How Orissa can get an IIM?

August 31st, 2009

Recently there was some news reports regarding 7 new IIMs. This resulted in reactions from various circles in Orissa, including the CM. The CM shot off a letter to the PM. As per a report in Times of India:

In a letter to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Naveen protested the Union government’s decision to ignore Orissa’s "repeated demands" for an IIM.

The Biju Youth Janata Dal has threatened a stir. As per a report in

The Biju Yuva Janata Dal (BYJD) has threatened to launch a State-wide agitation if the Centre does not consider the State Government’s demand for the establishment of an Indian Institute of Management (IIM) in Orissa.

Even the Oriass Pradesh Congress Committee has chimed in. As per another report in

However, the Orissa Pradesh Congress Committee (OPCC) has demanded establishment of an Indian Institute of Management (IIM) in the State.A memorandum was submitted to Sibal by the OPCC at the Congress Bhavan here today.

The memorandum maintained that as Orissa is witnessing rapid industrialisation, the necessity for setting up an IIM is increasingly felt.Stating that such an institute will accelerate the economic development and consolidate the quality of human resources development in Orissa, OPCC requested the Minister to announce an additional IIM for the State along with the seven announced by the Centre.

Besides, OPCC demanded establishment of one national tribal university on the lines of Indira Gandhi Tribal University at Amarkantak in Madhya Pradesh in view of the heavy concentration of tribal population and their economic backwardness.

In a sense this is a good development as this shows that the politicians in Orissa are now aware of the importance of Orissa getting its share of centrally funded institutions. However, their knowledge is half-baked. The news they are reacting to is not a new announcement. On March 28, 2008 when an IIT and 2 central universities for Orissa was announced, there were announcements of new IIMs. At that time it was made clear that the new IITs and IIMs were announced in different states. So based on that, Orissa has nothing to complain about. It got an IIT instead of an IIM. An IIT costs 4 times than that of an IIM and can have its own management school.

It would be good to have an IIM in Orissa. But now the central govt. is stretched to implement the new IITs, IIMs and central universities it has announced for the 11th plan. So it is very unlikely that they will make any commitments for a new IIM. (The IIM in Rajasthan was a recent addition to the list announced on March 28, 2008. It was because of a typo in the speech of Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee; but the govt. decided to honor his speech.)

What Orissa can do is follow the path of Andhra Pradesh which made a deal with IIM Ahmedabad for a campus in Hyderabad. Orissa can approach one of the other IIMs and make a similar deal for an IIM in Orissa. Because of the proximity, IIM Calcutta would be a good candidate. For now that is the best path. In addition, it should be ready to push hard for an IIM when the 12th plan documents are made.

Finally, what Orissa should be really doing is to focus on the 11th plan documents and budgets and make sure it gets its fair share. For example, the 11th plan document mentions that 5 of the new central universities will have a medical and engineering college during the 11th plan. Orissa should push Central University of Orissa, Koraput to be one of those 5 universities.

Entry Filed under: Central University of Orissa, Koraput,IIM,IITs, IISc, IISERs, NISER, IIMs

16 Writeup

  • 1. alok  |  August 31st, 2009 at 11:21 am

    And the disapointment will continue for all of us when the govt wont hesitate to setup IIM at BBSR..I am quite sure even if IIM gets the nod it will again be setup somewhere at BBSR or nearby BBSR.Institutes like IIM setup makes us happy but we wll be happier when Mr CM thinks beyond BBSR and plans the institute somewhere else

  • 2. pabitra kumar barad  |  August 31st, 2009 at 1:25 pm

    Mr. Baral I am not agree on your point that orissa can not get an IIM. If the govt. decided to contrary its previous word that the state which will have an IIT can not get an IIM to honour ones speech then why not it will not reconsider the issue to honour five crore of people of orissa.we are not in favour of extension center or offcampus of an IIM.orissa deserve in all aspect to get its due in this plan period.We are not belief in future .we belief in is good that all political party are now give their effort to develop my state.I also request our CM to take initiative and execute the CDP of BBSR and for better communication and transport add METRO RAIL PROJECT.

  • 3. Chitta Baral  |  August 31st, 2009 at 6:33 pm

    One has to go after the right issue at the right time. Timing and logic is very important.

  • 4. Abhisek  |  August 31st, 2009 at 7:18 pm

    Why can’t the Government of Orissa think of an ISB (Hyderabad) kind of Management Institute with so many industrial houses and PSUs having their business in Orissa. Orissa should do something on its own instead of waiting for the central government to get merciful with the state. If IIM has to come it will come in due course as Orissa can’t be singled out on this issue.

  • 5. jagamohan swain  |  August 31st, 2009 at 9:00 pm

    People complaining abt uneven development in orissa need to chill down a little bit.I am from bhubaneswar and I left bhubaneswar in year 2003.I can tell you little had changed in bhubaneswar for almost 15 years, same with rest of orissa.It’s only in last 5 years or so that things began to change.For years Orissa was out of the development radar and now things are improving.I am sure as Bhubaneswar develops the need to develop tier two cities such as Rourkela, Berhampur etc will come to focus of state govt.In fact today Tathya reports that there is a plan afoot to build Medical colleges in ppp mode in all district headquarters.Important thing to remember is that as Orissa develops state govt will have more revenues to pump into other districts and bring about development in all parts of Orissa.I don’t think Naveen pattnaik has any particular distaste for other parts of Orissa, especially when he is from Ganjam district.

  • 6. Chitta Baral  |  August 31st, 2009 at 9:46 pm

    I partly agree with Jagmohan. I don’t think Naveen Patnaik has any particular distaste for other parts of Orissa.

    However, he needs to be strategic.

    The ESI medical college case was a blunder. His heart was in the right place when his govt. suggested Balangir; but he did not look at the demographics of the people served by ESI. When ESI refused Balangir, and MP Ram Khuntia put pressure, Naveen panicked and went back to Bhubaneswar. Instead of Bhubaneswar, he could have pushed for an alternative location which is attractive to to ESI and which does not have a medical college.

  • 7. Biswajit Mishra  |  September 1st, 2009 at 7:23 am

    I do agree with Mr. Swain and Prof. Baral. People talk about lot of developments in BBSR. I’m from BBSR and I work in Kharagpur. My observation is it’s too little development, that to during the last 5 years. There are only 12 flights (4: CCU, 4:DEL, 1:HYD, 1:BLR, 2:BOM) that operate from the BBSR airport. Looking at other state capitals, this figure is certainlt no sign of development in 2009. I think Navin Babu wants to develop BBSR first, but he has to be ceratinly strategic, in the sense that he should come up with develpments in Berhampur and Rorkela. In my priority list, the Jharsuguda airport must come up asap. Once this hapens, then the shape of the entire Rourkela-Jharsuguda-Sambalpur corridor will change.

  • 8. mihir kumar swain  |  September 1st, 2009 at 10:44 am

    Mr. Biswajit
    It is not issue of How much Bbsr is develoved or Rourkela Develped or Berhampur Developed. perference to be given as per transparency.You can not developd one city or town in a singhle night. It takes time, Before that you have to make a proper planning. if you setup all the high profile institute in capital you can’t say orissa is a developed state ? You have to proper paln and calculation method for this. if You have set all the medical colllege and engg. college then the population and traffice increase in that parts . Other parts are vacant.It is lost the balance of state.. Can you give me a example which capital has max. central funded Institute . In our orissa all the central funded institute is setup at Bhubanswar except tribal University at koraput. It is not issue of Jharsuguda airport. You can developed any location without airport. I will give max. example where the central institute was setup without airport.
    What is the fault of Rourkela peoples ? which is going to dead city ? where the population is more than 7 lakhs. As per servey it is number is 75 metro city in India. You know once time It is mini India. But our state govt has been neglected this city last 20 years. Can you give me justification why this Institute has not setup at Rourkela. why ESI medical college is not set up at Rourkela ? There maxminum ESI claim peoples are here ? In west bengal the State Govt not only focus calcutta .Calcutta is capital of west bengal . You can compare Kharagpur with Rourkela. Their Govt don’t focaus only calcutta. Their govt. setup IIT at Kharagpur not calcutta. But what your Govt. is doing . Every institute is setup at BBSR ,CUTTACK (one location of Orissa). One city cannot develop by set up max. engg. college and medical college and othere education instutes. It can develop by setup corporate office ,Business houses. we can not say a chief minister is Good only for his honest. It can be good only for his dynamics thinking,decision power and commitment and implemention.

  • 9. R.K. Ghosh  |  September 1st, 2009 at 12:39 pm

    I think one needs to bit realistic than emotive in the issues concerning balanced development. Building air port won’t solve the problem. The cost of building air port needs to recovered. Passenger taxes or airport usage tax can only partly recover the cost. A large part of cost needs to be recovered more from commercial revenues, this can only happen if more people become frequent air travellers.Air service will not commence until there is enough business and people start preferring air travels more than trains. Can one envision such scenarios in next 20 years so with respect to places like Rourkela or Jharsuguda? So what is the alternative? Quite obviously road infrastructure. What have successive state govts done on this respect. A good motorable road (like those which exists across Europe and US) could connect Bhubaneswar airport to Western and Southern Orissa to Coastal and central part of Orissa. What we need is minimum 6 lane link corridor from North to South and from East to West and then 4 lane link roads to main corridor. 24×7 electric and water supplies. It will automatically spur up required growth. Otherwise things will start concentrating only in few select places like it is happening now.

  • 10. Sanjib Karmee  |  September 1st, 2009 at 2:31 pm

    Naveen Patnaik may be a good person but it is becoming clear from his work that there is an unequal distribution of centrally funded institutes. As BBSR has good infrastructure it is justified to have many institutes in that region. However, it is very important that places like Rourkela, Berhemrpur and Sambalpur should get at least one centrally funded Institutes. Unless the govt. helps these cities they can not develop. Also, I don’t buy the argument that first he wants to develop BBSR and then he will go for other cities.
    I do understand that the capital should be much better in terms of air connectivity. But this thing can be worked out if proper steps are taken. Another problem is that BJD is a regional party and has no share at the centre. Recently, Hyderabad got an International air-port. I hope the proposed International airport at Bhubaneswar will start the construction by 2010.
    Except some occasional news, I have not heard anything concrete about Jharsuguda Airport. Recently, I have created a wiki profile of Jharsuguda airport. There is a report that a Calcutta based company wants to start constructing this airport.

  • 11. Sanjib Karmee  |  September 1st, 2009 at 2:37 pm

    Forgot to mention Berhemrpur will get an IIIT.

  • 12. Abhisek  |  September 1st, 2009 at 7:57 pm

    Berhampur has been the worst victim of state negligence in technical education. Not a single centrally funded institute is there in the city till now. People have been talking about IIIT at Berhampur, but it is limited to newspapers alone. Similarly, the case of Unitary University status to 150 year old Khallikote college. In Orissa there is a saying which goes like this, “dipa tala andhara” and it fits the case of Berhampur, which comes in CMs district and yet there is nothing worthwhile done by the current CM, except the Govt. engineering college in the last 10 years. Hopes were raised in the past for Marine University, Natioanl Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Indian Institute of Labour (IIL) and NID with public announcements made by the former Union Minister Mr Sahu in this regard. The state Govt. should have shown some proactiveness, which was not there. The sooner the State Govt shows proactiveness for development the Tier II cities (B-S-R) the better for the state.

  • 13. PREETI  |  September 2nd, 2009 at 11:51 am

    already berhampur has university,Govt. medical college ,govt engg. college which is declared recent by state govt. a centrally funded IIIT which is under pipe lines . so don’t say govt. neglect Berhampur. As concern of distance it is 175 km from BBSR OR 4 hrs joney to bbsr( Frequect buses are available), peoples can dailly up and down to bbsr or near by.

  • 14. PREETI  |  September 2nd, 2009 at 11:56 am

    Dear Peoples

    This is portal for present your statement in logically. Without logic pls don’t show your fingers to Govt. Everybody has freedom for present their issues. But logical way.

  • 15. Prashant K Sahoo  |  September 4th, 2009 at 7:02 am


    So far the Govt. has chosen and demonstrated development of Odisha on the basis of CONVENIENCE not any strategy and logic. 10 years of rulling was enough to show strategy and a good result if not better. I do agree one should not point to the Govt. without understandhing the whole situation. However, it is the Govt. who has created such sorry state of Odisha. Without logic and strategy it also carried developmental work ( 90% of them are yet to come up and are just on papers ) , so if the Govt. which is accontable and responsible can not demonstrate logic what more can you expect from the people ?

    Regarding 4 hours journey to BBSR-Berhampur, I will urge you to travel once and let us know. Theoretically you can easily say 4 hours but actually it is not less than 6 hours in BUS journey. So you expect people to travel 12 hours everyday ?

    Will you be more logical and practical please ? Sometime we put comments emotionally and without looking the ground level problems. And even sometime we analyze the data which are nothing but manipulated data. There is no doubt 80% of times the data is manipulated. We need to look from all angle.

  • 16. Ranjan K Sahoo  |  January 6th, 2010 at 2:45 pm

    Hi Prashant,

    As priti mentioned berhampur got lot of universities, what abot kendrapara,jajpur,balasore. We will think of building universities there. I have travelled to berhampur, it takes only 4 hour and have rail connectivity. Belive me it takes 4-5 hours through salepur road and also we dont have rail connectivity, but we never have so much selfish mindset. Also one thing when i was in CET, bbsr people from berhampur travel berhampur evry week because of rail connectivity. So i will demand university for kendrapara,jajpur as we dont have any single universities or college of national importance.




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