your side.

  • 4. Sanjoy Das  |  September 9th, 2009 at 9:34 pm

    I just discovered that IIT Bhubaneswar has two websites:




    (I was not aware of the second one, which shows the faculty offered appointment)

  • 5. Chitta Baral  |  September 9th, 2009 at 9:48 pm

    Considering that the later page has a lot of errors I think it is still under construction and not yet ready for the public.

  • 6. bhawanii choudhury  |  July 19th, 2010 at 1:03 pm

    im intrested to do this project independently. . i hv been working as a production designer in yashraj films,mumbai. cn u plz help! my number is 9853301298


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