What are the other locations for ESI Medical colleges? Work-in-progress

August 29th, 2009

Following is an excerpt from a thaindia report of July 13, 2008.

The Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) Corporation that provides healthcare facilities to industrial workers has decided to step into the field of medical education. In an innovative move, it will set up 28 medical colleges and start post graduation courses by the next academic session. “From service provider we are going to be a medical education network. We are setting up 28 medical colleges by the 2009 academic session,” said Pravash C. Chaturvedi, director general of ESI Corp.

“We are aware that there is a shortage of doctors and it’s no different for ESI hospitals across the country. By the next academic year, we are planning to start 500 seats at the post graduation level,” Chaturvedi told IANS in an interview.

He said the ESI Corp, which is under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, aims to set up a medical college in every state and become self-reliant.

“The adding of 500 medical seats will help aspiring students every year, and in return we will get qualified doctors to serve in our own hospitals.

“A while ago we had put our proposal before the health ministry and have already got the go ahead. We have the capital and manpower, and now have the ministry’s support too,” he said.

The ESI Corp is associated with over 331,000 factories and establishments across the country and provides benefits to about 10 million workers and their families. “There are over 40 million beneficiaries,” he said.

It applies to industrial workers drawing wages up to Rs.10,000 per month.

Below we will try to compile information about the location of these medical colleges in various states. (Any pointers from the readers are most welcome.)

  1. Himachal Pradesh – Mandi.
  2. Karnataka – Gulbarga, Bangalore.
  3. Kerala – Paripally (Kollam).
  4. Tamilnadu – Coimbatore.
  5. Bihar – Patna.
  6. West Bengal – Howrah.
  7. Rajasthan – Alwar.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),ESI Medical College,ESI Medical Colleges

11 Writeup

  • 1. preeti  |  August 29th, 2009 at 12:20 pm

    It is my request to all Rourkela peoples and NRI to send mail
    to ex. president APJ kalam who has laid the founadtion stone just 5 years back ,about the status of Biju Pattanaik University . Also mansion the univesrity functioning at bbsr not at Rourkela. It is only Papers and pen.Also sent a copy to Rajyapal of Odisha.
    The mail id is

  • 2. Abhisek  |  August 29th, 2009 at 1:23 pm

    Orissa has completely adopted Bihar model and there is no rescue for the state. How can one justify this stupid capital centric policy of the state government which is seen only in Bihar. When other states can make the centre agree for locations like Mandi, Gulbarga, Kollam, Coimbatore it is only states like Bihar and Orissa who push for their capitals. Who will tell this government that ignoring potential cities like Berhampur and Rourkela are only against the interest of the state. As that can make Bhubaneswar just another Patna and not Chennai or Bangalore.

  • 3. Sanjib Karmee  |  August 29th, 2009 at 2:47 pm

    The report in the Indian express says Aynavaram ESI Hospital in Chennai will have PG courses. So, TN will have two medical colleges one PG and one UG. Same is with West Bengal.

  • 4. Sanjib Karmee  |  August 29th, 2009 at 4:05 pm

    Another point: ESI is establishing two kinds of Institute viz. ESI Postgaduate Institute of Medical Science & Research and ESIC Medical College. I think the one will be in BBSR will be for UG courses.

  • 5. Chitta Baral  |  August 29th, 2009 at 6:12 pm

    Lets make a complete list of both UG and PG ones. That way we can be more knowledgeable about their criteria and demand appropriately.

  • 6. Chandra  |  August 30th, 2009 at 11:11 am

    Here is a counter argument to the institutes not setting up elsewhere in the state.

    My point of view is that Government is trying to project orissa as one of the educaion capitals of the country. Instead of attracting investments with only mines and minerals it is trying to create a pool of skilled manpower who ultimately add to the growth of the state.What is the chance that people studying in suppose IIT Balangir and stay there, what are the options there? I think however minimum it is there is probability of 5% staying back in the state of orissa with enterprenuial skills and try their luck.

    Same model is followed by bangalore (karntaka) around 20-30 years back. I am very happy that so many institutes coming up and it does not matter where it comes.

    By the way location of institutes is not exactly bhubaneswar around 30-40 Kms away from it.

  • 7. alok  |  August 31st, 2009 at 7:48 am

    Chitta Sir,
    If you compare Bolangir and Rourkela then there is hell and heaven diffrence.But if you compare Ranchi with Jamshedpur and Chennai with Coimbatore or Thiruvendmpuram with Kochi then there is not even a slightest diffrence.Thats because there govt is thinking all round development.What abut Rourkela when compared to Bhubneswar.Seems the state govt is only caring for the state capital.If the institutes can be set 30 to 40 kms away from BBSR then same can be done at Rourkela.Dont forget the highest revenue for the state govt comes from Rourkela and the highest capita income is also from Rourkela.And thats not because ofState govt its because of Steel plant.I am really dissapointed that when you are short of words to justify you came with this conclusion that how it matters if the institutes are at BBSR.I can raise the same How it matters if one of those Natinal level institutes are at Rourkela ?Even you know Rourkela has the potential but only if the state govt works for its development.Can you please justify why cant we have ESIC college or AIIMS or NID at Rourkela when we can have NIT.Are we left with one city in Orissa.And coming to the pool of talents BBBSR has to go a long long way .I am proud that Rourkela is way ahead on this.Thatsbecaues we have the enviroment but its only we think and not the state govt.You are always welcome to go to the past academic records of Rourkela and compare it with BBSR…Thanks 4 ur time..

  • 8. pankaj  |  August 31st, 2009 at 10:02 am

    hi all,can any one tel me that whether esi has any quota for its own insurance medical officers in medical PG entrance

  • 9. preeti  |  August 31st, 2009 at 11:16 am

    Mr. Chandra
    I think that all the cm of other state are folish. They are cm are 10th passed. Only Odishha cm has passed from oxford university. they are cm gives preference to all the metro disticts. Not only capital of state.Just I have been staying at haryana lasts 10 years. Haryna govt Mr. Huda has been preference all the disticts. Every distict you find a state govt.university or centre govt. Institute. Even if you will go remote disticts like panipat,hissr,sonepat u find central Institute. It is very sadly Iam telling u as per my views I compred mr Lalu prasad is better CM then Odisha cm. You know what is House rent of BHUBANESWAR . Poor student can not stay at BBSR for his higher study. What is requirement to gather all the Central Institutes in one location ? Indirect way State govt. is rises the property rate and house rent of Bhubaneswar. Threre is so many metro II areas like Rourkela ,sambalpur. You know the population of ROurkela >
    Above 7 Lakhs (2nd metro then bbsr + cuttack). Only one central institute NIIT Nothing else. This NIT was setup just before 25 years. There after nothing is there. I thanks to central Govt. who convert REC TO NIT.
    Iam agree with you about concept of IIT at bolangir. But what about Rourkela. Why it is not setup at Rourkela. Rourkela is not Remote areas. It is best location and more civilian then Bhubaneswar. One time Rourkela was No 1 Town In Odisha.But as per neglectd by State govt. Rourkela becomes dead city now. I don’t blame to local MLAS. Because this cm takes decisions By his own. No MLS INTERFACE with his decisions. Once times was CM Naveen Pattanaik is NO 1 in India as per Today Times. I will challenge you this news will never repeat again. Bihar Cm is better then us.

  • 10. Chandra  |  August 31st, 2009 at 9:34 pm

    Hi Preeti,

    I have worked in gurgaon for 2 years and yes i am sure they have better educational infrastructure then orissa.But conside the budgetary details of orissa and orissa and you will find the difference. Even Per capita income will show you astonishingly different figures.

    Peoples demand for the institutes will drive it. I am not saying that bhubaneswar people have demanded it. But if you donot demand for a institute then it is CM’s prerogative.At least make the BPUT work from rourkela.Nobody is syaing anything on that.
    See you demand it and it will come.Nothing comes as free.

    By the way ESI has a small but referral hospital at Rourkela.It does not offer courses but yes hospital is there.


  • 11. PREETI  |  September 1st, 2009 at 11:46 am

    Mr. Chandra
    It is not issue of infastructure. It is issue of CM interest.Simple Iam say we are elect out CM for feature addon development in odisha.
    He is only honest nothing for . He is very well known that Rourkela is 2nd metro city in orissa there shoud be develoved.


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